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Health #453
Did anyone else lift because of him
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
Hey Veeky Forums...
Let's be real guys. Memes aside please
Fat stories/hate
Webm thread
Daily reminder that children are the biggest gains goblin you can have...
Is this a Veeky Forums approved body?
Went vegan today, what should I expect Veeky Forums?
Tfw chest only looks good when nipples are hard
Rock climbing - I started two weeks ago and I fucking love it. My hands have never been so alive...
/plg/ - Powerincel General
I fucked up Veeky Forums
Can you grow some muscle by just riding a bike?
Milk is good bro
How do I get rounder shoulders?
What is fits choice of drink?
Mods are asleep
Does running barefoot give you bigger calves...
I am in decent shape, soon gonna break out of dyel. I am 20 and 210 lbs...
On day two of nofap
Is watching anime Chad-like if you're also Veeky Forums?
Chest Day -- Post Your Workout
Wipe while standing or sitting?
Anyone else inspired to achieve /ancestor physique/? I’m currently trying to attain full Cu Chulainn mode...
Daily reminder to Activate your Almonds
Which type of body is better for women, a CURVY one or A FIT body type
Should I keep cutting?
What do fit?
Advice on this
Veeky Forums tells me to do deadlifts
Should there be a gym tax?
At what age are guys most attractive? I'm almost 24 and I'm worried I missed the boat on smashing, young, untarnished...
A month without going to the gym or doing any physical activity
Are these delts natty
What is Chad?
Can't ban these guns
Why is the majority of fit anti-ottormode? It seems like you mostly encourage Builtfat or BearMode
Who is /fat/ for?
TIck tock, it great you guys are trying to “improve”, but dont be cognizant of your time limit
How do I achieve this mode? I want to be mired
/MAG/ general
Is there a more honorable death than getting so jacked that your heart explodes?
Martial Art
Middle of semester
Tomorrow is bicep day
Back training
Is there any music that is as much of a test boost and is as good to listen to in the gym than 6ix9ine?
/nofap/ day 5
Recommend me some good books for brain gains Veeky Forums...
Hair general
How much do i have to lift to get a qt gf like this?
Is this the most brutal instance of mogging in history?
My gf keeps asking me to cum inside of her because she likes the feeling? What do?
Name a better band to lift to
Veeky Forums approved shit
I'm skinny-fat as FUCK. I recently got tested...
What do you guys think of the "traditional" weight lifting split:
Goal Body Thread
/EYE/ thread 1
Please recommend me a new routine. Been on greyskull for 3 months with shit results...
Sup Veeky Forums, coming here to ask for help...
Lifting with a disability
Push ups and sit ups enough?
Indian food
Why do people get lapdances in the US if they arent allowed to touch the girl?
Told girl I roid
Can we all just agree that having a six pack is 100% reliant on genetics. I do zero core exercises...
Dear user
If you never get laid is it really that bad go to a hooker?
PROVEN: Otter mode most attractive
Weight Watchers
Spotter helps out a little on last rep of last set
Have any of you had a girlfriend that takes offense to everything you say unless you use kid gloves constantly...
Nofap guide thread
Push up thread
Why do you lift?
Taking advantage of obesity in the U.S. - Sumo Wrestling?
How do you correct low ROM without going lightweight?
"That guy" general
Do i take the recommended dose of creatine or 1.5x that amount?
How are most gay dudes always so crazy fit? Can the straight man achieve gay man physique?
/fast/ thread... what, 158?
Who said being Veeky Forums cures anxiety? WHO?
Eternal shitbreath
One of the worst things you can do for boxing practice
CBT - Current Body Thread
He doesn’t lift heavy things and put them down
Ab Wheel
Are you tough enough to play rugby, Veeky Forums?
Try to be friends with girl
If you are balding its god's way of telling you to not reproduce and no amount of lifting will ever cure you
How aesthetic do I need to be to get a hot asian gf?
Routine thread?
How do I achieve this mode?
/owg/ Olympic Weightlifting General
Any of you boys know how to raise adrenaline levels relatively fast? figure it'd be like the kaioken for people
Who here /10hoursaday/?
Is it alpha to have a side chick...
How do I get a big bear booty like this?
/fraud/ - Hunger edition
/run/ - Running General
You have 24 strength right user?
Any of you did buy this pull up bar (it's the cheaper one from aliexpress)?
/Skelly General/
How many are too much Veeky Forums?
Female co-worker keeps making fun of my ass, saying I only do glute raises and never work out my upper body
Preworkout thread
When you are slim
Running hurts my lower back so much
Is this really possible natty in 60 days?
/Clothing Problems General/
There are people on Veeky Forums who don't have gfs/wives
Still not gaining weight on 2500 calories a day
Veeky Forums humor
How the fuck do you drink coffee without sugar?
Two months ago, hurt my quad doing squats
When did you realize a low bodyfat percentage is literally everything when it comes to aesthetics?
Day 42 of NoFap
Grill holds eye contact
What does Veeky Forums think about donatoonating blood? My gf (on pic) wants me to do it...
What mode is this and how to achieve it?
Who are some Veeky Forums heroes from your country? pic related is TOPAL OSMAN
Does gastric bypass surgery actually work? If it does why doesn't everyone on Veeky Forums get one...
Eggpill me
Bulge at the gym
2x5 followed by 2x8
Hey user, you look pretty beefy mind if you give me a spot while I bench
Trusting a Chiropractor
Join the OFFICIAL vegan Veeky Forums discord!
What's this muscle called?
It's been 6 months today. 6 months
Ny good lifting plug recommendations Veeky Forums...
I just saw this meme on /pol/, do you think it's more or less accurate in terms of the fitness parts? Why or why not...
I've been on the onion pill for 4 months now and holy shit guys I feel like gold
Am i supposed to eat majority meat or majority veggie based foods?
Is his body good?
She starts giving people hugs
Tfw messed up bite
Welcome to the salty spitoon, how tough are ya?
I've been drinking soy for a while and i just started noticing that my pecs shouldn't be looking like this...
Whats the point of making friends if we'll just outgrow eachother?
Can someone explain to me the >t. meme?
User what are your hobbies?
How do I get rid of haemarroids fit?
Male Enhancement
Anybody try a Keto diet?
Mental illness
Summer is two (2) months away
Minimalist Running
Arms look DYEL as fuck and wont grow
You're all losers who try to compensate poor genetics with lifting...
What workout will cure my Autism
How log does it take to gain 1lb of muscle just from doing squats?
Why this LITTLE faggot is literally copying Eric in every possible way...
Veeky Forums hobbies
Are calisthenics really a pointless meme? Everyone here says they wont do anythinv for you, why is that...
Those who are 6’4+ and 200lbs+ (fit, no fatfucks), please tell me how the fuck do you do it? Tell me your diets...
1/2/3/4 progress thread
I'm fucking ugly, should I just grow a beard
You could lift every day for the rest of your life and you would never get a hundredth of the ass this man has gotten
/fph/ fat people hate
/smart drugs/
Weights vs reps
That 30 year old that goes to the gym
What are the best dumbbell exercises?
What is your kryptonite, Veeky Forums?
/plg/ - power531ing general
How long does it take to rep 5×5 135 on bench
Based rippetoe just BTFO'd numales. How will they recover?
What is this ? It tastes so awful but my Veeky Forums uncle said I need to take it
Fordyce spots
How big and muscular do i have to be to get a girl like her? Paratrooper and knows how to fuck someone up...
Even a good chad gets rejected
What are some dead giveaway signs of a virgin or beta? Some that I can think of off the top head are
If you aren't eating tuna in milk are you even trying to make it?
AIP diet advice
To bulk just eat a lot of food!
Extroverts favor stimulants
Is Sara Sigmundsdottir Natty?
I regret buying 90% dark chocolate
High carb or low carb?
Tomorrow is bicep day
Military Veeky Forums & Broken dreams edition
How the fuck do I eat this?
If you had to survive on only FIVE foods for the rest of your life, NOTHING ELSE, what would it be? This is whole foods...
No fap
Any way a guy can gain an inch in height before his 19th/20th birthday?
We're all gonna make it
Veeky Forums gym bag
Is 1/2/3/4 100 lbs 200 lbs 300 lbs 400 lbs or 1234 plates?
Tfw lookism made your self-esteem take a nosedive
How do I attract liberal women?
Nigger here, been lifting 6 months what mode am I? stats are 5'11 (actually) and 160lb
Why should i become vegan?
Gym aztec starts blowing death whistle
All I wear
/fat/ - Easter Cometh Part 2 Edition
Deo Thread
Been lifting two years, thought I was making ok gains...
When you eat sweet foods (dessert), what do you eat and how often do you eat it?
How to fuck gf into an orgasm? She has never had one before
Deadlift badform police
That 30 year old guy that goes to the gym
How to stay motivated?
Just finished gym, full three hours, done everything, legs, core, arms, you name it, I done it
Anyone here with an office job do high test power poses?
/fit faces/
Let's settle this once and for all
Everyone who keeps saying that energy drinks are bad for you are almost always referring to the regular ones which are...
Thicc Thread
Break no fap
How do i do pushups with the elbows perfectly unmoving and straight like in the video...
So what your saying is...that we can't gain muscle and lose the same time?...
Can you recommend some actually AGGRESSIVE gym music. All these "aggressive" results return some lethargic garbage...
/abs general/
5.9 inch micropenis
Whats a good replacement for OHP?
I don't need an army
Be a Christian/ is there like minded women?
Take your squat and bench press (incline) seriously, everything else is for fun
Fellas I need some pictures for a tinder catfish, any help?
Enough about masturbating
‘I want you every day’: Arizona teacher accused of sex with student, 13, in classroom
/fraud/ - Nigga das gay edition
Gotta go /fast/
Why do girls even bother?
Over the years there has been so much build up of fat near the base of my previously good sized cock that my poor dick...
Fit memes you fell for
The Modern Man
What routine should I add on to my physical job?
Let's face it, were all lifting to get that bimbo looking GF
Wanna hear how my first day at the gym went? Well first I'll say I'm autistic. Very autistic
Whens the last time you had sex Veeky Forums?
How do you feel about the average american Veeky Forums?
Has anyone tried cold showers? Do they do much?
How often do you guys masturbate? I ask because I fap 3-5 times a week and am trying to stop
Abs can kill
Why is everyone being a pussy about carbs now?
Get good body
Shave leg for the lulz
How often do you rest fit?
What kind of milk is best for gains?
Is bodyweight the same as lifting?
Reminder that you can’t “make it” if you’re a brainlet. Read you niggers
Be me
Why isn't focused/goal oriented periodization more popular? Okay, I understand doing SS (start with 3x5 weight...
Is training for strength just a meme? I was told as a natty to build strength and size will come
Oral Health
Tfw you hit 29
Tried to bulk
Brian Shaw
Thots and Morality
I am poor
Buying eggs from the shop
Rap and Metal Gym Music
How many times can you rep 2pl8 bench, Veeky Forums?
Have an impressive physique
Penis questions rarely asked
The only a fit male should be allowed to have is a dog
End the debate once and for all
Just shave your hair if you're balding bro
Who do you lift for?
How do I stop going full silent autism mode with a girl I would like to date?
Rate me
Post your SS men
Is it possible to be a vegan Chad Veeky Forums?
Routine Thread
Is there any point to lifting if im this ugly?
Wake up feeling upper pec doms
Good beginner routine which is not 5x5 or SS
Calories are a meme
Day 3 of nofap and already watched a bit of porn today. I need help bros how do i get rid of this addiction?
Talked to a girl for 5 seconds
How do I stop watching porn for good?
Does fit have any pets? Pic related are mine
/plg/ powerlifting general: curds and whey edition
My breakfast sucks. I usually have porridge with skimmed milk heated up in the microwave...
Give it to me straight
Pls answer
/fitoholics/ is Michelob Ultra the Veeky Forums beer?
Lets settle it once and for all Veeky Forums
Beard Talk
GF's of Veeky Forums
Rate my dinner
What's the vegan equivalent of eggs?
Question how many of u fucks have a shirtless picture on tinder/bumble
That redditor at the gym who listenes to Kendrick Lamar
Weighted Pushups >>> Bench Press
Do black chads exist?
Saw 3 DYEL white cuck betas at the gym with STICC gooks
He doesn't lift to old school 90s hip-hop
My boss texted me this
Who here NoMusic?
Mixing Whey isolate with water
Is is true milk and milk products reduces your life span or is it just some lies that vegans are pushing
Dicklets BTFO
Well Veeky Forums? why aren't you bigger than nine inches?
I've been getting ridiculed for nofap, it is sin to masturbate but my associates believe it is healthy...
What can a 29 year old dude who missed out on teenage love do to attract 18-20 year old hotties?
Honest Question
If protein is all that is needed for muscles to grow, why do people tell newbies to bulk/eat a fuck ton?
I was finally able to do unassisted pullups today, cranked out 3 sets of 2...
Brap posters will defend this
Fell for the self improvement meme...
Biggest mistakes you ever made?
Veeky Forums Motivational pictures
Can someone explain why he can squat four plates at depth but has shitty legs
Rate me
What's the point of life if you're just an idiot with no talent in anything to be successful
This is who I lift for
/OG/ Onion General
Finally fit after a year
Lifts going down
Why even lift when muscle pads exist?
Hey guys should I bulk or should I keep cutting?
How come most routines on this board are 5x5
Bodyfat% to salary thread?
I need help Veeky Forums. I want to go to the gym but I really pissed off this guy at school today (senior)...
What size shoe does Veeky Forums wear? You’re not a footlet (under size 12) are you?
Is it beta to go 4 asian girls??
Is sleeping 6-7 hours enough?
Is there anything wrong with "only" cutting at a 500 calorie deficit daily?
About to head to Walmart, am I missing anything?
Veeky Forums mire thread
Mixing Whey isolate with water
/fph/ - Fat people hate/fat people stories
Day69 is the lifting album of the year
As a nig lifter, how the FUCK do I learn how to swim?
Depth check, looking good?
Finish workout
Finally go back to gym after bout of depression
Thoughts on the black pill
Should he do ss+gomad?
Why the fuck are shorts so expensive?
Are weighted pushups better than bench press?
Anyone Else horrified of having Fat kids?
Fictional goal body thread
Why are women such normies?
Lifting for white women
Who do you lift for?
Why is this so hard to progress on
Gorilla gains
Finally got a GF and I think she's cheating on me
>28 hours into my 50 day water fast
Push-up thread go
I thought milk is giving me acne, but i switched to keto, and i still have pimples here and there...
I posted here about two months ago, I thought I wasnt going to make it, I thought I'd just quit after a week or two...
Hey Veeky Forums
/yoga/ - OM, stretching, isometrics, and joint health
My shoulders are fucked after bench pressing
How do I approach thots? I feel I could talk to a gorgeous girl but thots make me feel insecure...
Veeky Forums approved dating
Tfw penis is only 6.4 inches long with 5 inch girth
"That guy" general
Veeky Forums hair thread
How is my progress for 7 months...
You will never be fondled and drawn by Satania
You have exactly 10 seconds to post a better physique than mine
Good feels thread
No matter how much you work out you will never look like this. What's the point?
Shes gone bro, move on already
Hey Veeky Forums, post your measurements
Dream Girl Thread
/fast/ #154
How much did becoming more physically attractive (physique,body fat, skin haircut etc.) help with your confidence...
Already eaten a fuck ton today, not even remotely hungry
Milk increases your estroge-
Redpill me on Cross/fit/
How do I achieve this mode?
I've contracted chlamydia lads. i've also got no health insurance and little to no $$$$...
ITT: mirin' stories
How to deal with acne? Post tips and routine itt
Redpill me on carbs Veeky Forums
Who else /mean face/ here?
Cal in cal out debunked?
Starting a cut today for the first time ever. Any advice from veterans?
This is the perfect female body
Is college the biggest gains goblin there is?
Be me
Cut average daily calorie intake in half
What the fuck bros help me out
Lift a weight
How do I fix this?
Name one thing wrong with deadlifting 5x5 once per week
Pics of fit chicks
Gym fails?
Vegan dyel lives the life you always dreamt of because he has abs and long hair
Is running a 10k every day safe to do long term? How fit can that make you?
Check these gains. Lost 120 pounds in 12 months motherfucker, + added 20. I'm saudi...
/fat/ - Easter is Coming Edition
Be me, 20
Stop shaving
Sleep 10 hours
One armed pullups @ 6'2" 240lbs
What is some Veeky Forums approved vidya games?
/plg/ powerlifting general
Is there any hope for me if i have a jaw like pic related?
[22][M] Seeking advice. Please read
Symmetric Strength
What mode is this and how do I unlock it?
Reminder that if you think there's such a thing as an "ideal male body" than you're not 100% straight (and that's...
Help im a 180 pound girl who previously ate a high carb and high fat diet and now im trying to lose weight and find it...
Your dick is probably small
Has anybody had success with a bathmate?
How important is the gut biome for liftng? Does it affect long term gains?
Youtube Fitness E- Celebs. Calling you out bro
Anyone get stared at by gay dudes more than women?
How do you feel when this kid is more in shape than most of you fags?
What are Veeky Forumss other hobbies? Pic related
He doesn't eat onions like apples
Motivation Thread
Daily reminder to drink more water
Burning over 8000 Calories a day. Body has little Aerobic capacity left
Welcome to Veeky Forums chad thread
I wanna get decent arms but dont wanna do an entire day for arms (no retarded brosplits pls) -- what are the best...
Is this exercise a meme? Why would anyone do this if they could just do pullups?
Eating animal fat
How do I develop the courage to eat ass?
Can someone explain this to me? what am i doing wrong? how do i fix it?
Truth is you can be a chad even at 5'7. Pic related
Homemade weights
Long square glutes, what do I do to salvage? Also have hip dips
That 30 years old guy who goes to the gym
Nofap general - /NFG/ Optimal testosterone edition
How do you approach women in the gym?
Jesus christ i feel like fucking crying guys
No push up thread
He doesn't lift for this
/cbt/ - Current Body Thread
Are buff prison inmates the ultimate nattys?
How would the world of fitness change if females could outgrow males?
What is your true peak MALE body inspiration Veeky Forums?
Stop saving anything for the way back
So i'm a 16 year old 104kg ~1...
Anytime Fitness
How can such a DYEL be so intimidating?
Walk into gym
MAGA brothers
Shake Thread
Ancient Chads
Today I will remind them
Incline bench or chest flys for chest aesthetic? Alternate them? Incline flys?
Has Veeky Forums taken the neck pill?
Veeky Forums meet Thailand 2019
Gym Eldritch horror is on the loose again
Three months cutting
Look at myself in the mirror
Is that what peaks human looks like?
Is nofap good or bad
How to improve my looks?
What’s the verdict on fast, hard cuts (a kg or more a week) Veeky Forums...
Why do I look like shit?
Is there any reason to deny myself water when lifting weights? Like, not drink until I'm completely done...
Wasted 5 months of lifting - need help
ITT: we post like r/fitness
If /r9k/ and Veeky Forums had a kid it would be pic related. Discuss
NEW FPH / FPS thread
Do men of olympic -competing strength ever get into physical altercations...
How does anyone think this body-type is attractive ? srsly...
That guy who wears wrinkled t-shirts to the gym
How can I learn to talk with people...
What do you call various lifts in your native language?
Sylvester Stallone is 71 and still juicing. How in the fuck is he still alive...
What do i do? Cut or bulk
Do Americans really wear shoes in the gym?
Who are some Veeky Forums heroes from your country?
I failed to you guys
Tfw this is what var does to grills
How do i lose weight i am chubby and under 14
You're in the boat...
Gym cost
Overnight Oates
This is deep
Hey I'm here from the pewdiepie video!!!
Mom found the attic steroid lab
Anyone here ever witnessed a heart attack?
What are the pros and cons of this?
Anyone on an SSRI (specifically Zoloft)?
Unique bulking food
How can you be this muscular and this vascular, yet have zero noticeable abs?
With lifting, is knowing martial arts + foreign languages the most alpha combo?
You fuckers memed me into believing 1/2/3/4 is the minimum you need to be a real man
/owg/ Olympic weightlifting general
Mom started to ask me yearly since I started college if I lost my virgnity already
How the fuck do you guys do nofap? I'm on day three and I can't even function cause all I'm thinking about is sex...
How is this mode called?
Is kinobody's routine Veeky Forums approved?
If you're not wearing a Hoodie and Sweatpants while working out or something similarly less revealing...
Who the fuck has time for 6 meals a day?
/fr/ foreskin restoration
I am a poorfag and i have to choose
Going to lose my virginity tonight. how do i not look like a fool
And the NEW king of Veeky Forums
Im a girl who has to lose 60 pounds but i find it hard to eat protein
Tanning for aesthetics
/uni/ thread
Powerlifting General - /PLG/
How many pull ups you can do in one set? Im thinking about doing one set to failure couple times a day...
"you can't get enough protein on a plant-based diet"
Manlets can’t look huge
So I started doing this routine which is basically SS with added Isolation excercises
Tfw day 2 of hangover
The roastie thing is a meme, it's a lottery, some vagainas are like that
/vertical jump/ general
Know this girl from middle school
Mom reacts to my deadlift
Well, Veeky Forums, what is it?
What lifting stats should you reach before you consider gear?
Quitting Sugar
Let's decide this once and for all, Veeky Forums: are cold showers a meme?
What mode is Maxmoefoe?
What did I do wrong, Veeky Forums?
I am balding in my early 20s
/fast/ #153 - Stop asking questions and just start edition
Lent is ending soon
/fitlit/ thread
Rate my body progress with age
I was always interested to see how the girls are looking in New York, one of the most prestigious cities in the world...
Have you met any people thanks to your Veeky Forums life style? Have you made any social gains?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games