jesus christ i feel like fucking crying guys
>be in gym
>have crush on girl that works there
>she flirts with me but am autist so ignore her
>doing db rows
>shes right fucking behind me
>its a local gym so she knows my name
>she apparently talking to her friend
>flex hard while doing rows to try and impress her
>shes actually talking about me
>talks about how im a jerk and how ignore her
>my heart breaking as a hear this
>dont want her to know so i keep my head down and keep repping
>she goes on for like minutes about it
>have to keep doing db rows for the whole time because im afraid she'll see me
My back is so sore it hurts so bad. i felt so awful during that whole time too.
Jesus christ i feel like fucking crying guys
Just look up her insta/facebook and jack off to her pics loser.
but i want to mary her
No pain no gain my friend
you're such a fucking LOSER this shit cannot be real jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with you
She must actually like you if she’s upset you ignore her.
Fucking say hi next time your at the gym fgt.
>tfw roasties even start causing uneven muscle growth
You guys are sheep. She said it loud enough for him to hear because she's desperate for validation. She doesn't care about him
>Ask yourself a question
Do you think your attractive enough to date her?
>If no
Say hi occasionally and accept your loneliness
>If yes
make some small talk with her then in a couple days or a week man up and ask her out
She said it loud enough for him to hear because she wants him to know that she's interested in him / wants him to engage with her more, but doesn't want to lose face if she confronts him directly and he's not interested.
Talking with a friend where he can here is indirect, lets him know what she's saying, and has a justifiable excuse to avoid it being a direct confrontation.
By ignoring her, she probably thinks you actively dislike her. But by her saying this, she's all but confirmed to be interested in you or at least wanting to know you better.
Here's what you do:
Next time you go up to her, tell her you didn't mean to ignore her, you just get in the zone when you go to the gym and don't notice much going on around you.
Ask her if she wants to hang out sometime outside of the gym, where you won't be too focused on your workout.
Offer to get a coffee or dinner or something.
You can do it.
> ignore girl
> wants to marry her
user i-i.. do you know how dumb you sound?
bro, honestly just talk to her about it. it's the best advice there is. tell her what you're telling us now. how you overheard the conversation and you feel bad and were just shy or whatever and you want to make it up to her.
I thought girls will want me more if I ignore them? Veeky Forums taught me that.
Bumping this shit. Go get her brah
Must be awful to be such a social fuckup. I honestly can't rven comprehend it or put myself in your situation, because its so detached from my perspective.
This is true if you have the money status and looks of a young brad pitt
>tfw too autistic to realise she's playfully teasing you and wants you to join in the conversation...
Also what level of "am autist so ignore her" when she flirts are we talking?
>Category 1: you hate her because she makes you uncomfortable and you don't understand why so you just stay silent and stare angrily at her until she leaves
>Category 2: you make an odd facial expression or make inaudible/unintelligible sounds in response and try to leave
>Category 3: you 360 and walk away immediately when near her
>Category 4: you try but just laugh weirdly at inappropriate times or make inappropriate responses
>Category 5: you laugh nervously, avoid eye contact or let the conversation trail off
Next time you see her AT LEAST smile at her
it fucking sucks dude. being attractive but having Aspergers or extreme social anxiety is the worst. if i'm in a room with more than 5 people I start having a panic attack.
She wants you to notice her sempai
Just say hi to her and smile next time but just don't give her all the attention yet or she'll lose interest
Just act friendly and go escalate in each conversation until it's safe to you to ask for her number and then take her out
you can do little things to let her know you notice her without actuall having full blown conversations with her user
Give her small smiles when you make eye contact. Nudge her with your elbow in a playful fashion when you walk past her.
They notice these things and it peaks their interest a bit. Baby steps
Whoa Whoa WHOA that's way too fast. Am I supposed to put my dick inside her next?
Man just manipulate a girl into financial debt and turn her into a sex slave but tell her you love her a lot so that it seems less like sex extortion
you're too old for this shit OP. Also she has a boyfriend already, all the good ones are taken
You are a failure. And now a failure with uneven lats lol
You let the perfect moment slip ahahaha
>Girl shows interest
>You show no interest
>You ignore her
>"I wanna marry her guys"
Pic related
It seems to me got scared because you have no idea what to say or do.
You have autism, genuine autism.
>people falling for such a joke greentext
fucking autists unironically calling this guy an autist
the point is, at the start of the thread we get to know he's feeling bad, then we get to know his gym crush shittalks him, then he says that his back is sore and it hurts so much.
woman flirts with man, man doesn't reciprocate because autism or he doesn't like her, women bitches about him being a jerk
man flirts with woman and it's REE GO AWAY RAPIST METOO RAPE CULTURE HURR
god I HATE women
isn't her talking about you the sign you want user? shes obviously interested in you
lmao this guy has autism
this guy understands
Damn OP she is basically picking you up without trying to look like a whore than wants to fuck you and you screwed it up. Reminds me of myself.....feels disappointing man. You still got a chance.
bro if you like her just ask her out. you're gonna be autistic on that first date, so here's a tip. Just ask a shit ton of questions about her interests. dont think about how awkward you are and focus on whats being said at all cost.
>recovering autist
just smile at her. that's it. if you glanced into the direction of her face and moved your facial muscles a little bit it would have solved everything. maybe even a slight nod
>tfw never received any interest from any female in my 20 years of life
if this happened to me it'd be the best day of my life, cheer up user.
Slap her butt quickly and playfully next time you walk past.
Don't hold your hand there or it's creepy sexual harassment. Just a little tap on the cheek.
Hey reposting since my thread is gonna archive but can you guy's give me some advice
It's my first day going to the gym (la fitness)
I'm kinda nervous, some fem trainer said she'll suggest me some workouts when I signed up yesterday. I wanted to say "no need, I am doing Starting Strength" but that sounded autistic so I said "ok thank you"
I really hope I don't end up doing zumba or some shit.
Anyways, what's it like? I'm scared every one will look at my weak 5"5 body and laugh. I'm so nervous. I think I'm gonna vomit
just do this op
Everyone starts somewhere. See what she suggests. Tell her your goal (e.g. lose fat, gain muscle, get ripped, get flexible, play sports, or whatever it is) and let her suggest stuff. If you want to do something else, ask her about that instead.
Easy. Just go and learn. No one gives a flying shit about you, dude. You're one out of seven billion dirty humans on this shithole rock. You mean nothing and no one is wasting their energy on you in any serious way.
"Hey, I heard you talking about me earlier. You thought I was rude? No, I was being respectful. I don't want to bother you by hitting on you where you work. That'd be rude.
But, since you seem interested, want to have dinner with me?"
Save. Move forward.
my boi, preach
>he unironically believes people go to the gym and judge people
Unless you act like a dick no one will judge you most wont even notice you if you are an autist and shy.
OP's story is likely fake but holy shit. You guys really need to nip this extreme shyness problem in the bud while you're young. That shit is going to fuck you over for your whole life if you don't try to overcome it.
Only true if the man is ugly. You're ugly user, a-are you?
No one will remember you outside of the gym, who cares?
that was your open. she was audibly talking about you to get your attention. now you are failed forever
congratulations, you've learned the most valuable lesson you can learn: your autism isn't cringeworthy. It's mean, dickish, and you're a shitty person for ignoring her, even if it was because you're shy. Shy guys aren't cute, they're assholes.
The good news is the solution is to be nice to people. This lesson also teaches you that that's actually difficult. Practice it, start complimenting people, etc.
As for this girl, for one, I'd recommend not being so invested in her, and for another, you're going to see her again. Tell her the truth, that you like her and the reason you've been acting like a dick is because you're shy around her. She thinks you're a dick, so she'd appreciate an apology. You can even tell her you heard her the other day, and that she's right, and that you're sorry.
This is literally the best thing that could happen to you OP, you have a perfect opening to talk to her now. You can go to her in absolute and complete humility and defeat, in the most embarrassing way possible, and still come out on top. It's literally impossible to screw this up unless you continue to be a dick to her.
Imagine being so autistic as to not realize she was teasing you and opening the door for you to talk to her.
Well no shit nigger but now that she wants you it's time to act
>strike when the iron is hot
I ignore a girl that I would marry because I’m autist too. I can’t even smile at her
Hi user
Hey! Whats up anonnette
*generic response*
Haha I get you. I came here a little late bc I was meal preping. Next time I'll probably just go for a smoothie after workout. Do you mind coming with me?
I would have just turned around and been like "ayo wassup bb gurl," I mean there's not much else you could have done besides that and being a total fucking autist.
>talks about how im a jerk and how ignore her
>my heart breaking as a hear this
half a year ago i landed the girl of my dreams. 10/10, blue eyes tall, tight ass etc. So you know how those fugly girls you just fuckt because you were drunk and lonely always comes running back to you, and you ignoring them just makes them want you more?
So i decided for once i'd pull the same tactic on the perfect girl, too make her love me, you know. After we were done i left early next morning while she wanted me to stay and cuddle. I didn't text her back until a couple of days later and played it super cool.
Then i randomly met her a week later and when i tried to talk to her she told me to fuck off and that she didn't know i was a "player", a douchbag and how i tricked her. I texted her "sorry" next day and got hit the good ol' "seen".
i just wanted love
modern dating is so dysfunctional
Yes, but once they want you, you need to do something.
you have to ignore her and not ignore her at the same time
The ignore tactic really only works on beta girls. A perfect 10/10 qt3.14 is obviously going to have a lot more firepower to hit you back with.
THAT, she thinks about you, OP, don't be retarded. You haven't fucked this up YET
It's possible to be kind and playful at the same time, it's what chads can do naturally.