I can't believe the things you claimed weren't memes

Here's what legit happened to me after I started lifting and got swole with you guys' advice
>became far more confident
>start pursuing more goals and achieving other things in life
>mindset became more focused and strong
>depression and anxiety disapeared
>general malaise disappeared over time
>became more independent and politically libertarian economically
>girls started saying I had a "pretty face" "good butt" that I'm attractive etc.
>I started getting hit on at parties, bars and clubs - like legit girls were/are now approaching me
>I lost my virginity
>I asked out my crush of along time
>she said yes
>we're now in love and she's a qt 3.14
Thank you, you beautiful bastards, you saved my life. I made it brehs, I made it. Oh also I quit Veeky Forums until this post which has been really positive ngl.

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thanks, I should get to work.

>start taking care of of yourself
>quality of life improves
Holy shit call cnn

It's simple but not necessarily easy.

welcome to the average life, hope the honeymoon period lasts a good while

>But user, not making shitty decisions is haaaaaaaaaaaard :(

you clearly find it hard seeing as you're being a dick for no reason on an anonymous image board

CNN is FAKE NEWS, and not to be trusted.

that man looks like he is going to steal the phone.

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