Shake Thread

Give me some of your shake recipes, preferably something cheap

Attached: best-protein-shake.jpg (168x250, 10K)

>1 scoop ON double chocolate
>1scoop ON cake batter
>2 cups whole or 2% molk

That's my bulking shake of choice, 2x a day.

Attached: 1512519227483.jpg (800x768, 68K)

2 scoops chocolate protein powder
1 bananer
1 tbsp peanut butter
16oz water

Attached: 1515253426439.jpg (618x600, 56K)

What is ON?
>t. person who doesn't know brand names

Attached: 1521402072773.gif (350x197, 2.52M)

Add a tablespoon of metamucil for fiber.

a little bit of water
18 oz water


Add a tablespoon of lecithin granules to cum like a fire hose

>not using milkies
Shameful, unless you're cutting

This thread inspired me to try making a protein shake like 5 minutes ago

>1 carrot
>1 banana
>1 cup broccoli
>1 scoop ON French vanilla
>1 cup water
>1/2 cup steel cut oats

I got about halfway through the glass before I had to pour it out. Was fighting gags the whole way. It wasn't even cold, just warm and disgusting.
Eating a meatball now instead.

Just wanted to let you guys know

Are you even trying to make it?