Today I will remind them

Today I will remind them

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eat shit DYEL

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This is why I eat two eggs a day.

Of course its bad you need much more than just one egg a day to function

>not doing both
Never gonna make it.

>I need to clog my penile and testicular arteries with cholesterol and consume avian estrogens to get big

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Would you rather live 90 years as a starving cucked low-t vegan or 70 years as a swole beast?

are steroids even vegan? I imagine all that stuff is tested on animals let alone what ever the hell is in it

yes, steroids are made from soy

Unironically why I started smoking.


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I tried to like Nimai Delgado but I just can't

Can't believe people still eat dietary cholesterol with the information that is out at the moment. It's so easy to do your own research with the internet aswell, unbiased non-industry funded studies are key.

>I do the equivalent of 30 cigarettes a day to my body most days
Calling bullshit.

Do you realize what the role of cholesterol is in the human body and what happens if you have none of it?

I have had none of it for a long while now and I've never felt better, the body produces enough on it's own without the need for external sources.

Hmm I wonder why the chefs in the navy here are allowed to cook us eggs and bacon literally every morning, oh wait because we exercise and fat is vital for testosterone production


Sure got me there, nice arguement, daily reminde I could fucking kill you with my bare hands brittle boned vegan faggot

lol, bring it on navy cocksmoker.

Processed meat and a food not even able to be labelled as healthy for breakfast, never gonna make it.

Ill be sure to see you on my next deployment sand nigger

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Have you ever had your cholesterol levels tested?

Science says you need 9.6 liters of peanut oil to get the equivalent of 1 eggs worth of cholesterol.

Often, vegans will feel great for a few weeks. Then feel like shit because they no longer have enough cholesterol left.


>implying I won't eat eggs for breakfast every morning regardless

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If this is true, why does everyone in my family live to very old ages while consuming eggs every day for breakfast? Great aunt is 107, come at us vegans

kek thats why i eat 4

Anyone notice that vegans are a little off mentally. Is there a correlation that can be found there?


>Roid and pretending they dont eat meat meetup


So people actually believe this?

There's a Swedish study not funded by egg companies with a sample size of around 80,000 showing now statistical link between egg consumption and CHD. So long as the rest of your diet is healthy eggs are based. Vegas are pussies irl, they just use roiders to market their shit lifestyle

>vegan nutritionist

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> So long as the rest of your diet is healthy eggs are based.
The study you're talking about shows kind of the opposite though. Their diets were so bad to start that looking at the effect of 1 additional egg a day showed nothing.

Scandinavians eat pretty healthily mate, the results are conclusive regardless of how you choose to interpret the data on light of your obvious bias

The study gave info about the diets of the people they looked at. Something like 25g or less fiber a day, 17% of their calories from saturated fat, etc
>in light of your obvious bias
I'd say I'm less biased than you on this

I'll just leave this here


M.L.F. and C.N.B. have been funded by the Egg Nutrition Center. B.S.L. and I.M.-V. declare no conflict of interest. The funding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the decision to publish the results.

>This study was funded by an award to M.L.F. by the Egg Nutrition Center.
>M.L.F. and C.N.B. have been funded by the Egg Nutrition Center.
Every time. And they try to make it sound like it's okay that their LDL rose from ~80mg/dl to 90mg/dl

>vegan nutritionalist

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Soy boy detected

Vitamin b12 is vital for brain to function properly and the lack of testosterone makes the person feminine and sensitive like females.
Add some steroids to the mix and you have a maniac la creatura

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LDLp didn't increase though

I eat 12 Eggs a day. That is 60 cigarettes a day on top of coffee and bacon and steak that I eat everyday. I am 37 and died 9 years ago.

If steroids are made from soy why are there soyboys

They didn't even measure LDL-P

The mentally ill people who are trying to become normal see that a vegan diet is healthy and adopt it an attempt to reduce their symptoms?

>Grandfather have been smoking for more than 40 years, eats eggs for breakfast everyday, eats meat everyday And rarely exercised and he is 80 and still alive
Really make you think

you don't fucking need to eat cholesterol. Jesus christ. Your body makes its own. Not even saying a few eggs matter, they don't but why are you ketofags so desperate to believe that you NEED to eat it

One apob per ldl

It's not necessary but it increases test

Your body makes its own cholesterol. Eating eggs just causes your body to make less of it.

Source : 3rd year med student. Eggs are fine. All you cucks reading food blogs are retarded.

I eat 17-20 eggs a day, is that OK?


Why is this dood always GREEN?

> Eating eggs just causes your body to make less of it.
So why do studies find eggs increase LDL?

Wow, you sure showed him

Based egg poster

Why aren't you mine??

>med student
Careful there, vegans hate nothing more than doctors claiming dietary knowledge and unironically tell them that they know more than they do

who would want this disgusting feminist bitch?

Not at all true, but nice try. Eggs are a great source of fats which every cell in the body consists of, cholesterol which is essential for anabolic hormone creation, and slow digesting protein which is great for post workout recovery.

Those other claims are made by the sugar industry to demonize saturated fats when sugar is the culprit.

I've had 49 eggs a week for the last 4 years, how long do I have left fellas?

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You are already dead, welcome to hell.

> Eggs are a great source of fats which every cell in the body consists of, cholesterol which is essential for anabolic hormone creation
Digging into broscience here
The sugar industry delaying the acceptance of sugar's role in heart disease does not mean saturated fat is not also linked to heart disease.


Not broscience, and if you know anything about ATP production you would know that fats are an essential part of cellular respiration.


They're both facts. Cholesterol is used in hormone synthesis. Various fats are used in cellular respiration. Your application of these facts is heading into broscience territory.

There's nothing about the fact that cholesterol is involved in making steroid hormones that would lead one to believe that eating cholesterol leads to increased production of steroid hormones. Every cell in your body can make cholesterol.
Fats, again, are mostly synthesized by your body when they're needed for things like cell structure. Not diet. Not to say you shouldn't eat any fat, but it's not scientifically accurate way of advertising it.

>I need to make shitty bait threads on Veeky Forums to stay small

yeah sure. Processed.
exactly this. My grandparents live in a small village raising pigs chickens cows bees and their own vegetables and fruits too. They eat cheese and eggs every single day without exception, meat ~3 times a week and literally all of them live to 90+. My great grandmother died at 106 and she was active working on the farm till the day she died.

if you eat 0 cholesterol your body makes some but not as much as it would use if it had exogenous cholesterol

most steroids are designed for animals. cows and horses aren't even on that long of a cycle, and they were designed for them.


Other anons already mentioned how cholesterol works.
To add to that when i was on a 2 month cut i only ate chicken and eggs. One day i'd eat 6 eggs, the other i'd eat a chicken breast. Got tested, cholesterol was normal.

Citation needed

Good. Your body makes much more cholesterol than it needs already.

ate 4 eggs every day for 15 years, lifting and cardio but not super serious
gave myself egg allergy

Every cigarette takes 17 minutes off your life, so every egg takes roughly 1hour and 40 minutes off your life.

To dumb it down:
If you smoke and eat eggs fast enough, you can go back in time.

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Massive red pill here:

Meat, dairy and eggs are essential for a healthy body and a strong immune system.
The reason they might increase cancer risk is because of unnatural processes and substances that get into them. Look for natural clean sources of these foods.

Fruit and vegetables are great for fiber and micro nutrients and cleansing the body, but shouldn't be relied on for macro nutrients.
Too much of these will also distort the balance of your gut flora and can cause all sorts of random illnesses including cancer.

Sugar in all forms should be consumed in moderation.

It doesn't take a detective to notice how every vegan looks incredibly unhealthy and weak.

>every vegan looks incredibly unhealthy and weak.
Not every, but I agree most of them do.

Is this based on anything or did it just sound cool to you?

Who is she?

This is based on various studies, personal experience, and common sense.

You can find a lot of conflicting information online because they are all biased. Which is why I find anecdotal evidence and common sense to be valuable.

Veganism is a modern idea and only getting popular recently, and until now everyone was living a happy healthy life.

Rise in cancer and heart disease is more likely due to increased sugar and unnatural food consumption as well as eating too much animal foods which weren't meant to be eaten in access, as they were a rare commodity in the past.

I've been eating 8+ eggs a day for the last 3 months because I have a lot of chickens and can't afford the grocery store.

>You can find a lot of conflicting information online because they are all biased. Which is why I find anecdotal evidence and common sense to be valuable.

So yeah, you just thought it sounded cool

I wish I could have fucked Emma Watson in her prime...In Harry Potter 1

what the fuck are you talking about eggs are superfoods

>The mentally ill people who are trying to become normal see that a vegan diet is healthy and adopt it an attempt to reduce their symptoms?
That's what I'm doing. I've been fucked by nature and I'm looking for ways to cope.

Vegans and vegetarians are deficient in...

Vitamin B12
Vitamin A
Vitamin D

It compared the mortality of people who shopped in health food stores (both vegetarians and omnivores) to people in the general population. This was a clever study design. People who shop in health food stores are more likely to be health conscious, regardless of whether they eat meat, which reduces the likelihood that the study results will be thrown off by the “healthy user bias”. What did the researchers find? Both vegetarians and omnivores in the health food store group lived longer than people in the general population—not surprising given their higher level of health consciousness—but there was no survival difference between vegetarians or omnivores. Nor was there any difference in rates of heart disease or stroke between the two groups. (15) In other words, omnivores who are health conscious live just as long as vegetarians that are health conscious.

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Yeah but if you eat cholesterol you're body doesn't need to produce it. This keeps your cholesterol receptors from burning out from overuse, which would REALLY kill you and leave you permanently dependent on dietary cholesterol.

>Vegans and vegetarians are deficient in...
Unless they aren't. That's way too broad of a claim to make.
>health food shoppers study
The one that listed regular meat eaters as vegetarians?

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Also, Cancer is a Fungus. Google it. They've lied to us all along about the true nature of cancer.

>Veganism is a modern idea and only getting popular recently, and until now everyone was living a happy healthy life.

Obesity is epidemic. You're delusional.


And it's not due to animal products. It's because food is becoming more calorie dense and more readily available.
#1 fast food country in the world = America
#1 obesity rate = America

>"We learn nothing about nutrition, claim medical students"