How do I stop watching porn for good?

>my brain is different

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Not that guy but I never thought about quitting through softcore. Any suggestions?

When I do Nopfap I get this dlmost uncontrollable urge to fuck all the girls I know IRL
I end up faping to them

for me it is jav

Same. Feels good.

Its frustrating becaude u cant fuck them all so u have to fap imagining u are ficking them to relieve the frustration

lol typical white boi who can't get any girls

It's way harder going backwards in terms of intensity and novelty than to follow your dopamine and keep escalating into weirder fetishisms. Your brain automatically wants to seek the dopamine and moves you towards these powerful neurochemicals without question. Moving back however is terrible since you've desensitized your dopamine receptors and then when you watch less stimulating porn it basically gives you a double blow.

I think NoFap is gay, but NoPorn is the truth. That shit ruins your sex drive and distorts what turns you on.

Girls kissing