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/plg/ powerlifting general
1st for rebeka koha is a black cock whore
>he didn't change the filename to "MA's_thoughts_on_eq"
Squats felt really great today senpai, did 170kg for a single then 5x3 at 140. 170 moved probably the best it ever has.
Gonna do 4 plate in a few weeks assuming everything feels good.
You need more control into the hole
yeah, groins a bit tight and i feel pretty shit in the hole but working on it.
General checklist of characteristics which are indicative of unsuitability for success at strength sports:
> High neuroticism
> chronically low proportionate bench press
> a vertical jump of less than 20 in, regardless of weight
> fear of hypertrophy training
> attraction to tomboys or transexuals
> low social status amongst friends and women
> unironically friends with women
> inability to understand that max grip bench or Sumo deadlift are inappropriate unless you're an advanced athlete doing so for competition purposes
> chronic anger towards those who participate in different federations or in different divisions because of personal insecurities
> avoidance of conditioning
> obsession with optimal training parameters
> inability to understand that max grip bench or Sumo deadlift are inappropriate unless you're an advanced athlete doing so for competition purposes
lower faggot
is Pantariste from volafile reading this?
What is the optimal weight class for 5"10 lifter?
Anywhere between 83 and 105
What should a 6 foot 3 person weigh at the end of SS?
Im not talking about in the hole, your descent has no control
>6 foot 3 person weigh at the end of SS?
If you're not on your way to 200 lbs, youre not trying very hard.
well beyond 200lbs
-105 class is the sweetspot.
leave the -120 class to the lanklets
stop doing 531
Can you give me a formchek g-bro?
Why do I lift more with the conventional deadlift than a sumo if its supposed to be the other way around?
He just told you brainlet, need more control into the hole. Try slowing down on you descend and practice tempo squats.
Im not him you brainlet. I'm another person
Third meet yesterday. Made some mistakes in my attempt selection but didn’t bomb out. Also grip decided to just give out. Lots to keep working on.
then how can he give you formcheck if you haven't posted your lifts you retard.
Because I wanted to know if he actually wants to. And why are you so aggressive?
I said to message me for questions about a week ago
Everyone so far has asked permission to so something ive already said to do
Dont be beta
He's mad he looks like a fucking idiot, as if he didn't already once he opened his cock hole of a mouth
pls respond
Not doing it on here anymore
How do I message you
170 cm, 5'7
I already follow you on insta and iirc ive already told you that you have soldi technique
Good luck running sheiko and training for football. Lmao.
Glad you remembered. You also said along the lines of my knees caving in. Forgive me for being a brainlet but what is your name on insta?
You act like filling up waters is so taxing
The average high school football player in the US trains harder than 99% of powerlifter on plg.
I can't explain it but it looks like you're doing two movements when you start coming up.
Yeah yeah I was in highschool once and on varsity all 4 years calm the fuck down
ah yes, you certainly know more than someone with 40+ years of experience coaching world class athletes
You dont wrap your wrists properly theres a gap between your wrap and your skin
Do you still have the link to Bill Starr's Madcow? I want to run it and saved the excel file but the link to the description it doesn't work.
Also, would you keep the rowing as it is stated in there or exchange it for higher reps. Plus add triceps and curls?
Like i said plenty of times before. Average footballplayer is also paid to play, while average powerlifter pays to compete. No surprise that people training for sports train harder than someone training for hobby.
>someone with 40+ years of experience coaching world class athletes
He coaches powerlifters. Not athletes.
tfw back squats complete shit because of movement pattern and bracing but 10x better after some front squats
wew might just do a lot of front squatting and a little back squat work to try and correct my movement
Because you don't practice sumo often. Or because you don't have the gymnast like ability to contortion yourself into a retarded hip pretzel to do it well. Or because your conventional deadlift is 4 plates so doesn't really matter anyways.
Wtf? 170 and 93 kg and you don't even look that fat. Do I have fucking body dysmorphia or something? I'm 173 and 79 kg and fat as Fuck
>fat as fuck
You just don't lift.
>powerlifters actually think they're athletes
>can't even run a 9 minute mile
>can't even run a 9 minute mile
Unless you're setting National or World Records, there is no amount of weight that I would lift that I would give myself the excuse to not be able to run a 9-minute mile.
running a 9 min mile is useless for pl
>projecting this hard
back 2 cross country with ye
>running a 9 min mile is useless for pl
It's a good indicator that you don't have an athletic bone in your body and you're grossly overweight.
If you can't run a mile comfortably under 10 minutes, if you can't do 10 body weight pull ups, if you can't do a hanging leg raise with your feet to the bar, if you can't dumbbell squat to proper depth, if you can't bench press your bodyweight for many reps, you have no goddamn business pretending to be a powerlifter
Two types of lifters on /plg/
Trust me, only a tiny tiny line of ab is visible on me. It's just the video that is generous. I'm quite big (not in a good way). But thx anyway
>running in a straight line makes me an athlete
Thx mang. Will fix asap
The aerobic capacity to run a mile under 10 minutes is one facet of athleticism that any self-respecting athlete should possess, unless they are in the Paralympics
Sitting down and standing back up makes you an athlete
>If you can't run a mile comfortably under 10 minutes, if you can't do 10 body weight pull ups, if you can't do a hanging leg raise with your feet to the bar,
needing to do any of that in order to be able to squat/bench/deadlift
>Arguing arbitrary standards, not realizing any kind of exercise or training is applaudable
>I sit down with the weight, I stand up
>I lay down with the weight, I push up
>I pick the weight up
>needing to do any of that in order to be able to squat/bench/deadlift
You don't need to be able to do any of that to squat bench or deadlift. That's one of the reasons why there are so many unathletic shitty powerlifters here
Good vertical usually goes with disproportionately low bench, though. Big vert = big squat, and it tends to create a feedback loop. Good at squat bad at bench, so train squat and avoid bench.
>I run
You shrug up when you inhale. It's an efficiency error rather than a 'one way ticket to snap city' type error, but addressing it may make a difference.
thx mang. Will look into
Check out the attempt selection chart on the TSA site
Feels good being back in gym, already feel more energized and motivated. Remember guys to enjoy life and enjoy lifting.
add low-T
if you need a TUE than you should take up knitting
TUEs are nothing but /fraud/ allowed by the rules
~200lbs if you're not fat
SS is a beginner program so your question is "what should someone 6'3'' weigh after their first 3-5 months of beginning lifting" which quite frankly is not much more than any healthy person of that height should weigh, because you shouldn't be on SS long enough to build a "physique" or "tack on mass" lel
after SS, pick an intermediate program based on your goals
in a few years of training and with appropriate drugs you should be a superheavyweight at that height, even if you don't get fat, i.e. you should have enough muscle to qualify for it, or pushing close to 300lbs without huge potbelly or jiggling flab
if you wanna train for football, leave the ripoff program behind and train the original BFS BiggerFasterStronger
or use a Boyd Epley-style 4x/week semi-split
Wendler's program is shit
that's because the average HS football player is on a program like BFS or Body Epley's, and not on bullshit like Wendler or "conjugate" or PL-only, but in a program that combines some basic lifts like squat and bench with olympic lifts (cleans at a minimum but usually also jerks) and plyometrics and agility drills and sprints and track-based conditioning in an integrated weekly layout that uses either block or undulated periodization to prepare the athlete for sports
Does it make sense to use front squats as my main squat for football?
>if you can't bench press your bodyweight for many reps,
What's 'many'?
10? 12? 15?
Of course.
I'd say 20 at least, but im different guy.
HS and college football ARE running a conjugate set up, its how they improve on multiple fronts at once
Lmao decided to look through Veeky Forums those guys believe they have fucking leaky gut and that's why they have all the problems.
>original BFS BiggerFasterStronger
Original BFS is a ripoff of Jim Taylor and Alvin Roy. Everything is a ripoff. You stand on the shoulders if giants.
If you hate 531, pick a better reason. At least Wendler coaches HS football strength directly, and changes his programs to the changing needs of young athletes.
So I hit 405x8 today on deadlifts. I've been running Kizen Infinite Offseason for something like 6 months now. Was looking for some input regarding my next session:
I've got a few options here. 405x8 is definitely peak, no chance I can pull the next %, so a deload is required or a new PR. I can either reset and keep building, attempt a new PR (my last one was 455 in January, for reference), or switch to conventional for a bit to give my hips some rest.
I'm really leaning towards the last option and setting the TM at 405 (I figure if I can pull 405 for 8 sumo, I should be able to get AT LEAST one conventional lol).
Any thoughts? Also, if I were to pull 495 (which is lower than projected max but those mean NOTHING in reality) that would be about 110 pounds in 11 months. Let's just say I'm really happy how my deadlift is coming along.
>switch to conventional for a bit to give my hips some rest.
>I'm really leaning towards the last option and setting the TM at 405
There is a smart answer.
The smart answer is quitting cheater stance.
this is a powerlifting thread not an off season football training forum
5/3/1 might be good for general strength for athletes but it is terrible for what is needed to be competitive in powerlifting
>5/3/1 might be good for general strength for athletes but it is terrible for what is needed to be competitive in powerlifting
A proper strength base is what you need to be competitive in powerlifting. A proper strength base is 95% what makes a strong lifter strong.
The gear and the acrobatic bullshit that cheats the range of motion is the icing on the cake.
Consider the average plg user. Do you think the average guy around here needs more strength, or more highly specific ways to cheat range of motion?
>proper strength base
Maybe for a football player powerlifters need a proper technique base and strength will come with time
we have no need for any strength that doesn’t correlate to kgs on a total son
>we have no need for any strength that doesn’t correlate to kgs on a total son
LOL welcome to nu-plg, where sedentary children herniated discs bending over to pick up the tendies they drop on their basement floor.
I think you might be in the wrong general we discuss how to become a competitive powerlifter here
This requires packing mass on muscles that drive up the big three while keeping weight at a minumum and bodyfat low
maybe you should set up a sports off season strength training general
>bodyfat low
you know how many to pick
>This requires packing mass on muscles that drive up the big three while keeping weight at a minumum and bodyfat low
Lol, I feel no need to even comment further.
>Welcome to plg, kid. Do candito/knuckols bastardized program, skip your conditioning and accessories, eat at a deficit, and stay intermediate forever.
>Do you think the average guy around here needs more strength, or more highly specific ways to cheat range of motion?
Dampen the autism for 5 minutes and stop pretending it's either/or. There's no dichotomy here. The average novice-intermediate powerlifter needs to improve skill, strength and muscle mass.
>The average novice-intermediate powerlifter
What is a good, balanced program for that kind of lifter? Does the average early intermediate benefit from conditioning? Help us!
5/3/1 with joker sets, FSL, BBB, conditioning work. Read the book, free pdf. Have sex.
chinks in the foreground, chad in the background
What position do you play?
I’d say ditch squats entirely and just work on footwork and bench press which works the biggest muscles you use in blocking/jamming which will make you more useful than 90% of your team
Something that includes competition lift work to work on skill & strength, and assistance and accessory work for strength & size. DUP/HLM with more variations than average & more accessory work would be my go to, but as long as what people pick is something that meets sound programming principles and they enjoy it and stick to it, it literally doesn't matter what form it takes.
Conditioning work is situation specific. If you're too unfit to actually get through your training you'll need it, but otherwise low impact stuff like walking and swimming and playing hobby sport with your friends is enough for general health. Even though I'm a fat cunt I hit 10,000 steps most days through work, my blood markers are fine and my resting heart rate is 55-65 most days. You don't need to start doing prowler pushes because an anonymous poster with daddy issues and a Wendler fetish implies that's best (afaik he hasn't specified anything but my impression of the 531 crowd suggests that's their go to). However if you enjoy that more than low impact stuff then have at it.
I know it's frustrating to hear an answer that's essentially 'it depends', but I'd suggest avoiding the advice of anyone who's only ever got 1 solution to a problem.
This natty 61 who recommends to not lift heavy outbenches you?
unless that's in kgs he doesn't
i bench the same amount without steroids
Holy fuck this dude is aesthetic
reminder to squat between the legs dont push the knees forward
He could bench more than that he just hates benching its stupid the human body isnt designed to lift barbells
You missed the natty part
>you didn't need to touch that, I had that
Natty rage