Why is everyone being a pussy about carbs now?
Why is everyone being a pussy about carbs now?
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Retards are loud about their retarded stances and the educated just ignore it because it's Veeky Forums and nobody gives a fuck about you.
its mostly the fastfags made up of skinnyfat soyboys and cocky hambeasts that think their fit now because they lost a few pounds of water weight
> white rice
Fix yourself.
This. Veeky Forums is filled with a bunch of dumbshit teenagers. Don’t take any advice here seriously if you’re over the age of 20.
>Asian countries are only remaining thin countries left on planet
>eat loads of rice
This all carbs are the same meme shit has to die. White rice is not equal to white "bread" you get at the damn grocery store.
People have begun to understand the high GI carb => diabetes link. They then think keto and complete carb abstenance is the only healthy way to live.
>bashing /fast/
kike detected
I try to eat a low carb diet but god damn if white rice is around I'm gonna shovel that shit down my throat.
>my only defense of soy is a strawman
There's literally nothing wrong with white rice though. I have a buddy of mine who eats nothing but white rice with chicken and tuna, and white pasta with meat sauce every day and he's healthy shredded with low bf. This whole carbs is bad and processed carbs is evil bullshit is being overblown out of proportion for no reason
>brown rice
enjoy your arsenic, antinutrients, and inferior food
i stopped eating carbs and it worked really well, i lost a lot of fat
It's not about soy, it's about numale cucked /pol/lards attempting to meme.
Soyposters are the new furryfags. Nobody wants to hear it but you're loud and proud like it's 2012. You're essentially the SJWs who post lookism threads, spam soyboy threads on every board, and respond with a tumblr meme.
It's hilarious.
Because of the 3 macronutrients, carbs are the only one your body doesn't actually need, and in fact you have better energy levels without them. Blood sugar cucks will (You) at me now.
My body doesn't need sex either but that's not a valid argument you abstain. Faggot.
But your body does need carbs retarded, especially if you're actually active
Maybe I'm not active, fuckface.
>implying fermented soy presents a problem
Only retards do. You don't have strength to lift for shit if you're avoiding carbs and fats.
If you never felt the obvious lack of strength after eating low fats/carbs for a ~2 days it means you are not actually lifting.
Your body does need you to stop having the type of sex you're having. It's destroying your anus.
Then how come so many ultramarathon memesters follow keto diets now? More active than your faggot ass.
Then you're obviously not healthy. How about eating 3 regular human sized portions and getting just 30 minutes of continuous exercise daily instead of starving yourself drinking pink salt water fucking pussy. Blaming carbs, gut bacteria, and insulin has become the new "genetics" for fat people
Op talks about carbs only, you come with an argument about carbs and fat how dumb are you?
Hmm. The part where my doo doo comes out? You know what I'm talking about. Yeah, that. Yeah. Lick it.
Cause theyre faggots 100% dedicated to the meme train and are ruining their bodies/health by eating like shit and running extreme distances.
really dumb :( gay too :( :( really gay :( :( :( :( :( :(
maybe it's just me but from what I've seen everyone who advocates low carb/keto is either actually mentally retarded to some degree or DYEL
So I answer about the carbs and also included fats because it's the same fucking story. It somehow makes me dumb.
You should kys.
I advocate eating feces. Do you think I have mental retardation? Do you think I am DYEL?
You're fucking retard most athletes including marathon runners do eat a shit ton of carbs especially white pasta
People in here managing to be bigger faggots than the OP from the gf thread.
>moving the goalposts
You said you need carbs to be active, and I refuted you, so you change the arguement to "well they r dum"
Is your blood sugar spiking, saccharide-goy?
To be fair, in the ultra community there are people that claim Keto. Theyre fucking retards tho, and ultra runners are almost as bad as crossfitters with the broscience they accept as scripture.
>long distance runners not carb loading
lmao what a crock of shit
That post was my first post in this thread. I hadnt replied to any of your other comments ergo i didnt move any goal posts. Maybe you need some carbs so your brain can function properly you fgt redditor.
I didn't say they all do, most carb load. But there are plenty of memers who do just fine without carbs. It's almost like people are different, weird...
Will you shut up you disgusting shitstain.
Get the fuck off this board you fat sack of garbage.
You will never make it and no woman wants to be with you.
Good soygoy!
The Rock is the universe's strongest wrestler and he eats a shit ton of white rice. Michael Phelps has like a record for winning the most gold medals and his died consists of a shit ton of pizza and spaghetti. I could give a fuck about one hippie looking runnerfag that brags about doing keto for 10 min in munchies video
Truth hurt faggot?
You disgust me
no fats and protein are lauded. You're wrong. You should kys too.
ultramarathoners can get by on keto because their sport doesn't require intense exertion like shorter distances do. Anyone running 26 miles or less will have a hard time being competetive with no glycogen stores to rely on.
>I'm the same as two genetic lottery winners
You faggots keep eating cheap carbs pushed by big argibusiness. You will turn into asian soyboys soon.
This guy gets it. Either you eat rice and shit because you're on a budget, or eat sweet potatoes and berries for carbs. Everything else is nutritional cuckholdry.
>sweet potatoes and berries
>Calling simple carbs cuckholdry when you've fallen for the sugar meme
Enjoy your diabeetus and inflammation.
Tee hee hee! I was just doing that for my own amusement. Turns out it really ruffled your feathers too! Hoo hoo hoo!
One sweet potatoe is like 30g of carbs at most my dude, I'm still talking like 60g per day total.
>as an enlightened lactose intolerant Marxist-Leninist, i find your immature posts about soy to be absolutely hilarious
>Why is everyone being a pussy about carbs now?
Americans first went calorie counting during the 1890s. That didn't work. Then came the wars, nobody cared. Then, the Americans went low fat. But that didn't work either. Now we're at low carb, next one will be low protein probably (vegans, anyone?).
>next one
Lowering carb intake will fix most major diseases of civilization, once the grain lobby finally cucks off and doctors who are stuck in the 70s retire.
>But there are plenty of memers who do just fine without carbs
>Lowering carb intake will fix most major diseases of civilization, once the grain lobby finally cucks off and doctors who are stuck in the 70s retire.
Nice opinion. Of course, you are completely wrong.
>wahhhhhhh hes making fun of me and all of my insecure fat himafairy friends
>quick someone pass me my pink tinklebell water before I pass out because I'm retard
That so, fagit? Pray tell, fagit, what is it I've got wrong?
>diabetes, obesity, arthritis, other inflammatory diseases, and heart disease won't decrease with an overall decrease in the refined carbohydrate rich diets Americans already eat
t. grain lobby
Are you suggesting we kos together while holding hands.
Sorry, not a fag.
>Lowering carb intake will fix most major diseases of civilization,
That may be, but historically speaking humans have been eating a high carb diet ever since the advent of agrarianism. Working in the fields all day requires a ton of calories and people mostly got them from milled and fermented grain.
Don't apologize. Fix it.
True, but that isn't necessary anymore. Won't you transcend the filthy peasants and their diet with me, user?
Limiting your carbs (and sugar too, fatass) is a great way for normies who aren't very active to lose weight. This should also be combined with counting calories. For Veeky Forums people, carbs are probably the second most important macro behind protein. You should only be limiting your carbs on a cut so that you can meet your daily calorie goal.
Shooo shoo jewrej
Working the fields or not, most foods that are good for you are high in carbs and those carb sources are also associatied with healthy body weight. I don't know why people think you have to do extra shit to burn carbs off. Oatmeal and beans are filling.
>most athletes eat a lot of carbs
>therefor eating some carbs is good if I wanna be an athlete
This is your brain on low carb gurudietautism
>most food that are good for you are high in carbs
I didn't realize meat, leafy greens, shellfish, berries, fish, and yogurt are high in carbs.
Michael Phelps are 10,000 kcal per day of subway and pizza. Well user, why aren't you doing doing the same thing yet? Dont you want gold medals too?
At least rice isn't bread.
I didn't realize you, your dad, your brother, your husband, your boyfriend, your brother's husband, and your husband's boyfriend all took my fat boner up their assholes in the past week.
>he thinks diabetes is caused by carbs
>and obesity
>and everything else
Americans are retarded and fat - who knew?
>I don't know why people think you have to do extra shit to burn carbs off.
Because in the last 100-200 years humans have become unnaturally inactive due to their sedentary lifestyle. For most of our existence as a species we have spent over half our time walking, running or otherwise moving around. Normies today think it's weird or extreme for someone to do more than 20 or 30 hours of exercise a week, but from an evolutionary standpoint, it's the opposite. We aren't doing what our bodies were designed to do, which is move around.
And is anyone here advocating for anyone to eat EXACTLY like he does?
He trained for like 7 hours a fucking day everyday so he obviously needed the calories.
ALL elite bodybuilders that are worth their salt eat high carbs, all of them.
Almost all elite athletes eat high carbs, a lot of them eat a fuckton of carbs.
>Because in the last 100-200 years humans have become unnaturally inactive due to their sedentary lifestyle. For most of our existence as a species we have spent over half our time walking, running or otherwise moving around. Normies today think it's weird or extreme for someone to do more than 20 or 30 hours of exercise a week, but from an evolutionary standpoint, it's the opposite. We aren't doing what our bodies were designed to do, which is move around.
Also wrong. Look up the daily caloric expenditure of stone age tribe today. Hint: They have the same expenditure as office workers in Europe.
Please stop with the American education. Thanks.
Is that why your penis has become so shriveled up and tiny? Nobody's using it?
Those aren't most foods, nor are some even good for you
>specific recommendations for a healthy diet include: eating more fruit carbs, vegetables, legumes, nuts and grains
A healthy diet is based around whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. 3 out of 5 of those are carb-dominant.
>Hint: They have the same expenditure as office workers in Europe.
Thanks, now I don't have to look it up. You gave away too much in the hint, idiot.
The truth is your body needs fiber. Are grains a good source of this? Sure, some are. I think the patricians choice is to get your fiber and carbs from beans, cuciferous vegetables, root vegetables and fruits though.
But why do you think you have to do extra shit to burn carbs off?
Lmao hunters and foragers literally did fuck all most of the time though.
When agriculture became a thing that's when humans started overusing their bodies.
Analysis of skeletal remains of paleolithic and neolithic europeans show a massive difference in robustness, paleolithic skeletons dwarfing the agricultural neolithic ones.
Also paleolithic skeletons showed almost no signs of overuse injuries although they did have injuries caused by dangerous activities such as hunting or low level warfare.
Neolithic skeletons show constantly signs of overuse, even in females.
Why? Because agriculture made so that humans had to work hard all day, with repetitive motions in order to have enough food to survive, even then their skeletons became weaker than that of lazier less active hunter gatherers.
Processed vegetable oils are a much larger source of empty calories than grains. Humans have also thrived on grains for thousands of years, but seed oils didn't exist until industrialization
Because you're a lazy fuck who doesn't know how to eat in moderation.
>muh bone density
>muh joints
That's how retarded you paleofags sound
>he is healthy
How the fuck do you want to know that? This is "my dad smokes since 50 years and he is just fine!!" tier of arguing.
Rice is trash carbs with high arsen - unless you really need to badly fill the gap you shouldn't eat it much.
Eating it three times a day along with broccoli and chicken is a typical retard diet.
Ketosis is for overweight inactive people that need to lose weight.
Being that the avg fit poster can squat 2x their body weight, strength trains 3-4 days a week, and participates in a cardio activity 3-4 times a week; a ketosis diet is not ideal for the avg fit poster.
Or maybe, and strap yourself in for this one, carbs aren't evil.
Ketosis is not ideal long term period lmao, even fucking eskimos developed a RESISTANCE to ketosis by upregulating gluconeogensis lmao.
>post on the health and fitness board
>not active
That's why most people rinse rice and cook it in some heat source and not eat it raw retard
White bread is unironically as healthy as any other source of carbs, white bread has more protein in it than rice, more omega 3's and omega 6's, it is litearlly and unironically a better food source than white rice in every regard.
>not eating raw rice
>making it
That doesn't eliminate the arsen entirely you fucking retard.
And it still leaves you with the shit type of carbs rice is.