Lifting with a disability

So essentially I'm disabled. The disability I have is very rare (as in there are no other cases that are known). Noone knows what I can and can't do. For other people I just seem incredibly weak. I need some time to walk up stairs and can't lift heave etc. Now I want to start lifting in addition to my physiotherapy. I used to do light exercise but I want to start taking it seriously. I read the sticky and while I agree that machines aren't good, I can't do the beginner workouts. At all. I can't do one full sit-up/squat/etc. What do you guys think about using machines at first because those I can for the most part use (very low weights of course) and switch once I have enough strength? Also my calves are due to the way I walk stronger than many peoples (which is why I think I can train almost all muscles, albeit I get less effects from doing so). Should I just keep training them or leave them alone until my other muscles managed to catch up at least a bit?
Does someone maybe know exercises that I can do /routines/books to read up on where you really start at 0 so to speak?

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What disability? And it's okay not to do barbell workouts. While squat/bench/deadlift give gains very fast, they're not always necessary especially if you're not competing in powerlifting (Source:Greg Nuckols). Focus on physiotherapy, and use machine to help you get the bodyweight movement down to a T. Use barbell under supervision alot later.

Also get your genes profiled by a doc or something. You might have a monogenic disease, and it might be worth signing up for one of those ipsc clinical trials

Also, talk to your doctor, osteotherapist/physiotherapist and begin with very simple machine movements. There might be certain ones you can't do(?) But I would say if you're as crippled as you say start with a light weight, do high reps for e.g. preacher curls. That's what I was prescribed post wrist surgery (light weight, higher reps, ensure no pain)

It's a form of myopathie where the nucleus of some muscle cells is not where it should be rendering them useless. Apparently normally this gets worse, but mine mutated, because if not I'd be dead for 7 years now. Thanks, the thing is I've been with so many doctors I kinda don't care as much anymore. They used to tell me I would never walk/ride a bike etc, but also that I could try, and I did and now I can do all those things. I also went to a normal school because I refused to "live like someone with a disability".

Thanks, I did talk to him, the thing is since noone else has it the doctor can't really help. He pretty much said I should try and stop if there's any pain. My pysiotherapist agreed when I told them I wanted to start training, obv. I'll have to take it slow. Any reason for high reps? The sticky suggests low rep high weight (obviously I need to take care that I don't stress my joints too much, have bad form or destroy my body ay other way)

You're gonna make it OP. Just take baby steps and improve your exercises little by little. There's nothing wrong with using machines or body weight until you have the strength for barbell training.

Thanks, really the thing to overcome isnt my disability, ultimately it's my discipline. Feeling like there's no point when you make far less progress than everyone else is easy, but then again it's not a competition.

>I read the sticky and while I agree that machines aren't good

What's wrong with machines?

Incredibly one directional training, isolates muscle groups too much, doesnt help with stability as much, equal potential to your yourself. The only real upside is that it's a bit easier to keep track of your form and in my case that I can go down in intensity so much that I can actually do something.
For actual infos with quotations just read the sticky, it isnt long

Lift to improve yourself don't worry about what anyone else lifts. Ur strong enough not only to live with this disease but to actively imporove your self in the meantime. Much respect for you op keep grinding, you're gonna make it.

You get a free pass to use Test E. No one will judge you. God speed

>I also went to a normal school because I refused to "live like someone with a disability".
I've not got anything to add but good on you OP. I've never been disabled so I'm aware I say this from an ivory tower, but in my opinion too many people with disabilities just roll over and let themselves decay. That kind of fighting spirit is what great men have.
Also don't do this:

Convict conditioning has exactly what you want. Pic related.

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>doesnt help with stability as much
went from machines to free weights and injured myself
put me out of lifting for months
I'm only getting back into it recently with bodyweight stuff

>essentially I'm disabled
stopped reading there

excuses are the absolute easiest thing you can do
why don't you do what it takes to not have to make an excuse ever again

t. retard

Yeah, I won't. I mean likely it's meant nicely but I'll try to do by myself.
Thanks for that!
Well, because I can't do what other people can and therefore I need to find alternatives, which is what I am doing. "essentially I'm disabled" does not mean I think I'm disabled, it means by law I am "severely disabled", but I dislike to label myself as disabled because that means I also accept unnecessary limitations

I would start by not counting on fit for medical advice and talk to a doctor.

That's the problem though, the doctors say they don't know and I should just try. Therefore I ask for advice and find out what I can and cant do by myself

What's the name of the disease?

I don't know how to help you, but I mire your inner gains. Respect for OP

I don't know what it's called in english, but I'd try to translate it as "centronuclear myopathy". However that's not what I actually have, because if I did I'd have died long ago from muscle loss. Also my organs seem unaffected. Essentially there's a number of my cells where the nucleus is not where it should be rendering them useless. Normally these cells get more while the "normal" ones get less and less until the lungs or heart stop around 14 years of age. However my organs are fine and also if I loose strength in my outer muscles (which noone knows) it's nothing I can't counteract by simply keeping up my lifestyle. I was offered a bigger test where they may find out what I have, but it wouldnt help with treating me and they'd quite literally have to take some muscle tissue from every mayor muscle to test them. I still have a small scar from birth when they wanted to know what I had and I'm not interested in knowing what I have if that knowledge doesnt help me treating it.

Thanks, I'll have to keep at it, maybe then I deserve that in regards to training.

You don't have to lift.
I have an ultra-rare muscle disease myself.
I can't lift, so I don't.

But I do lots of cardio. Keto + cardio. Feels fucking good man.
I honestly don't give a shit about lifting, and life is good, nigga.

Good luck faggot. I won;t read your response, I'm sleepy and am going to bed and hopefully am quiting Veeky Forums as soon as I close this tab (that's why I came back to Veeky Forums tongiht, just checkign all the old boards I used to visit but haven't in years, just to chekc that I'm not missing anything (I'm not)).

Accept you and what you are and enjoy YOUR specific life for what it is.
The ride ends for everyone in the end, usually when old and weak and frail. Life isn't abotu muscles.

i've never read the sticky but if it says machines are bad then don't listen to it.

That's what this thread is for you absolute fucking brainlet. He's asking for advice on how to overcome this shit. You should follow his example and exercise your shriveled up brain of yours.

No, but I think it's better when you are fit. Also likely it's longer.

Don't worry about the sticky saying that machines are bad; that's for the other 99% of people. Cases like yours are the exact situations where machines are useful, since they can help you perform movements and develop muscle starting from close to zero.

I don't know much about your condition, but judging from what you've said in this thread, it sounds like progress is possible for you, although nobody can be certain. There's certainly nothing to lose from trying though, and everything to lose from giving up. It'll definitely be an uphill battle, but you can do it. Just do what you can right now, and eventually you'll be able to progress.

And remember, we're all gonna make it brah

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Have you tried yoga? It can be modified for almost any fitness level and you can build some basic strength that way. You can also try things like soup cans or 1 lb weights.

If you can't do one full bodyweight squat, use a chair to help support you. Keep doing them until you're strong enough to properly squat your own bodyweight.

Until you get to control your own body unloaded, you don't need weights, you can't handle them. You have to be able to move in basic movement patterns with no load first. The good news is for most people this happens fast. The neurolgoical adaptations will go fast and your strength should improve quickly if it's possible at all with your condition.


If You physically cant do heavy weigh low reps then all you can do is add reps because you cannot at weight.

Calisthenics. Look up any beginner bodyweight routine, you can go pretty far with a decent program. Honestly the reddit bodyweight routine is alright.

>inb4 reddit

Man who cares if you can't do a full sit up/squat/need time performing some movements like taking the stairs. Get yourself professional help and discuss where and how to start and how to progress from there. Take your time, use machines on the lowest setting - there's nobody rushing you.

Side note: I was so malnourished I couldn't do a half push up myself and worked my way up to +40kg bodyweight and being able to do 25 dips on that too. Just work your way around your shitty situation

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I do physical therapy exercises for a small group of people with DD.
One of my guys is wheelchair-bound and does a modified version of squats. If you have a support bar, grab onto it with both arms and do box squats from your chair. As it gets easier, move on to arm-assisted squats, and decrease the arm assistance until you can do bodyweight squats.
Since you can stand up, start with wall push ups. Gradually get more and more horizontal.
Use light weights to do dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts. The closer to setting your weights on the ground, the better.

You've got an uphill battle if you want to be able to use free weights. Until then, use a wide variety of machines to get as close to replacing a barbell as you can.

Just kill yourself man