Truth is you can be a chad even at 5'7. Pic related
Truth is you can be a chad even at 5'7. Pic related
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ya all it takes it a 9/10 face thx OP
also you have to make 3 great movies and be dead at 24
He was a literal cocksucker, bad actor, and a joke.
Grow the fuck up.
Stop worshipping dead people who did fuck and all except get dolled up to act in movies. -
He got Weinsteined. By perv male producers
true, op you should have used Tom Cruise as an example.
almost like they shoot around it
women laugh at the jon snow guys face in bars because they don't realize he's actually a midget
he did not have 9/10 face
>literal cocksucker
Source? I'd never heard anything about this before
>women laugh at the jon snow guy’s face in bars
Nice cope
No woman would do that until after he turns her down. He’s in shape, rich, handsome and famous. Women would probably laugh in your face if your incel ass ever left the house, but to suggest something like that is just stupid.
Hi, Jon Snow actor.
> lanklet cope
My buddy is like 5'6 He has girls he hasnt ever met or seen in years messaging him on Facebook all the time trying to get his dick.
It's actually pretty soul crushing because I'm only an inch taller but ugly.
Average height for a male back then was 5'4". He was tall for the age. Nice cope though.
>average male height changed by five inches in less than 100 years
What did he mean by this?
Friendly reminder that The Godfather is 5'5.
Ask Asians in any anglo/European country
He's literally said himself that it happens you stupid mongrel.
Woman comes up to him in a bar saying that he looks like Jon Snow, he says that he is and woman laughs and says that Jon Snow is taller.
Why not pick Zac Efron or someone who's alive a day for reference
literally james fucking dean