Hey Veeky Forums, post your measurements

Hey Veeky Forums, post your measurements

>6% body fat percentage
>26" vertical
>5.1 sec 40
>190lb bench
>141 lbs

Attached: strogman.jpg (1200x1200, 80K)

> 6’2
> 190 lbs
> 12% BF
> 34” vertical
> 4.80 sec 40
> 265 bench

182 lbs
Bf probably 15%?
Don't care
Don't care
265 lbs bench

>> 6’4
>> 198 lbs
>> xx% BF
>> xx” vertical
>> xx sec 40
>> 125lb bench

>185cm tall

please post your body because im having a very hard time believing anything you wrote in true

who cares
who cares
195lb for 5
215lb bw

>16% bf
>23 inch vertical
>4.98 sec 40
>245 lb bench
>190 lb body weight

14% bf
30" vert
200lb bench
t. dyel

>~24% bf
> probably cant bench the bar
>149 lbs

>No one cares
>no one cares

>19% bf
>170lbs bench

Are you made out of polystyrene?

>205 binch
> 214lbs

>10% BF
>36" VJ
>~4.7ish 40 (it's been a while)
>250lb bench

>~20% or something, I don't know, fuck it
>320lbs bench

what do u mean

>4% body fat
>88" inch vertical
>850lb bench
>240 lbs


>240lbs 20%ish bf

>30'' vert

>4.6 40, 11.5 100m

>350 bench (20+ reps 220), 440 squat, 520 dead

I'd have better measurables than most RB/LB at the NFL combine this year

> 6'0 (184cm)
> 133lb (60Kg) bench
>158lb (70Kg)

not OP but I was 184cm 61Kg form age 26 to 31

Op here

>pic related

Attached: image.jpg (3024x4032, 1.45M)

i just started working out today

Wtf ur me

How do I get body like this ?

No fucking way that's 6 percent body fat. It looks like you're at maybe 12 percent

why are ur nipples black

your nips are disturbing.

literally went to the trainer today for the first time and had it measured

idk they've always just been kinda dark, girls seem to like them though

This is OP

Attached: 3400CA73-0DB8-46C8-BA42-BA139B74AABC.jpg (2576x1932, 677K)

how did you find that?

>the girls face

take another pic with the girl in it

My pussy is wet

i thought u censored your nips LOL

when I was 17 we tested this
>210 lbs
>30" vert
>4.8 sec 40 yd
don't know fat%

dios mio...

Please delete this post

>26" vertical
>5.1 sec 40

What does this mean?
2'2" vertical what?
5.1 sec 40? Is sec here seconds??

No they just have a high melanin content

Is that good or bad

Tryna sex

when you jump, while keeping your legs extended, they come up to 26" off the ground.
5.1 seconds to run 40 yards.

It means I can run 40 yards per 5.1 seconds and jump 2’2” with one lunge. Coincidentally these are the same stats your mother posts when tell her to run over and jump in my bed.

I am OP and I do not endorse this message.

However, your mother is an unremitting Babylonian whore

I am op, this mong is a liar. Here’s another photo of myself to prove it


Attached: 818BDD5C-B160-4ACA-B924-E4028DD80FFF.jpg (451x338, 40K)

this post is not Veeky Forums related

please eliminate your waste


18% bf
pathetic vertical
i dont care
170lb binch

La creatura....

Is that a space marine?

>30% body fat
>48" vertical
>4.9 sec 40
>270 Bench
>150 lbs

>18% body fat percentage
>20" vertical
>6 sec 40
>150 lb bench
>230 lbs

Shit stats but I used to be THIS

Attached: 20150410_005403-1.jpg (1170x1769, 1008K)

you're not 5'2

how in gods name do you have a 48 inch vert with 30% bodyfat?

325 lb
4% bodyfat