Pls answer

I'm a fat guy cutting fat with a full body routine 3 days a week.

When I finally get lean, will a 2 day a week full body routine be enough to maintain the leanness?

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inner fatty will always return

nothing will help you maintain the leanness :C

“Leanness” is a function of weight. If you keep the weight off you’ll remain “lean”. Can you maintain your desired muscle mass going to the gym twice a week? No fucking way to tell hombre.

Help or shut the fuck up, faggot. Not everyone is as weak willed as you. You fucking blimp.

Hmm do you think it would be better to just keep everything exactly the same?

As in just stick to my exact 3 day full body routine that I used to get that lean in the first place? Surely that'd be enough right?

Yes but diet is the most important thing

As long as you don't eat a ton of shit you should be fine.

>As in just stick to my exact 3 day full body routine that I used to get that lean in the first place? Surely that'd be enough right?

Do fat people not have brains?

Cry me a river you fat bitch.
Oh you have such strong will power but you don't want to find the time to work out more than twice a week

Holy fuck those milkers
How can booblets even compete

Shut the fuck up faggot. You talk about not being weak willed, but you dont want to work to maintain the leannes. Kys fatfuck

>Calls others weak willed
>not only is a fucking fatty but also considers a 3days/week routine too much and considers 2days/week

Try 6 days a week, or if you actually feel like doing work, two/day, all week

By not having a nose ring with studs.

if I pull that nose ring off, would you die?

Imo that just makes her look hotter.
I love kinky shit like that on women

it would be extremely painful

Good God what a qt.

is that violet starr?

I wanna fuck her tits

>nose ring with studs

Where are you from breh? Literally every third girl has a nose piercing nowadays. There is nothing kinky about that

Who is this girl (guy)?