Enough about masturbating

Enough about masturbating,
will having too much actual sex affect my gains?

I recently got a gf and she fucks like a rabbit. I already drink a lot of water because I heard cumming three-four times in a few hours dehydrates you. Other than occasional sore dick, is having too much sex just as bad as fapping too much?

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how the fuck would I know anything about this I've never even kissed a girl

gains are the reason you have sex
sex is the reason you go out and make gains

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Good job! you are on the way of reducing your chances at prostate cancer

such is the state of Veeky Forums

Nonsense, if you ask people in this board to stop talking about not masturbating what other consensual sex activity are they supposed to talk about? How will they be able to collectively channel their frustrations at women?

thus is the will of the Gods

How you get girl for sex? I mean I'm gay and all, but I wanna know what it feels like to put dick in babyhole
>tfw cant get even bros for sex
>end me

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You can replace cardio with sex if it happens frequently enough. Just try not to lose too much sleep when you have to wake up at 3 AM and fuck her senseless.

Best compromise if you're worried is to get good with your hands and mouth.

Just take the hit to your gains, stupid.

If gains are more important than sex, I would advise to have sex once a week only and nofap

OP here.
Sex isn't that important, jesus christ get some life goals or motivation besides putting your dick into wet roast beef sandwich.
If its fucking with my health I'm going to cut back a little

Sex increases test.

Woman = gains goblin

You know what you have to do: leave her.

Sex is important, but only if it’s with someone you love. On average the higher amounts of out of marriage sexual partners you have, the lower chance you have of sustaining a long term relationship. Also the highest level of sexual pleasure is reported by those who have had only one sexual partner, maybe that’s just blissful ignorance. But considering our society is fundamentally based on exclusive pair bonding it probably isn’t a bad thing.

>Releasing literal nutrients and hormones necessary to create life
>"Will it affect my gains"
What do you think?

Don't worry, you won't fuck as often later on. I used to fuck my girlfriend 3 times a day when we met, but nowadays with our busy schedules and emotional intimacy it's around 4 times a week.

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How can I recover?
Take vitamins?

Always wear a condom and mix it i to your pre workout.

In all seriousness have you noticed a lack of gains?

You dont have to cum everytime you have sex

>will having too much actual sex affect my gains?

Fuck no! It's just like another workout! Just eat and sleep enough, stay hydrated and let the good times roll!

Unless you skip workouts for sex, your gains should be just fine.

>Sigmund Freud Psychologist and founder of Psychoanalysis “Freud held the opinion (based on personal experience and observation) that sexual activity was incompatible with the accomplishing of any great work. Since he felt that the great work of creating and establishing psychotherapy was his destiny, he told his wife that they could no longer engage in sexual relations. Indeed from about the age of forty until his death Freud was absolutely celibate "in order to sublimate the libido for creative purposes," according to his biographer Ernest Jones.”
>Sir Issac Newton Scientist and Mathmatician Life long celibate. Believed to have died a virgin. “The way to chastity is not to struggle with incontinent thoughts but to avert the thoughts by some employment, or by reading, or by meditating on other things,”
>Muhammad Ali Boxing Legend “There’s a kid just come down here named Cassius Clay. If you bet on him every time he fights, you’ll be a rich man, ‘cause he won’t lose a single fight. I believe his thing is sexual control. And he’s got it. Any kid who can control his sex can with the title. I believe it.” (Olympic Boxing Coach, Harry Wiley, quote from book ‘Muhammad Ali, The Greatest.’
>Nikola Tesla Legendary Scientist and Inventor “He believed that celibacy spurred on the brain…”
>Steve Jobs Founder of Apple “Our birth control method up to that point was Steve’s coitus interruptus, also called the pull-out method, which for him was about his conserving his energy for work,' she wrote. He explained that he didn't want to climax so he could build 'power and wealth by conserving one’s vital energies.”

>Manny Pacquiao Boxer, Eight Division World Champion Believing the old adage that sex saps strength, Pacquiao follows a strict no-[wife] policy during training. “We’ve talked to doctors about it,” [trainer Freddie] Roach says. “Sex lowers your testosterone, so you’re not as mean.” Most boxers abstain for a week or more before a bout. “I ask my guys for 10 days,” Roach says. Of course Pacquiao beats the others even when it comes to abstinence. He stays chaste for 21 days before a bout
>David Haye World heavy weight boxing champion "I don’t ejaculate for six weeks before the fight. No sex, no masturbation, no nothing. It releases too much tension. It releases a lot of minerals and nutrients that your body needs, and it releases them cheaply. Releasing weakens the knees and your legs. Find a lion that hasn’t had some food for a while, and you’ve got a dangerous cat. So there won't bet a drip from me. Even in my sleep -- if there are girls all over me in my dream, I say to them, "I’ve got a fight next week, I can’t do anything. I can’t do it.” That’s control. I’ve been doing that since I was fifteen and its part and parcel of my preparation now. That’s why Im am who I am today -- it's down to all those little sacrifices. Find me another boxer who makes that sacrifice, and you’ll find another champion.
>Georg Hackenschmidt 20th century strongman, wrestler and philosopher "Moderation in sexual intercourse is very important. Sexual abstemiousness should be strictly observed during the early age of manhood and development. He who observes this recommendation will soon benefit by the immense prerogatives of chastity. A few years ago a colleague of mine said to me: “Nonsense, that is only human nature.” This “clever” man, however reached only a secondary position as a strong man, and now, at the age of thirty, he is actually degenerating as an athlete." Georg Hackenschmidt, “The Way to Live”

It's Veeky Forums, I'm not really sure what you expected. A quarter of the people here are normal, half can fake it for brief spurts, and the remaining quarter are doomed to a life of autistic wizardry.

interesting , where did you get this from?

>I heard cumming three-four times in a few hours dehydrates you
that is false
but you actually lose a fuckload of zinc with each load (around 1 gram), wich lowers your test levels

feels good to be among normal people

It feels natural and not gay at all. I recommend it.


Not really, other than being more tired and more horny when she's not around

So take zinc supplements?
Also what you're saying is contradictory to the other user saying sex raises test levels.

i hate that fucking picture

it crushes me

it hits way too hard and close to home



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cant wait to get home and fuck my girlfriend

dont worry single guys. 15 minutes afterwards i feel normal (albeit a little tired)

The study on which the nofap nonsense is based was actually researching the effects of ejaculation, not masturbation. As such the "muh low test" applies to sex just as much as fapping.

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Fuck off back to social security, you type like a boomer.


>only 15 minutes
gotta be at least 45 for glute gains. trust me.

Imagine being this autistic

And you think like a child.
I'm 27, do your parents know you're on here, past your bedtime?

i meant like 15 minutes after sex all sexual frustration/relaxation/clear headedness returns to normal levels

but damn i wish i could last 45 mins :(

if you slip a disk and get lucky, you might be able to last longer. from experience don't, nerve damage has fucked up my sex life, i'm surprised i can still get hard

this too guys


You're right, didn't realize they had such an easily spotted way of typing. The ending statement is an old phrase and they end everything with an exclamation mark!

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You get a little flat and sometimes your sessions are half assed because you're just so gassed from oil rigging all night, but as for long term effects my experience shows it's all gravy. I've been single for a while now but back in the slay days it never held me back.
Puts you to sleep really well too.

>Mfw it's been 4 years since having a divine qt I could come home to after a huge deadlift session, pumped full of test, rip her clothes off and Jack hammer her on the floor of wherever she happened to be at the time.

Pretty good times really.

this is the dumbest fucking question i've ever heard.

everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it.

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You're dumb. It's a valid question, if ejaculating while masturbating is bad for you, why would ejaculating in a woman be any different?

>Be working out for a while
>Get my first gains
>Nothing special but enough for people to notice so I look better than the typical soy boy these days
>Land gf
>She was a virgin, really hurt for her first time and there was a fair bit of blood (she is tiny so really small hole)
>Eventually she is used to it
>Sleep at hers and bang
>Says that was amazing and it's a shame guys can only go the once then have to wait for ages, she would love another round of that
>Literally thought it takes guys 2 hours to be able to get hard again
>lol nope give me 10 minutes tops
>Jumps on me to go again
>Fuck 3 times that night
>Both fall asleep exhausted
>Wake up still tired (got about 4 hours sleep) got morning wood, she sees it, grabs it, starts jacking
>Later on when I'm home from work do it 2 more times

I was not prepared for this fit. What can I take to make sure I'm not wrung dry. I'm keeping pace fine and I feel ok once I've had some water afterwards, just a little tired.

No, you fucking don't man. It's hell. Its genuinely hell. She gets sore, you don't cum. I'd HAPPILY last no more then 15 minutes. If I cum in 15 its a topic of conversation for a few minutes.

No. If you keep training, eating, and sleeping sex will only help.

>She gets sore
Only if you're not keeping her aroused?
Girls can last a long ass time if you hold off orgasm

Does anyone else get uncontrollably horny after workingout?

It doesn't happen much during upper days but days when I rly hit my legs hard, I get home and see my gf just chilling there and I get the urge to just fuck the living shit out of her. When I workout in the morning and she's gone for work like I'll have to get the nut out or else I'm just horny all day.

Just in general I feel super horny after any workout. Gf loves it because it means I generally just come home and rail her. It's to the point she encourages me to go and lift now because she's figured it out.

>fuck like a rabbit

telltale virgin calling card, along with fake humblebragging like OP

it's not a dumb question, it's just another "brag about having sex" thread on Veeky Forums. since most people here are between 14-16 years old, they always like to make threads the first time they have sex to talk about how much sex they are having

>someone mentions sex in any way
>get mad about "HUMBLEBRAGGING"
lmao faggot
this is the real telltale virgin sign

>haha dude like omg i have so much sex like literally orgasm 4 times in 2 hours from so much sex ARE MY GAINS GONNA DIE

yeah, sure thing virgin

Dude, I fucking feel the same way.
When I haven’t had sex in a while I’m very aggressive and pent up with sexual frustration so when I hit the weights I hit them like a fucking beast in heat. After the workout which last about 3 hours I feel rejuvenated and the sex urdge is gone.. till the next day that is.

keep in mind, the less you give her the dick the more she wants it.

actually you right bro

my girlfriend used to get sore the 2nd or 3rd time in a night. try lubricant man. we bought that shit and no soreness (can fuck for longer ;) ;) )

Eventually this will wear off and go down to a few times a week at most and you’ll be missing these days. Treasure them while you can.

imagine actually going through and making this thread. having to brag on a user image board. yikes


Medfag here.

At least half of these comments are bullshit. Don't be worried about dehydration from orgasms as the ejaculate itself is nominal. You'd lose more water simply from the energy expenditure and sweat. If you're worried, drink something hydrating with electrolytes after you're finished pounding her. If you're worried about sugars try coconut water.

To make it simple because fuck teaching you endocrinology, sex releases good hormones and relieves stress for lower levels of bad hormones. So overall it's good for your well being but everyone is different in terms of their libido. Increased well being leads to retry much better everything.

Fuck her long and hard my friend.

Is it true that you lose a lot of minerals in semen by cumming? Like the thing about zinc

>taking trolling and memes seriously

Well you say "a lot."
So technically yes, zinc, along with other minerals such as copper, are used in the synthesis of sperm. But again it's neglible unless you are ejaculating multiple multiple times. And even then, a balanced diet and multivitamin should cover you.

Zinc is correlated with increased sperm and ejaculated output.

Answering some questions in between sets. Keeps me mentally engaged

I'm gay and occasionally have sex with girls, it feels pretty neat. Certainly wouldn't call it boring. I've honestly never actively tried getting girls for sex, it just happens rarely.

I will add an addition to that hypothesis by providing an alternative statement in which is more thought-provoking.

gains are the reason why sex is more achievable
sex acts as a reward function for making gains more worth doing.

But how u meet them?

Oh I've done that. That's how I ended up like this haha and it is damn difficult to say no. When I wake up in the morning with her jacking it because it "looks like I didn't get enough last night" it is really hard to say no.

Still it's got to the point I've got brain fog and feel drained sometimes so I think I'll have to cut back and hold it out of reach for her again.

Actually the more sex you have the higher your testosterone will be provided you maintain good nutrition.