How do I stop watching porn for good?
>It’s literally degenerate and rots your brain.
How do I stop watching porn for good?
>It’s literally degenerate and rots your brain.
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whenever you feel the urge to look, read this instead
set goals for yourself if you dont think you can quit cold turkey. like once a week, then two weeks. shit like that.
dont stress too much if you relapse. relapse does not = failure, it means opportunity to strengthen resolve.
you can do it user
>literally degenerates and rots your brain
And /pol/ is that way
I went from watching my degenerate shit (gape gangbangs... yikes) to less and less degenerate shit (currently only watch solo cam girl stuff) eventually I'll move to softcore
>how do I turn gay
Yes, read this. I have 2/3 finished and it changed my view on Nofap. You are allowed to keep fapping while reading it to encourage reading at all. First 1/3 part of the book is a bit boring and kinda repeats itself several times. But then it really starts: there is counter-brainwashing in this book that will make you understand that porn isn't gifting you anything, there is no moderation in consumption because you are still a slave with a looser chain, substituting with soft porn is tortue of your willpower.
It bascially deconstructs every argument you have and in the end you realize there is no need for PMO.
>on hol without 15 hdds with 40tb of porn and laptop w 17in hd screen.
>with gf
>walking around town
>mind wanders and i zoom in on every young womans ass and tits
>imagine dping and face fucking them
Its like real life is porn
Softcore is my life essence right now
Believe it or not, but by watching softcore only I got the exact effects you get from nofap.
I would say just do noporn and you are fine
>my brain is different
Not that guy but I never thought about quitting through softcore. Any suggestions?
When I do Nopfap I get this dlmost uncontrollable urge to fuck all the girls I know IRL
I end up faping to them
for me it is jav
Same. Feels good.
Its frustrating becaude u cant fuck them all so u have to fap imagining u are ficking them to relieve the frustration
lol typical white boi who can't get any girls
It's way harder going backwards in terms of intensity and novelty than to follow your dopamine and keep escalating into weirder fetishisms. Your brain automatically wants to seek the dopamine and moves you towards these powerful neurochemicals without question. Moving back however is terrible since you've desensitized your dopamine receptors and then when you watch less stimulating porn it basically gives you a double blow.
I think NoFap is gay, but NoPorn is the truth. That shit ruins your sex drive and distorts what turns you on.
Girls kissing
To scale back you must first abstain for a time(not that long) in order to your dopamine receptors become more sensible
I honestly believe that watching porn has permanently altered my perception of women in a bad way. I have been on nofap since January 1 this year and plan to do it for this entire year. I know it sounds extreme but I really need to reset my brain and penis
Just stop. It's not difficult.
Download some browser extension that blocks out porn
I did this. Eventually I just deactivated the extension. I say eventually. It was about 10 minutes after deciding I wanted a wank.
>I have been on nofap since January 1 this year
good going breh, keep it up.
I switched to still pictures and now I just use my imagination
this! Fuck wh*Te people, ins'allah i will slaughter them all
Thanks. I've always had an unhealthy view of women and after a month or so there was a huge improvement. I have on a few occasions watched fetish porn without touching my dick which I need to stop. I really need to have sex soon to find out if it has helped. Before I struggled to maintain an erection during sex
I feel like I've been brainwashed into liking certain types of porn, just by repeated exposure.
(((No way! That can't be right)))
Just imagine how pathetic you look jerking off in front of your monitor.
ITT: gay virgins pretend that the reason they can't talk to girls is because they watch porn and not because they're fucking autistic.
I'm going to carry on watching porn and still fucking as many girls as I like or want on the side, because a real man doesn't place imaginary obstacles in his way.
Stop being such fucking babies.
>I'm going to carry on watching porn and still fucking as many girls as I like or want on the side, because a real man doesn't place imaginary obstacles in his way.
Quality larping, bruv.
I stopped watching porn after I realized most women don't want to have sex like a porn star and just how unrealistic the shit is. When the women in porn "cum" it's cringeworthy and borderline annoying to listen to. Amateur stuff is solid but even then it's just a waste of time. I'd rather just save a massive load for my gf
like that Black Mirror episode where the hackers captured the kid's jack off session with his laptop webcam, then used it to blackmail him
>I'm such a virgin I can't even comprehend that there are people out there who have lots of sex with lots of different women
That's true, but you don't need to stop watching porn to stop fucking her like she's a pornstar.
Anyway, the point is not that I'm pro-porn or anything like that, but more that I think holding any one particular practise as your single fault, and the single reason you can't satisfy a woman, is lazy and a cop out. You're cheating yourself if you think living an increasingly ascetic lifestyle will doing anything more than just make you a boring fuck.
Do you think Chad doesn't watch porn, when he's not fucking Stacies?
>most women don't want to have sex like a porn star
how do they want to have sex? seriously asking
I agree with you on that, but I think a lot of people do recognize they're the problem and opt to remove the catalyst completely, which is fine.
Depends on the woman, but from experience the common denominator is that they like being dominated, just not jackhammered and used like a complete piece of meat.
source on the paintings?
I read it on Veeky Forums, it must be true
not him, but I don't see noporn as merely one step of many towards an ascetic lifestyle, but more about a reset of the dopamine reward system. Getting the relationship back to the historical pattern of goal/effort/achievement/reward ... with modern porn all you have is goal/reward, and I think by bypassing and eliminating the effort/achievement steps we lose something important in our psychology.
It entirely depends on the woman and her mental state at the time. Sometimes they want it rough, sometimes they want it slow and controlled. Ultimately most just want a sense of connection with the person fucking them. That's why I always found one night stands so shitty. I don't know what she likes, she doesn't know what I like, and we have this short period of time to attempt to figure it out. 9/10 times it just doesn't work and leaves you feeling more alone than ever.
Tldr; If you want good sex, you should really get to know someone first
Nofap and no porn are just tools for different situations, it's not a fix all that will give you super powers with women. I still date and have sex with women but I believe with absolute certainty that porn has corrupted my perception of sex and relations with women. Thats why as I said here that I will abstain from porn and masturbation for an entire year. I wouldn't expect anyone else to do this and I believe that certain stumli affects everyone differently. If you can watch porn and still have healthy relationships and sexual relations with women then that's great, but it doesn't mean everyone is like you so there's no reason to criticise it. Just as some people are more susceptible to addiction and mental illnesses, porn effects people differentl as well.
LMMFAO indeed my fellow Veeky Forums brotha
I don't even get off to the actual porn, I'm just a disgusting misogynist
he was jerking it to CP though
i dont think porn really matters at all outside of edge cases where dudes are wildly obsessed with it
Take a break from the internet all together