>gym aztec starts blowing death whistle
Gym aztec starts blowing death whistle
Other urls found in this thread:
>gym commando detained another guy who set off the lunk alarm
>Gym wizard turned me into a frog for doing loud deadlifts
This is crazy. My gf just got home from a trip to mexico and just gave me a whistle and heres a thread mentioning them. I didnt even know they exist til now.
>gym gladiator runs manlet through with a pike on his chariot
>gf just got home from a trip to Mexico
>Gym witch doctor turned all the barbells into eels
>gym sirens lured all my liftmates to the cardio depths below
>go to a DL platform
>notice my crush doing squats just across me
>decide to impress her, 4pl8s baby here we go
>work my way up, she keeps eyeing me
>the big lift is coming
>smile at her and get ready to lift
>gym hussar comes in
>takes my crush on his horse and rides to the OHP section
I fucking hate that faggot so goddamn much
>Gym technomancer has given the smith machine feelings
>won’t stop asking us to come use it
>tfw penis pumper starts charging more money per pump so the cardio bunnies no longer stare at my junk
>gym chimp starts flinging poo at fatties again
>Not breaking PRs
Never gonna leave humanity behind.
>Gym jester stole all the 10kg plated again
>to get them back you have to sit through his routine
>gym got bombed by the planet fitness across the street
>we’re getting ready to mount a counter attack at first light
>gym tornado sirens activated
>had to rush everyone downstairs into the manlet zone for safety
>they kept nipping at our ankles until we got the all clear signal and could go back out
>gym boyars plot to overthrow the gym king
>manlet spies uncover the conspiracy
>king exiles the traitors to the vegan bar area
>manlet pit gets one foot higher as a reward
>Gym Chaplain holding up the preacher curl seat again....
>Gym executioner is taking out to the guillotine every man that doesn't keep a good form during reps.
About time.
>Gym Rogue stole my gains
There was something about them on reddit and now thry are all over the place. Will be gone in 3 weeks
>on weight reracking duty for the next fortnight because couldn't pay the dyel tax this month
>gf just got home from a trip to mexico
ur babies
>little guy tries to work in on the squat rack with me without paying the manlet tax
>gf went to mexico
I feel good for the spic that lost his virginitý with your gal :)
>gym bounty hunter switched to passive mode after killing my spot mate
>all these replies about getting cucked
>almost got caught deflowering the gym vestal
Too fucking close, that would have been a crucifixion for sure.
>Gym Chaplain preaching the gospel of ZYZZs
>Other denomination starts vowing their life to jeff
>holy war of gains commences
>Gym Quidditch champion attached a brush onto the barbell
>Threw my shake to take him out but fucker catched it airborne and won't give it back
>gym Chad keeps screaming LIGHTWEIGHT BABY whenever I lift
>Gym paladin won't stop glaring at me
Thank god the gym lich protects us skeletons
>gym egyptian slave racks 10pl8 for ohp
>aliens come and he completes the set no problem
Did you Awaken your masters?
>lost my gold ring
>descent into manlet pit
>they scramble into corners like rats
>a door to their basement catches my eye
>enter the long dark empty corridor
>discover an ancient, desolated labyrinth of chambers and passageways
>walls decorated with ancient manlet inscriptions
>shelves full of long lost books filled with unfathomable manlet wisdom
>takes hours to make my way through ageless cobwebs and absolute darkness
>finally reach the bottom and can't believe my eyes
>a fucking dragon sleeping on manlet gains
Pretty good
>new qt at the gym
>gym baron decrees prima noctis
>Pic Related, it's you
I like this thread a lot.
>40lb eel curls
>gym blacksmith forged the barbells crooked again