Yet another yoga thread.
Do you do yoga? What style? How long have you done it? How often do you practice? What do you like or not like about it?
Thread on hard mode: last 2 digits tells you how many Sun Salutations you have to do.
Yet another yoga thread.
Do you do yoga? What style? How long have you done it? How often do you practice? What do you like or not like about it?
Thread on hard mode: last 2 digits tells you how many Sun Salutations you have to do.
Only reason to do yoga is to creep on women's feet at the studio.
I do vinyasa yoga.
I took 7 weeks of classes about the standard poses, it really helped to have someone talk about the biomechanics of it rather than simply mimicking visually.
I do it a couple times a week on rest days or sometimes sometime after my lifts. Never before my lifts because I get too loose in my lower back.
Maybe your only reason.
And, feet? You're fucked in the head. Have you SEEN yoga pants?!
Pretty good little intro vid. Muscular/fitness terms, not a bunch of Sanskrit terms.
>noticing feet on a woman in a yoga-ready outfit
I'd call you gay but then I realized where I am.
30-minute yoga practice for weightlifters
I really like this one. This built dude goes and does a yoga practice with a couple of yoga teachers. It kicks his ass. Good stuff.
How did you find your class/teacher/studio?
What was hard for you? What was easy?
Did my first mobility stretching class last Frida,y it was goat
these are so underrated among the weight lifting community. I got redpilled on the /stretchâ„¢/ and haven't looked back
The studio offers a discount to employees at my workplace since it's nearby and a lot of liberal upper-middle class young professional women work there. They have many types of classes and workshops as well as regular classes that are just coaxing you through a series of poses.
For me, open-hip poses are very difficult since I have low mobility in my inner thigh.
I did the P90X yoga routine in the past. How does that compare to regular yoga? That was kinda hard desu, I could seriously do only 1.5hrs of that.
I don't know. I've never done the P90X version.
Very cool. It's always good to see a company give fitness benefits like that.
Hip openers feel soooo good.
OP here.
As I said, I've not done the P90X Yoga program. I just read a couple of descriptions of what poses are done, their sequence, etc. and compared it with my personal experience (I'm a certified yoga instructor who has taught for a couple of years).
It sounds like the equivalent of a "fullbody lifting program. That is, doing everything and focusing on nothing. And it would have the same drawbacks as a fullbody lifting program would. But it sounds like all the major poses are in there, so you'll get a good overall exposure to a general, but long, yoga practice.
90 minutes of yoga is a long time. For someone who wants just a once a week practice, P90X could be an option. But if you can do 2 or 3 hours a week, across 2 or 3 sessions, you can split the practice up and focus better on the various areas of the body, just like you do with a lifting split.
Are you still doing P90X Yoga?
Wow. This takes me back.
I used to think that thing lasted at least 2 hours.
Nah. I stopped yoga. It was too long. I just realized I didn't do and hour and a half. I remember the thing being 2 hrs long, apparently not. So I guess I just did an hour of it seriously and the rest fumbling around.i could do I plank things and the warrior variations, but then the rest gets weird. See:
Yeah kinda.
I do some yoga poses and other stretching once a week along with mobility exercises (duck walk, plank walk, all that weird shit).
I like it a lot, makes me feel really relaxed and I like being flexible, but if I go walking around afterwards sometimes I feel like my knees are too loose.
I've done this for a few years now, takes about an hour all told.
Very nice. I always feel stupid when I do duck walks, crab walks, and all that stuff, but it IS good for mobility.
It's 1 hour 35 minutes, it seems. I'll watch it and see what I think. As I said, initial impression is that it's too much. But, then, I have no problem doing 2 or 3 hour-long yoga sessions a week.
OP here.
So far, the P90X Yoga practice looks like something I'd teach. The instructor is pretty good. But he's...overacting? That's probably just a a side effect of it being a video class
Things I like:
>He definitely makes you focus on the breath, which is super important. He also has you focus on the practice; the before and after don't matter, only the here and now. Good mental training.
>Using props like a block; those are super helpful for people who aren't as flexible.
>The practice is accessible: there are props, modifications mentioned, and few Sanskrit words or Indian classical music. Don't get me wrong: I love those things. But for a lot of people they form a barrier between them and yoga, which can be a problem.
>Multiple students, showing how everyone does the poses slightly differently and needs different things. He even introduces them.
>Light warmup, then Sun Salutations (specifically Sun Salutation/Surya Namaskar A from the Ashtanga tradition, it seems). Pretty standard, and a good start.
This isn't bad. I'm just watching it and taking notes, but I might do it this week.
Thanks for the link, user!
Damn. As I keep watching it, he keeps doing that one little flow (i.e. plank, pushup, down dog, etc.) between every single pose. That's kinda nuts and intense. But I guess that's P90X's thing.
OP here again.
I watched half of it, but then just glanced at various parts in the last half. That's an intense practice. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't suggest it for most beginners. It's just too much. This is an intermediate practice, at least. But it looks like a normal class, with a teacher telling people what to do, showing it, then going around and checking in, helping people and maybe giving slight adjustments or suggestions. If you're worried about "what's a yoga class even like?!", it's just like this video.
A one-minute Shavasana?! That's WAAAAAYYY too short. In the hour-long classes I taught, I usually did a 5-minute Shavasana. It's very important to not only let the body have a good rest, but it lets the mind rest and start to transition out of class and into the world. And you'd be surprised how many people get so little rest in their lives that the 5 minutes is like a golden, jewel-studded treasure that they look forward to. They never get to chill and actually relax, so I like to give that opportunity. It's actually a difficult pose in that you want to relax everything but don't want to fall asleep. Lots of people do anyway.
I find it very interesting he ended with chanting OM. Nothing wrong with that at all. It's good breathing practice, and it's good for the voice. I've usually done that at the beginning of the class.
Overall, a tough, long practice. I'd be wiped out at the end of that. For anyone who wants to try yoga for the first time, I wouldn't suggest this. Find a local class instead so you can get tips on your form and get used to the poses and practice first.
Same user here. Tony, the trainer, is usually really talkative in the other workouts, he's loud and jokes a lot (he's also a comedian). He's unusually quiet in this one to set the mood. So this routine is done once a week, should I just stick to that? I've got more time than I used to back then, so I might just incorporate this routine into my training schedule. Can you red pill me on yoga?
I'd be happy to answer any questions you have or point you to videos, books or whatever.
If you can get through this practice and learn the poses (he uses a LOT of poses for a single practice), then sure; go for it. If you have taken yoga classes before, you can probably help yourself through the poses. If you're new to yoga, you might want to spend time on each individual pose to figure it out so that when you do it in the flowing practice you know how to do it.
What are the benefits of yoga? He (Tony) makes it sound like it can help build muscle. Is this true?
I'm going to use this routine since I've done it before and I'm somewhat familiar. I have difficulty though in the later part (past minute 45), what's your advice for that? I usually just sit there and watch the guys in the monitor do it until they get to the parts I can do again.
Role for pushups
Roll 2
Yoga can build muscle. But it works mostly on slow-twitch fibers. Much of yoga is comprised of isometric holds. Sure, there are dynamic presses (e.g. in this video, the plank to Chaturanga and back to Downward Dog flow he uses a million times). But much of yoga is isometrically holding some muscles while stretching others, simultaneously. That isometric hold works the slow twitch fibers in the flexed muscles.
Yoga does a few things physically. First, it gives you more body awareness. When you get into some of these poses, you have to know what's flexed and what's stretching; once you know that, you can start to tweak poses as needed. It also helps balance, and of course flexibility. Can you build some muscle? Sure. But you're not going to get a pump. Can you burn some fat and get some cardio? Sure; look how they're breathing and sweating like crazy in that video.
Yoga helps your breathing, too. Many people breathe very shallow breaths, and there's no pattern or rhythm to their breathing. Or, when they do something, they just hold their breath. Syncing breathing with movement helps you become more aware of it and helps you to deepen your breath.
To be honest, though, these are all secondary goals, good though they are. The main goal of yoga is to focus the mind, to allow you to keep your attention, undistracted, on whatever you want to focus on. So there's a lot of mental training. In a flow like that, you're doing the poses, thinking about what goes where, breathing appropriately, counting breaths for time, listening to the teacher, etc. Plenty of mental focus needed, especially once you become more advanced. That's the real goal of yoga.
As with any fitness activity, sport, exercise, or training, it works a little differently for everyone. I always suggest that you try it out a few times in a good class and see how it feels to you. The added flexibility is a GREAT plus for bodybuilders and lifters.
I hope that helps.