How the fuck do you guys do nofap? I'm on day three and I can't even function cause all I'm thinking about is sex...

How the fuck do you guys do nofap? I'm on day three and I can't even function cause all I'm thinking about is sex. I can't even sit my ass down and read a book because of this shit. I know that jacking off will calm my head down so I can actually do something productive but I'm not willing to give up yet.

Advise me bro's

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Other urls found in this thread:

>How the fuck do you guys do nofap?
You DON'T. It's a retarded meme, and you're a retard if you fall for it. Stop being stupid.

Stop being 16 years old

Low test

whats the purpose of u doing it?

Cum inside a woman.

Where'd you get the poster? Shit is baller.

Fasting helps. I haven't been able to cum (sex not fapping) since I started. On day 5.

read this user you will not regret it and you will have no withdrawl from not fapping and the best part is that you will be happy you quit
and find a new hobbie or just do some curls when u got urges

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ok sheep keep on living life as a slave to the jewish prop

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Day 21 here
Last night I dreamed that I was masturbating and cummed.
I woke up pissed off this morning because I broke my streak, only to realize it was just a dream

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Had a dream about me eating some latina's ass. Shit was pretty cash.

Almost came in my sleep but I woke up and managed to keep it in.

You either have sex with a real woman or you divert that energy into something else (a hobby, work, the gym, etc.)

No more easy pleasure with no effort put in. It also helps if you're not sitting at a computer all day long with nothing else to do.

>call me out on being a dumbass, huh? well, there's one thing you didn't account for, did you? i just called you JEWISH. ha! bet you didn't see that coming! i have defeated you forever!

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no fap is a meme.
fapping is good for health actually, of course if you don't go into other extreme and fap whole days long
no porn is not a meme and y'all should do it

>How the fuck do you guys do nofap?

You do it the same way as accomplishing anything in life that isn't immediately desirable.

What do you use to stick to your diet? What do you use to stick to your exercise routine?

Maybe your willpower and discipline haven't been tested this hard before. Either be a man and embrace the fact exercising willpower isn't fun, or go jack off, have some tendies and never accomplish anything in life.

wet dreams are the worst, always seem like a wasted orgasm

you do understand that pornography has allways been a product of jews, its the damn truth user if you like it or not i mean shit the biggest leaders in the porn showbiz said they did it to destroy the christian traditional values in the word cause they wanted to fuck shit up and destroy and break apart familys. why dont you look at how the idf used pornography to control the masses when they invaded a country, they didnt post political shit because they knew it wouldent draw people in, but once they stream porn nonstop on there tvs men were glued to it ie its a means of control. you are being controlled whilst not realising it. you are retarding yourself without even knowing it so yes i am calling you a dumbass for blindly fallowing a false sense of "muh sexual freedom" wake the fuck up user

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>break apart familys
> porn nonstop on there tvs
>you are retarding yourself

You have a higher libido than these anons OP. Stick to noporn as porn fucks up your mind but fapping every 2/3 days if you're healthy won't affect anything

Thanks for the link, bro. I stopped smoking with Carr's book, I hope this helps.

it will user its helping me a great deal to quit this addiction once in for all

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day 20 of nofap will do that to you, the blood pressure is nearly blinding

Please reverse this gif

i dont get what the big deal about masturbating and porn is. maybe its because the only stuff i watch are girl masturbating or something similar so i dont get into the whole "watching another man fucking a woman" thing, or maybe what i do is worse

Find something better to do, fapping is usually caused by boredom in my case.

You are describing literally the most obvious telltale sign of addiction. Just willpower your way through it.

keep going bro, from my experience (everyone may react different tho) day 3 and 4 are the worst, you feel horny as fuark, and lonely because you don't have a place to cum, after that you will only be horny, but happy. (never made past day 21)

I’ve made a rule for myself

I’ve got a loaded 9mm next to my bed

If I have an orgasm then I’ll have to kill myself

Therefore I don’t jerk off and remain celibate.

Most of the discipline comes from working out twice a day while also repeatedly telling myself I can offer nothing to a woman and I will never deserve any pleasure from a girl. So far it’s working and i haven’t come in two months and have convinced myself that I’m repulsive until I reach near perfect aesthetics.

Life is hell

thats unhealthy as fuck bro, its a source of motivation but you are poisoning yourself with that in your mind. If you go to far with that you are not going to be able to come back

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I pump my wife's pussy full of cum every now and then.


I'm at day 55 of nofap. I started out with strict no-porn nofap. Only sexual orgasm is permitted (with gf, sex avg once per week).

Once you *realize* that the daily jerking off to porn is bad for you, it becomes easier. I managed to keep up this mindset until 50 days, when I looked at porn without jerking off. I couldn't help it... Sexual images come up every time on Veeky Forums too... I got really horny and I looked some porn for an hour, without touching my dick. I didn't orgasm, though.

I kind of reset my no-porn counter, so I'm at day 55 of nofap and day 5 of no-porn.

I think I can safely say that I have lost the desire to masturbate any more. It's all in your head, guys.

>wet dreams are the best


Yeah alright, but what happened in your perception and interaction of regular women? You lost desire to masturbate, but did you motivate yourself to get out there and get real pussy? Do you feel horny when seeing a nice ass in real life?

no they aren't, wet dreams are fucking terrible and they are the only reason why i masturbate at all, to prevent them from happening. waking up mid orgasm to boxers/shorts full of cum, likely having a cum stain/wetness on your sheets soaking down to the mattress pad, having to stumble awake at 3 AM with cold cum stuck to your leg to get to the bathroom to clean yourself off, then blindly search for new boxers to put on and top it off by not being able to get back to sleep because now you're awake from the walking around

no thanks. a sex dream may be nice but i'll masturbate once on the weekend and once in the middle of the week to prevent that

Wet dreams for me are my confirmation my shit is still working. It feels natural and it's good to know my body isn't completely messed up from years of jacking it. I don't mind the cleanup

i guess thats a way to look at it. just for me, it wasnt worth it. the breaking point for me was around 3 years ago when i was at a relative's house for thanksgiving and i had a wet dream in their guest bedroom bed i was sleeping in. after that, i decided i would never do no-fap ever again. i am perfectly capable of going as long as i can i just choose not to

>i was at a relative's house for thanksgiving and i had a wet dream in their guest bedroom
Are you me?

>spelling mistakes
is this the best response you have against nofap?

it makes plenty of sense that some mongoloid spewing about jewish conspiracies about porn and masturbating would type like the fucking inbred he is

Reading some bible helped, unironically

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fuck i'm starting to empathize with posts like this a little too much


get an exercise bike and start peddling. this will kill your sex drive.

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oh man its pure hell

the fucked thing is im quite good looking, intelligent and decently successful. i moved to a new town last october and i've been struggling to actually meet friends, not just acquaintances.

i go to yoga each day, surrounded by women...i think they're repulsed by me. even when i just say hello and smile most of them look uncomfortable. honestly if it wasnt for my best friend and my family id probably just go wander off into the woods until i was too lost to come back and then end it.

but shit can't kill yourself when people are counting on you to be alive, no matter how much torture loneliness brings.

I do well socially on an external level (can make others laugh with ease, generally come off as being very confident, people often tell me I'm a very genuine person), but at all times I feel completely detached, alone, bored, etc. I'm constantly interacting with attractive girls who give me clear signals that they're into me (even going as far as pestering me to take them on dates) - I feel completely comfortable interacting with them, even, and I tell myself I want to make a move, I just...don't. I've worked shitty minimum wage jobs for most of my 20s & feel completely powerless in society, and when people get to know me they are baffled (in an almost accusatory way) that I'm not pursuing some intellectual career path. I don't even know how to begin.

I just spend all day lifting & doing yoga & eating clean, and reading philosophy books & meditating & making art for hours that I never share with anyone, and I feel completely alone but at the same time never have any desire to interact with anyone. All of the conversations I am witness to bore me so much. Human mating rituals are embarassing to me. For a long time it's felt like I've just been searching for some internal permission to kill myself, or alternatively some inner fire that would transform this slow self-improvement grind into something that actually means something. I'm 27 & trying hard not to em·pa·thize that number because I'd much rather go down the latter path.

Important question, thanks. I have never thought about this, but (and I'm 100% honest) I DID notice more interest in women.

I have my gf alright, I can have sex with her about once a week ( I would love more but she does not have as high sex drive as I do). But I have also looked at more random girls IRL and thought about fucking them. I intend to remain faithful, so I don't plan to make any moves though... As for getting horny IRL, I never had a problem with it when I was on porn anyway.

Go to the gym and use that frustration on the weights

holy shit are you me hahah

these thoughts are literally the same shit i deal with. ive been told by therapists that my entire personality is based in shame from childhood trauma. im guessin this is the case.

i can fake it real well and i've had amazing relationships in the past but as i get older it's becoming harder. i don't watch porn at all, quit smoking weed to try and cure this shit as well. i really want to be confident, not have to fake confidence and spend all day questioning if i embarassed myself.

recently ive been having these mental episodes where i get paranoid that i said something stupid or embarrassed myself. i'm always paranoid that people are laughing at me when im not around and would rather they not have to deal with me.

this guy said something to me once that fucked me up pretty good, he said you're real cool to be around, just not for very long. im always trying to find the reason for me to keep existing as if i have to prove my worth. i know im a strong man with good morals and values, i can cook, play guitar, enjoy intellectual things but anytime i see a good woman my brain goes "man she doesn't wanna associate with your dumb ass"

That's such bullshit advice that pops up in every thread. So I hit the gym for 1, maybe 1.5 hours, and then what? It's not like you spend the entire day in the gym, and it doesn't exhaust you that much that you won't be able to jack off later im the day, if not immediately after

Hit the gym till its bedtime and then fall asleep right away

>shame from childhood trauma.
Definitely seems to be the case for me. Abused by my Dad, parents had a violent divorce, Mom became an alcoholic with a series of rough relationships that got us way in debt, also think she had some kind of Munchausen by proxy thing going on - I got obsese at a very young age & she would shame me for it, even though she was fat & bought garbage food & made all the meals. In public she would say things like "oh it's okay that user's different, he's not like the other boys, that's okay I accept him just the way he is", started screaming that I was abandoning her when I told her I was moving far away, and even to this day trys to subtly emasculate me in some way whenever we interact.

So yeah I definitely grew to be very afraid of doing anything that might trigger strong emotions in others, got very jaded about social interaction at a young age, still subconsciously perceive myself as being some disgusting fat piece of shit even though I have an athletic build & have become "that fit guy with the crazy strict diet" in the eyes of my peers.

>i've had amazing relationships in the past but as i get older it's becoming harder

I've experienced this as well. For a while I was having what felt like deep romantic relationships with women, but they would always end badly, and I'd just get more reluctant to try again, and more able to see what I had previously deemed "romantic" behaviour (in myself & the girl) as the same codependent patterns my Mom acted out when I was a kid. Now any time I start liking a girl I just start picturing the day when I'll never want to see her again, even before a relationship is on the table.

It's a rough situation to be in but part of me still believes it can get better. At it's best I feel like that's what Veeky Forums is - a bunch of people just like me, trying & maybe mostly failing to fix their lives, but still refusing to give up.

shit man yeah, i keep finding glimmers of hope. i guess maybe im lazy in a sense. if i put in more effort to be more forward then im sure i could find a cool girl, it's what ive always done before.

i bought a sick motorcycle thinking id take a cutie around town on it, its powerful and mean. i just get so goddamned sick of going out alone, drinking one beer alone and not making a fucking connection with ANYONE...

all of my relationships have ended well, both times were girls i met while traveling. i had to leave one in australia when i was living there and the other ones on the west coast of the us. im still friends with them and care about them.

its so crazy because more than sex i want intimacy, someone to care that i exist, someone to make dinner for and then play guitar next to the fire on the patio. i've built all these things that are awesome with other people and terrible alone.

ive got such bad social problems i went and lived/worked in the alaskan forest alone for the whole summer. just a gun and a tent. i liked it better that way but at least had an excuse for being lonely.

Redirect your short attention span to something el

Kek, great stuff

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Trips hasn't payed child support.

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you cant fully appreciate how good nofap is until you get a blowjob or have sex after 10 days of not jerking it.

my goodness.
this shit makes me want to not fuck more than once a week, its practically a different experience compared to when you have sex every day

t. Shekelberg

you're more clueless than you think. high test is directly correlated with conservative attitudes. if I wanted to farm the goyim I'd certainly want them emasculated and submissive.

You just need to keep trying and failing. One day, you will be both too busy to jerk it and too disgusted with yourself and it will become simple enough. The worst thing is when you get laid after nofap and jerk off a few times after.

>I got laid today
>my dick is currently in my hand

Nofap's definitely one of those things where "it's all in your head" doesn't invalidate it. I've had times where I would go on a days/weeks/months long streak & feel really good inside, but would still be curious to see what would happen if I tried masturbating again. So I'd let myself relapse just to see how it would impact me the next day. And what happens? Externally, nothing. My face didn't suddenly turn ugly. I didn't lose the sparkle in my eyes. My voice didn't go up in pitch. I didn't get weaker at the gym. I didn't stop flirting with random cute girls. I didn't become suddenly more awkward than I was the previous day. Everything was exactly as it had been, except that I had this vague lingering "gross" feeling that wouldn't go away even though I'd argue with myself like "user, stop believing all that weird cult bullshit! Jerking off didn't hurt you at all".

I dunno. I feel like it's a complex issue that I've been trying to figure out for years. It's not as black & white in my mind as the need to eat a clean diet. There does seem to be obvious personal benefit at times to maintaining this practice (but not always. I've had plenty of long streaks where I didn't feel anything, or would actually have weaker sex drive & more emotional instability. Haven't figured out what the actual causal factors are here). But don't beat yourself up to hard if you do relapse. Life goes on. Try again. You might have lost something, but nothing you can't build back up with a few days of good discipline. And even if your part of the "my seed is sacred, I'm on the path to total enlightenment" crowd I would assume that all of these seeming setbacks & failures are needed learning experiences on the path to becoming one with all things &shit

Working in the Alaskan forest & traveling sounds dope AF. Not saying that makes up for these feelings of isolation (I've also done a lot of travelling & stuff that others thought was super cool//unique, all the while dreaming of being normal & having a solid relationship/group of friends), but imo it's good to be seeking out meaningful experiences. Builds character. Better than being still sad & lonely but also having a boring normal life....which is what I've been doing for the entire winter in order to make gains. I'm at a real crossroads now of whether I want to keep at it in hopes of eventually "making it" in a superficial sense (I feel like I'm nearly at a point aesthetically where I could just hook up with random girls easily, and maybe that would trick me into thinking I was experiencing real intimacy long enough for me to find a real career path), or cast away this current mundane structure & go back out in search of adventure//"true love" like I did for most of the last several years (the two concepts have always been closely linked in my mind, have recently been plagued by nightly dreams of going into the wild with some girl who's tough & cool & doesn't need the comforts of the city). I'm 27, feeling like I'm getting to an age where if I want to walk either of these two roads well I should probably get on one of them

as a dude who's 29 and finally in a settled place i can say i know the right thing is what im doing. its hard and im hoping with the summer coming all of this shit will just float away. im not some autist or wierdo i just dont have the forced connections like work or school.

i got some good money gains from crypto and also work freelance. i signed up for university and ill hear back soon. gonna do pre law. i guess the main issue is one of quality. with tinder sure you can find a hole if you're decent looking but fuck that man i got over it. the best sex and times with women ive had have been when i've really loved them as people.

im hoping by the time i get to university i'll be killing it. in amazing shape, smart, and in forced proximity.

if you are looking to wander, id suggest going to alaska if you live in the USA.

Why the fuck did this make me laugh so goddamn hard

>you can find a hole if you're decent looking but fuck that man i got over
On some level I recognize that this is just a phase that I want to go through in my development. I was godawful with girls in my early 20s - totally just the out of shape, non-imposing "sweet" guy, "oh we're not dating he's just my friend. I think he might be asexual!". The few I times I did enter relationships they were turbulant because I felt trapped playing this overly nice//supportive role. After my last break up in the fall I told myself, "okay that's it. This winter you aren't going out. You're just going to get fit as fuck, and next summer you're going to slay". That plan feels like it's still on target. Maybe it will feel empty & soul crushing. I feel like I need it. I need to be able to tell myself "there, you did it, you got all the wild manslut impulses you felt when you were 19 out of your system. Can we move on now?", because I don't want to drift into my 30s still feeling like I missed the boat on something that probably wasn't even all that great. And on some level I suspect that going through a summer like that would probably help cure at least some of the false ideas I have about relationships that have caused me to fuck things up in the past

Money's a whole nother subject though. Definitely rocked that "fuck capitalism! I don't need money or a job!" attitude during the years when most people are seeking higher education, but that sort of lifestyle leads to too many nights sleeping behind post office dumpsters or listening to burnouts talking about how DIY spaces are going to change the world.

Honestly I'm not even that pessimistic, just getting it out of my system in this thread. Life's long. It's a lot longer than just my 20s. I'm fully confident I'm the sort of person whose going to keep at the grind & see results over the long term. Life is going to be good! Just got to figure out how I want to deal with all these lingering youthful impulses

Same here. Had a vivid dream in which I found porn videos on YouTube, then jacked off profusely.



they wont love you whem you're aesthetic either if you hate yourself


so my country can be freee....

Check out this new game that is currently being developed!!! - more information on gif image

>in my country there is problem

When I did it I had a 'device'
But that's not a good option unless your really into it

and that problem is take verry veryy long...because kazakhstan is big...

Well I did dream that I was jerking off and orgasmed in my dream. I didn't cum IRL

La creatura americana...

You're going to fuck your head up so bad. You're probably already on a path to mental breakdown. Gl

>once per week
Hope that's an open relationship lmao

some good responses in this thread. i needed to read that.

> My Husband and I do nofuck nofap
>for a week or two weeks at a time
>the fucking sensations I get when he and I finally get to it.
His penis is the hardest ever and my vagina straight dies every time we do this.

Sleepy sex is so fun and just sex any other time is pleasurable but, when we make an effort not to touch each other. oof...

I know... We have been together for 4 years, it wasn't always like this.

I occasionally try nofap for a couple weeks just to reset my porn habits. Started 3 days ago and I've had restless sleep for the last 2 nights. By god, I sure hope this stops soon, otherwise I'm gonna resume fapping. I need good sleep.

can you show me your breast and pussy dear

I just broke my nofap after 63 days today. Was easy cause of how busy I get with Uni, lifting and studying Mandarin.
How to get through nofap:
> find something better to do with your time and energy (learn a language, pick up a hobby, etc)
> cut out porn
> think of how weak willed you'd be if you broke down when you're trying to stay strong.
I stopped nofap today willingly because I no longer crave porn, I have positive outlets for my energy and there's a high chance I'm gonna start hooking up with someone soon so I didn't wanna nut too fast. Best of luck user!

>I have positive outlets for my energy
That's the end goal that most retards on here don't seem to get.
The sexual urges are the most awesome force on the face of the planet, they rule each and every one of us on a daily basis. Imagine what you could accomplish you could learn to TRANSMUTE all that energy into something else.

How do you avoid pre mature ejaculation when on nofap? Last time I didn't fap for around a week and I was with a girl I came so fast, I ended up just going for a round 2 but it still felt awkward. I don't have this problem when I masturbated or had sex the day before and can last pretty long in general.

Yeah bro I actually have managed to get to an A2 level of Mandarin in less than a month with that energy. I don't think having fapped once will completely stop my momentum and overall I think that masturbating once every 1-2 weeks would still allow me to work hard. Overall I'd recommend nofap to anyone interested in testing their limits and aiming to be more productive

pretty good read so far, thanks

This, and tripsss

Holy fucking kek