I just saw this meme on /pol/, do you think it's more or less accurate in terms of the fitness parts? Why or why not? I voted Trump and it seems accurate.
I just saw this meme on /pol/, do you think it's more or less accurate in terms of the fitness parts? Why or why not...
We have win10 at work. It's fucking terrible. Most of the default microshit programs constantly lock up.
No. Because nothing of that is related. Sage.
bloat lord on wrong side
>voted trump
I use win10 at home. Dont have any problems with it besides for the fact that it randomly updates all the fucking time. Though i dont use any of the default programs besides ms paint lol
my IQ is 121
That's why you're a brainlet, brainlet.
u can turn off the upgrade..
Fuck off man aphex twin is awesome
Only dudes I know that are into him are programmers or just hardcore computer geeks, you know, the type of dudes who were still playing cs 1.6 and unreal tournament years after their release
How could they fuck up so badly after Windows 7 was perfect?
Glad I stopped using Windows completely; pure cancer.
Only good for games, and most non-Linux games are only for children and soyboys
>hardcore computer geeks, you know, the type of dudes who were still playing cs 1.6 and unreal tournament years after their release
s/computer geeks/losers/g
>unironically using a Windows OS in 2018
Vegans to the left, Eric and Bloatloard to the right and you got it. Post Malone too.
Nah I have Deezer.
Lol mad computer toucher
>t .retard
fuck off, win 10 is great, we have over 200 PC's with it, no problems.
never heard anything as good as 6ix9ine to blast in the gym. legit the worst music but so fucking good.
what am i looking at here?
Imagine how much better you'd be if they never went past Windows 7 though
Imagine if you didn't have to deal with that shit GUI designed for tablets and touch devices
Its so autistic and braingymnasticly it has to be from pol. I dont even know what he wants to tell us
>performing your duty as a member of the republic
Top kek
Honestly win8 was shit, but .1 update fixed alot of problems, I am curently using 8.1 and still not prefect but pretty good(maybe even better than 7)
>living in america
i have apple and a windows 10 pc. i support trump and i like kyriakos grizzly. I also have 6ix9ine in my playlist on spotify. and i also ironically love genova
If you use desktop Linux you are either an absolute mongoloid with a superiority complex, NEET, or don't value your time.
t. manages a cluster of 40+ linux servers from a comfy windows 10 laptop
>or don't value your time
Are you retarded son?
Maybe cable monkey work is easier on Windows, since all you need to do is plug and unplug shit and the OS will do the work for your braindead ass, but if you want to any kind of serious computing you NEED some sort of *NIX machine.
Windows is ATROCIOUS for everything scripting and programming
>Windows is ATROCIOUS for everything scripting
Kek, windows 10 even comes with its subsystem for linux, and before you could just use Git bash if you needed it, or just use Docker. I'm at 90eur/h as a freelancer in a DevOps team right now, how about you? Desktopp Linux is literally for betas who just left school and want to feel better about themselves.
I literally had a colleague today whose Ubuntu went into "Airplane mode" by triggering "a hardware switch" which was not even on his machine. Every other Desktop Linux ape has issues with our corporate proxy or even just connecting to our Wifi. The next time your sound driver fails, your graphics drivers lag out on youtube, your system doesn't recognize your earplugs, and can't exit hibernate, every time your net connection resets, consider installing Windows.
Good effort, but your bait isn't convincing enough
Even the most uppity Windows users know they're at the bottom of the food chain; even Apple users are way above them since academics tend to use those
Bait? If you believe 90 an hour is too much for a good developer you should move out of india.
Post Malone is on the wrong side, all the vegans are on the wrong side, and eric bugenhagen is on the wrong side.
>anything but the most Alpha
>Imagine if you didn't have to deal with that shit GUI designed for tablets and touch devices
Imagine if you could completely turn off this part of Windows 10. Hmmm...
>Good developer
Developing what?
I thought /pol/ is against "degeneracy" So why they support it?
>Jeff not in the picture
Is Memethlean-X considered true neutral?
6ix9ine is definitely for high test bros
Soyboys hate him