Anyone on an SSRI (specifically Zoloft)?
Started last week. Will I gain weight?
Anyone on an SSRI (specifically Zoloft)?
Started last week. Will I gain weight?
Say goodbye to your sex drive.
my sex drive actually skyrocketed I think, I'm always thinking about banging hot girls I see.
this is an awful decision
enjoy ruining your brain
SSRIs will destroy your libido, serotonin culls sex drive
obesity, widespread antidepressant use, and environmental xenoestrogens are going to destroy the white race
stop being depressed
I’ve been on Wellbutrin for a few weeks but I don’t feel anything from them anymore. Has anybody else on Wellbutrin had this problem?
are you american? hasn't like almost every mass shooter been on an SSRI?
It's a listed potential side effect yes
My metabolism actually goes up when I'm on Zoloft. It's pretty awesome except the night sweats can sometimes be so bad the sheets look like I pissed myself. Worth it.
My sex drive also increases on it, and it takes longer to cum.
Ruining? No.
Welbutrin did nothing for me at all when I was first on it by itself. Later, I had it added to my Zoloft dosing to bump the effect and it was quite effective then.
These drugs tend to have high variability in effects between individuals.
I’m just starting Wellbutrin feeling pretty hyped desu. This is Round 2
This is the 21st century version of trepanation, bleeding, and other quack "cures" promulgated by doctors.
Yes. I switched to Zoloft and it's much better.
Gain weight? No. At least I haven't noticed anything like that. I suppose reactions are different for everyone. As for people saying it'll destroy your sex drive, don't listen to them. Unless you're on 200+mg of Zoloft you won't even notice. I still take test supplements (not that I need to) and my sex drive is golden.
I'm on an SNRI. Week 4.
I can't get off, I can jack off for an hour and still won't climax.
i lost all appetite on Zoloft, and lost weight.
I've lost weight on zoloft because it killed my appetite, also my dick couldn't get hard for a week
I was prescribed zoloft but after some research i said fuck that shit. Instead I'm trying to incorporate meditation and reading more into my lifestyle. Fish Oil and Vitamin D is also making a difference.
Goodluck OP. Hope you wont get epilepsy or nothing.
Fuck antidepressants so hard
Sucked away years of my life going through the motions like a zombie.
SSRI's are meme. They royally fuck your brian up.
I take Buspare and have not gained any weight and it definitely helps me manage my stress and anxiety in a healthy non addictive way, would recommend/10
Just take st John's wort. No difference between it and SSRIs. Refer to it on to see the links to the studies. You're fucking up your brain and body taking that shit lad.
>being a mass shooter is a side effect
Fucking kek
This. Ssri's fucked me up and I've been off for for 4 years. Nobody should take these.
this sugar placebo was shown to work slightly better then prozac
>my sex drive actually skyrocketed I think, I'm always thinking about banging hot girls I see.
You have only taken them a week. Any effects you feel now are placebo and the side effects are soon to come.
These anons are right.
>I was prescribed zoloft but after some research i said fuck that shit. Instead I'm trying to incorporate meditation and reading more into my lifestyle. Fish Oil and Vitamin D is also making a difference.
Do this.
If you are sad or anxious because you are unhappy, SSRIs ARE NOT MADE FOR YOU. They are made to help people with chemical imbalances (a very small minority of "depressed" people) and they will do nothing for a unhappy person except cause irreparable damage. STOP WHILE YOU STILL CAN. These pills are addictive and the withdrawals are intensely unpleasant.
SSRI's are not habit forming, this is a lie. Withdrawal is easily avoiding by tapering down over weeks/months.
>Partially true
Vitamin D imbalance can be a contributor to depression; have your blood checked to find out if you are at the low end of the range. I started taking 10,000 IU (yes 10k, not 1k) on the advice of a TBI specialist and my sleep improved within 48 hours.
SSRIs are not "serotonin pill" they mimic signals in your brain that tells it how quickly to reabsorb it's own serotonin. For this reason, if low Serotonin levels are not a problem for you, these medications will not work. I had severe PTSD for 10 years after combat, three days into Zoloft and the improvement was 90%. You read that correctly....
This isn't a magic pill, the long term therapeutic effect of SSRI is creating an environment in which psychotherapy, behaviorism, reduced stress etc will cause your brain to re-wire itself.
Additionally, hormonal imbalance as a whole is linked with depression-> research Dr. Mark Gordon out of LA, he is a TBI expert that treats war veterans with an incredible success rate ( like myself...)
Stigma and miss-information (like 95% of the posts on here) are the reason why people refuse to take drugs, or stop taking them before their full affect can take place.
Use the drug to treat the symptom, use therapy to change your life/brain structure/environment so that you can eventually not need them.
Yes....kills your sex drive at high levels, but if you combine that with Viagra you can fuck FOREVER! Its AWESOME!
not physically addictive but mentally they are. In the way that you can become dependant on them. My friends mum was trying to get me to give her my shit
Thanks I was meaning to talk to my doctor about my levels. Also if I do get my blood checked would it show my test levels or is that a separate test? Thanks in advance.
Your misinformation is without any reality. Spewing garbage like this stigmatizes treatment many people need. Stop it. We get it, pills trigger you. You need to talk a walk and stop posting until you clear your head.
>SSRI's are not habit forming
>WITHDRAWALS are easily avoiding by tapering down over weeks/months.
These shills are absolute retards. If you can have withdrawals when one day you decide to not eat the pills, then they are habit forming you dunce.
>alcohol is not habit forming because you won't get withdrawals if you taper down in dose slowly over months
Do you not see the contradiction? They are both obviously habit forming and addictive and are better not ingested in the first place. Go suck circumcised pharma dick somewhere else.
>Yes....kills your sex drive at high levels, but if you combine that with Viagra you can fuck FOREVER! Its AWESOME!
I hope you are just shitposting.
Whatever helps you cope boy. HAHA
>haven't most of the mentally ill people doing crazy fucked up shit received drugs made for mentally ill people
SSRIs are unironically used for premature ejaculation.
There ARE physically addictive. This isn't weed, this is a drug made in a lab designed to keep people taking them for years and years. If you decide to quit because the side effects are doing more harm then good, YOU WILL GET WITHDRAWALS. Expect brain zaps, foggy memory, lowered cognition, insomnia, and other withdrawal symptoms lasting months to years depending on how long you were on the SSRIs and the dose you were taking.
I don't know why people would go to such lengths to stop PE. Its almost a non-issue, cumming early is a good thing and can be easily worked around. Countering PE by taking a SSRI then having to take another pill like Viagra to get your dick hard enough to function just seems absolutely retarded to me.
Drinking soda every day...and then stopping causes withdrawal beta-cuck keyboard warrior. If you aren't smart enough to spend 30 seconds googling "physically addictive"...maybe we need to take away your computer, and replace it with crayons for a while.....
Habit forming does not medically mean you "habitually take it" -> it refers to physiological addiction that can kill you if you stop taking it( i.e. alcohol, opiodes, among other side affects.)
You literally are too stupid for the internet.
And no....I'm not shitposting. Zoloft delays climax as a side affect, however, some find that their stamina increases ( in the case of beta males like yourself that lack confidence and splooge in two minutes) or when combined with Viagra, is the perfect asset for double teaming your mother and sister at the trailer park you are likely sitting in right now.
There is not a doubt in anyone's mind you are a low test- beta male, single, afraid of women, physically weak, afraid of firearms, likely a virgin still living off his parents financially if not in the same house.
I just looked through the literature; couldn't find a single paper citing years-long physical side affects after discontinuing SSRIs. Sounds like bullshit.
Again...the term withdrawal in this case is falsely conflated with physically addictive substances such as alcohol and pain killers.
Pharmacist here. Zoloft (Sertraline) is normally well tolerated. You'll likely gain some weight and may see some sexual dysfunction (common to most SSRI/SNRI). Sexual dysfunction happens to 50-70% of people taking SSRI/SNRI
I've attached adverse effects of sertraline and their prevalence. If sertraline isn't working for you after 2-6 weeksand you really really don't want to gain weight, you should ask your doctor about using buproprion instead
What are you taking them for, if you don't mind me asking?
Damn forgot pic
Sounds like off-label use, SSRIs are not principally prescribed for performance issues; if you are having trouble in the bedroom it is indicative of a variety of other mental/physical health problems. A doctor that prescribes SSRI ostensibly for ED is just saying that because he/she thinks it will increase your likely hood of "adherence"...and thinks you have other anxiety/depression issues that need to be targeted.
If u are truly depressed and u have sorted everything in ur life out....then take them...if not...sort life out... ssri is brain chemistry man....its hot science, dont play with that shit cos ur in a rut.
Some truth to this, however SSRIs can be a great tool to help you work through life issues. As a friend of mine that works in a facility told me "you can't white-knuckle your way through mental illness."
>Habit forming does not medically mean you "habitually take it" -> it refers to physiological addiction that can kill you if you stop taking it
Except it doesn't. hab·it-form·ing (of a drug or activity) addictive.
If you are so confident, and you are taking these pills you support, then stop taking them for a few weeks (that can't be hard can it? they aren't habit forming HAHA) and see what happens. You will be surprised at how wrong you were as you feel a shock in your skull every 10 minutes, cognition is slowed to the point you have difficulties comprehending a sentence, and you are so dizzy you have trouble standing for more than 10 seconds without tipping over to one side.
Seriously, (I'm still assuming you take SSRIs which might be wrong) stop taking your pills and witness how habit forming these things actually are. Also, 80% of your post was baseless insults, pretty strange coming from a person who cannot function like a normal, healthy adult without taking their pills every single day of every single week HAHA. You sound like such a tough guy but anyone, no matter how much soy is in their system, can easily take you down if they hide your pills from you for only a week HAHA.
Antidepressants are annoying because they take a while to work (if they work). No antidepressant works instantly. Most usually start to work anywhere from 2-8 weeks after daily use. You should be on a 3 month trial of an antidepressant before concluding that it doesn't work for you
I have a question for you though. Wellbutrin (bupropion) is supposed to be activating, so in theory you shouldn't gain weight, and it should give you a little "boost" in energy and focus. Are you finding that you're more focused and capable with Wellbutrin? Have you tried any other anti-depressants in the past?
SSRI/SNRI are used for a lot of psychiatric conditions. Your point is basically saying "Aren't almost all mass shooters mentally ill?". I don't think it's the antidepressants that are to blame. That brings up an interesting point though, please read my greentext
>depressed person wants to kill themselves but doesn't have the energy/motivation/will to do it because of crippling depression
>depressed person gets on SSRI/SNRI
>SSRI/SNRI gives depressed person more energy after a while
>depressed person has more energy now to go through with their suicide
That sometimes happens with depression and anti-depressants. I can see a similar thing happening with someone who wants to commit mass murder, where they didn't have the energy to do it before getting on an anti-depressant. Maybe the healthcare system needs to do a better job monitoring those people who they give anti-depressants to
>takes longer to come
delayed ejaculation is a common side-effect of some anti-depressants
>every mass shooter is le "mentally ill"
That's convenient.
say goodbye to your orgasms mate
my libido actually returned once depression let up desu
depending on your dose, but my appetite stayed the same
There is no cure for depression and you won't ever hear a healthcare professional say there is. You can't make a drug that magically cures your depression. If you read any actual guidelines on depression, you'll see that anti-depressants should ALWAYS be used concurrently alongside some form of psychotherapy (ie. cognitive behavior therapy, group psychotherapy, etc.); that's because anti-depressants are a bandaid, they help reduce the symptoms of your mental illness, allowing you to work on your problems. They were never meant to be a cure, only an aid.
>tangent incoming
It's similar for drugs like concerta (ritalin), vyvanse, adderall in kids. If a kid is so distracted in the classroom that he/she can't focus on the learning, then maybe an ADHD medication is necessary to use as that "band-aid" to allow them to actually pay attention. The alternative is a kid who hasn't learned anything taught in class and ends up having to stay back a year or two because he/she just doesn't want to pay attention.
Tell your physician. They will recommend a different SSRI/SNRI. If your doctor isn't a psychiatrist, they're probably unaware of some options that are less likely to cause sexual dysfunction, so I'll give you some alternative options you can bring up at your next meeting:
>mirtazapine (brand name remeron if you're in the US) but it's one of the worst for weight because you'll definitely gain a few pounds
>bupropion (Wellbutrin)
>Vortioxetine (Trintellix)
>This is the 21st century version of trepanation, bleeding, and other quack "cures" promulgated by doctors.
wellbutrin gave me severe dissociative symptoms. i have never felt so unlike myself like i did while on that drug.
You won't see those kind of abnormalities on a blood test. Your doctor will likely refer you to a psychiatrist and the psychiatrist will likely have you do a trial of an anti-depressant like sertraline or escitalopram
Enjoy your jew poison
>be me
>have moderate stressful case for OCD
>read Sertraline is a gold standard for OCD
>also read studies they don’t do jack shit and they are a meme
>take 100 MG of it
>few months later
>compulsions and obsessions down, less suicidal
>only downsides is some Apathy and lowered Libido
They are only useful if you have a life quality reducing case of OCD, PTSD or an anxiety disorder. I don’t think ofthem to be good at combating “depression” though, unless it reduces your conditions listed above.
I'd prefer being a zombie to this pit I've been in for years now.
I disagree. I rather feel something even if its sadness than nothing. I was on SSRIs for about a year and my memory of that time is lost.
Future school shooter
sup bro
Im on zoloft as well
Give it a few weeks before you judge the effects
Im on it for depression
Yeah there are some sexual side effects like anorgasmia, but you can fuck for a long time without cumming
>not using psilocybe mushrooms to cure your depression
Make sure you speak with a therapist to actually correct the issues causing your depression. There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance in the brain unless you have some sort of brain injury. SSRI's will only mask the issues. Depending on the issues causing depression that may be enough to push through them but likely not.
LSD is a superior method for treating all psychic afflictions.
If you actually want something prescribed that will "work" without fucking things up ask your doctor about getting prescribed an MAOI like tranylcypromine and Modafinil. It will jack up your energy levels and tranylcypromine doesn't cause weight gain apart from possible constipation. You have to have a super clean diet and CANNOT FOR ANY REASON consume alcohol while on a MAOI
OP here. My mood has sunk to a ridiculous low. Extremely irritable (snapping and jeopardising job and relationships), struggling to get out of bed, called in sick to work on some bullshit excuse last week because I just didn't want to be there. Having random moments where I just start crying.
Suppose I should mention the suicidal thoughts but they've infrequently been there since I was a child, I don't relate them to my mood (I've been mega happy in the past and the thoughts have been there).
I'm desperate to feel normal.
yeah man, it feels normal now
i didnt have the problem of feeling low before it really took effect
sertraline really saved my life, not even kidding
You sure you aren't just unhappy? Obviously you wouldn't want to go to your job if you don't like being there. That does not mean you have some sort of chemical imbalance that needs fixing.
>Started taking Zoloft a good 3 weeks ago
>Feel energetic
>No more anxiety to go into public
>Confidence has returned and no longer afraid to speak up
>Got my drive to start working out again
>Only side effects I've noticed are that I sweat a bit easier than before and it takes longer for me to cum whenever I masturbate but my sex drive is actually increased. It's just harder to take care of it.
I was a skelly fuck when I was on Zoloft and Seroquel. Also didn't give a fuck about anything. Ruined some socially formative years in high school for me.
"...In a new development in gastrointestinal research, researchers from Flinders University, SAHMRI and the University of Adelaide have found more evidence that elevated concentrations of serotonin, the crucial neurotransmitter that chemically transmits messages to nerve cells in the body, is also linked to obesity. Only recently have researchers understood that this "gut serotonin" is actually bad for our metabolism, as it increases blood glucose and fat mass, thus endangering us of developing diabetes and obesity. The new research demonstrates for the first time in humans that this gut serotonin is doubled in obese individuals. This new insight now paves the way to try and find potential new treatments for obesity by focusing on the cells in our gut that produce this hormone. The South Australian researchers were part of a large international research team including University of Adelaide experts that found human obesity is characterised by an increased capacity to produce and release serotonin in the gut."
If SSRIs are such a great tool then why do most people stay on them? They've been proven to not even work long term. Our population is becoming more reliant on this bullshit instead of actually fixing what's wrong (their diet and exercise, their environment, their job, etc.).
Vitamin balance is total scam. It is harmful to take oral pills. D levels on blood simply reflect how fat you are, it's not the same as active vitamin d.
Same with fish oil total scam, actually very dangerous supplement. Surgeries complain some morons take these pills thus they cannot operate on them cause they will bleed like a pig due to thinned blood which is a side effect. All positives are sales pitches / placebo.
SSRI effects are placebo at most too.