I'm fucking ugly, should I just grow a beard

I'm fucking ugly, should I just grow a beard

Attached: dan.jpg (640x614, 55K)


>using a photo of a guy who ran like a pussy during the vegas shooting
what a blunder

>using a photo of someone who looks like shit, beard or no beard
kys and your family

hes like 10x uglier without it
hes like 100% more alive because of it

Yes. Beards are sexy.

What should he have done?


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I looked at the thumbnail and I was like 'Damn, did Bret Contreras get a hair transplant?'
Turns out it was the pokermanlet all along.

He ran home to get his guns asshole!

>one female-brained moron with lucky beard genetics

>being so buttmad over your own shit beard ability that you save that image on your pc to repost

t. jawlet

'sup tough guy

Beard culture is fucking cringy

Attached: disgusting.jpg (1880x936, 817K)

Attached: Screenshot_20180328-121336.jpg (361x836, 81K)

>hey there is a guy shoting towards me with a machine gun, let me say right here and die instead of running and spending 132 thousand bucks on cocaine and drinks

hmph you fucking wimp i wouldve bashed the guys head in

what the fuck could he do?

i guess he should stay and try his best to get shot, right?

People who have beards it's because they are chinlets and you know it.

Apparently he was being an annoying cunt and begging the police to let him help. He's a retarded cunt, but I wouldn't call him a pussy in any sense.

People with beards always make it their fucking identity. It's really weird and retarded.

Are your parents brother and sister or something?