Its my first time posting on /fit and i was hoping some of you autists might be able to help a brother out. Im a 6 foot 1 fat POS that weights 265 pounds and i need tips on how to lose weight as much as i can before June
How to lose as much weight as possible in a few months
Read the sticky
I don't know if people are going to shit on me, since I don't post on Veeky Forums much, and apparently the rule is to just yell at you about the sticky, but counting calories is where it's at.
A couple of years ago I dropped from about 220 to 170 in just a few months by heavily restricting my calories. It wasn't any fun of course, and I had to stop drinking, which is my biggest problem, but I strictly counted calories and went for a max of under 1200, but really aimed for under 1000 just in case I was incorrectly counting something or it was prepared wrong. I do suggest using a TDEE calculator so you can see how much your body burns at rest. I added running/biking to my workout regimen along with some light bodyweight work like sit-ups and push ups.
This was the transformation.
I'm on the diet again now, because I had gotten back up to 195, but in 2 weeks I'm down 13 lbs already. Pic is me, if that helps motivate.
You are gonna hurt yourself dude. Stop eating less than your BMR
Wow man great progress! The thing is, id count calories if i could. I usually eat homemade food and i dont cook so i can't really keep track of the calorie intake
Dude, if you eat at your BMR, you're not going to lose any weight. You have to go below your BMR or make up for it in exercise to lose weight.
Anyways, I'm sure my body is less likely to be hurt losing 50 lbs in three or four months than it is to sit at 220 and be treated like total shit.
If you want to lose weight, you're going to have to take some responsibility. The only way to lose weight is to have less calories going in than out. I'm sure it's nice to have homemade meals, but you're going to need to either learn to cook for yourself, purchase foods for yourself that you can follow the calories on, or limit portions of what you're eating. You don't have a choice if you truly want to lose weight.
Thanks though.
I appreciate it man! Ill get on that as soon as possible even though itll be hard since im a college student and work part time jobs and hit the gym so i dont really get home til like 9. Oh well no pain no gain
Do not eat. Just drink water with electrolytes and multivitamins.
>Dude, if you eat at your BMR, you're not going to lose any weight.
Not true. Your BMR is what your body burns to keep your vital organs living, your heart beating, lungs respirating... My BMR is about 1800, but my daily average when not lifting is about 2200.
If you really want to restrict your calories that much then do a water fast. Much faster and safer than extreme caloric reduction. You might want to look at the fasting general
water fast for a month. that'll get you down to 200. start lifting and eating properly after that.
DNP is what you want OP
Don't fuck up
>Don't eat 1000 calories, it's bad for you!
>Eat 0 instead
Less hunger and easier to do fasting than 1000cal
I do just fine on it. Lots of veggies, hot sauce, chicken, turkey, and fish. Belly is full all day long.
Fasting is pretty intense and has some rules to it. I'm not saying it's the end of the world, just funny to have someone say that 1000 calories is going to hurt me, but spending 5 days not eating anything at all isn't.
stop eating.
this would be true if you were a skeleton, but if you have fat (which is basically just excess energy your body stored) it burns that instead of the food you eat. So eating 1000kcal/day with a need of 2500 means that 1500 of those calories come from stored fat.
>Doesn't know how to read the fucking sticky
We also have a general for fatties which you'd fucking know if you looked at the catalog for more than half a second.
water fast every other day.
Read the sticky faggot
Literally the fastest way:
Don't eat.
Move constantly.
No sleep because have to keep moving.
Drink just enough water to stay conscious.
I didnt bother lol
Probably 2500 - 3500 calories per day if you ate nothing and moved an average amount.
For gods sake please start lifting
Water fast. Get a 2L bottle, fill it with water and 2tsp of salt. Get some multi-vitamins and make sure you take them every week. Every weekday you will jog one mile for the first week. The next week and therafter you will run. Every other day you will do pushups until you can no longer do pushups. You will do 100 crunches in the morning and 100 before sleep. You will do 50 bodyweight squats before you sleep too.
You want to lose fast? That's how you lose fast.
Your 2L bottle of salt+water will be the only food you will be allowed. You can, of course, have more water if you want but you must finish that 2l bottle by the end of the day.
Stop eating, fatty
Don't eat
When you say every weekday do you mean every day or just the days in the week
Monday to Friday. You still have to have a few days to let your body rest, unless you want to get injured of course.
Don't be stupid and avoid extreme caloric deficit, same with fasting. It'll get you nowhere in a long run, you'll yo-yo like crazy and eventually gain more than you lost. Read the fucking sticky, go on 1000kcal deficit max, lift and be fucking consistant.
take a handful of adderal and Don't eat for a week.
A man shouldn't really dip below 1500 kcal a day. 1000 is extreme unless you're a complete couch potato, and there is such a thing as losing weight too quickly.
1500 kcal a day should still have you losing like 2 lb a week, eat closer to BMR (probably 1800, you can hit that with a protein shake most of the time) on days you work out. Even this is a bit extreme but a lot healthier.
Don't try to do it all at once, you didn't become a fat ass in 3 months, and you won't become Chad in 3 either. Pace yourself and you'll get there.