Why this LITTLE faggot is literally copying Eric in every possible way...

Why this LITTLE faggot is literally copying Eric in every possible way? You can see in his videos that he is acting the same way but it looks very unnatural and forced, he makes videos about exact same topic and after claiming that training 2 days a week is more than enough he bought home gym as Eric to train 7 days a week as Eric.

What a sad LITTLE man

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Fuck off asshole, do you have any qualifications at all? Yeah probably not, fucking moron.

The thing that makes me toecurl the most on this site is faggots who suck Chad cock because they think they'll become a Chad in return.

Alex has been doing vids way fuckin longer and has been hardcore pro natty since the get go. Yeah im sure he's inspired by Eric, but remember the only reason why Eric's channel got a following was because of alphadestiny

Yes doing videos on staying natural is such an individual niche video, that anyone also making a video on staying natural must be copying bugez. Literally no other explanation.

Fuck you, you dirty kike and nigger lover.

>faggots who suck Chad cock because they think they'll become a Chad in return.
Project all you want. I'm literally Chad.


why can't you guys have a normal dialogue?
Seriously! you have to resort to being pussies who insult each other.

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I think it's cool that Alex agreed to delay releasing his video so Eric could get some views on his, I mean Alex doesn't exactly need extra subscribers but it's still a bro move

if they're both saying that training 2 days a week is "more than enough" they're both useless.

It's sad that Eric blows off Alex constantly despite Alex basically handing him followers.

>go to gym, eat well, take care of body in general
>friend tells me about this site
>start lurking
>every thread is about some crippling insecurity or eceleb's cock being jerked
Well at least i found a way to feel superior to everyone all at once.
You guys are retarded. Kys.

Both are little faggots

one is acting naturally like a faggot, other one is trying to imitate the first one in every way possible

Eric has used roids in the past, he used to have vids admitting it until he got picked up by WWE and is now obligated to claim natural

FYI this entire thread is an elaborate larp

they are both fake natty

this isn't true lol

>faggots who never took steroids talk about steroids
it's literally the same as faggots who never lifted telling you how to lift

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Eric's not a lolcow tho



Is Alphamanlet copying Eric gonna be the new "V Shred copies Athlean"?

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Believe it or not this is not how you treat women

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He takes on the personality of a bunch of youtube channels he likes. Like a lot of young guys he hasn't really found his own personality yet. Which isn't really a problem except when you are running a channel doing q&as giving people life advice.

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>being this upset that some manlet copied your boyfriend's video

get a grip, man. you're wasting your time talking shit about or defending people who don't even know you fucking exist.

i feel bad for these single YouTube fitness guys, all of them are so lonely deep down. Imagine AD as soon as he turns the camera off.

Hi Alex!


why would you bother defending some random fit youtuber

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He expects old school values while he shows degenerate behavior. Yeah, way to go buddy. Totally alpha and not at all insecure. Why do people even follow this brainlet?

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Isn't he like mid 20s now? He should start to figure things out, but yeah he seems stuck.
That's my main problem with him, he has some decent fitness advice but he's so fake. Everything he does and says is just to APPEAR different, not BE different.

I find it disturbing that this guy can procreate. Also his argument falls flat since he has no children so he is having sex just for pleasure which is degenerate behavior.

is this board retarded?
why hasn't this degenerated to a dubs checking thread

>grow up in small town (pop 350)
>married high school gf
>married ten years, three kids, good jobs, happy

must suck being an urbanite, all this whore stuff is totally foreign to me

Alex get off of Veeky Forums little buddy

>do you have any qualifications at all?
how is this even relevant alex you little faggot