Gym cost

>Your country
> Vos much does your gym subscription cost ?
> How does it compare to other gyms in your country/city ?

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$700 one time cost
it has a bar a cage and weights

Best Nation on Earth
Lacks some things I desire.

I have a squat rack, adjustable bench, some kettle bells, 2 45lb barbells, some dumb bells, and around 500lbs of plates. Total investment was less than $1,000 USD.

Nice, where did you buy your stuff ?


700 euros a year but I have a discount with my job

It's one of the most expensive chain of gyms here but at least it's not full of hoodrats and the girl/guy ratio is pretty balanced.

Some ordered on-line, but mostly from craigslist. If you live near a military base, guys going out for deployment or strapped for cash will sometimes liquidate shit cheap (especially guns).

Switzerland, paying around 1k is normal here. There are gyms that want over 2k per year here.

it has more equipment than the previous gym I went to but it has a lot more sandniggers and thots and retarded opening hours in the weekend

I think I'll go back to my old gym when my subscription is ending tho because it's closer to where I live and it has less autists and shitskins

>€34,95 per month
>Only gym in this small town

Opening times

Monday - Thursday 09.00 tot 22.00
Friday 09.00 tot 21.00
Saturday 09.00 tot 12.00
Sunday 10.00 tot 13.00

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If you are a grill, please be in Brussels

200€ a year / Germany
It's a Uni-Gym, has the newest Equipment and machines but it's very hard to become a member

35 euros a month. the gym where I currently go. there are also included kettlebell trainin, powerpump training and some other shit...

there is one with 15 euros a month but dumbells are incomplete... lol

there is another gym (35 euros monthly, for students like me, otherwise 45 euros) which gives you some sort of badge and you can access the gym whenever you want... but you need to provide a certified medical visit.. which is a pain in the ass because it would cost another 50 euros to do that visit...

>60 euros a month
>With additional 300 euros per year membership

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> USA (Vegas)
> $25/mo

I got the premium membership so I can bring one guest with me to the gym. I can bring different guests, just one at a time. Sometimes I bring a friend and others my wife. Plenty big weight room with some Olympic weights in a small outdoor area. Lap pool and a sauna. And enough cardio machines to kill all your gains.

Time to homegym, bud

shitty gym without free bench, squat racks and is small and crowded - 600 USD/year (this is considered cheap here)
decent gym - 1860 USD/year

Why is it hard to become a member?

Netherlands here, uni gym. Think it's 180 euros a year. Great equipment, not too many douchebags.

Planet Fitness too?

I got the $10 membership because I’m fucking poor, but it’s less than a mile from my house and I can jog there every day.

$250 per year.
It's nice. Pool, whirlpool, steam room. There are eight half-racks, one full rack, and one platform. There's also two crossfit style areas, each has a four station rig and bumper plates. So basically I never have to wait for a rack unless it's really busy.

Why dont you move out of that shithole?

$10 a week
Most commercial places are 12.95 or 13.95 here. It's never crowded, has 4 cardio machines, rest is weights. Shit is cash

About $50 a month. Norway. About the same everywhere, could get it slightly cheaper if I were willing to travel a bit further.

I work in an american company with the sole purpose of landing a position in the US
I busting my ass off so I can make it brah
I wish mexicans didn't make it so hard to be a law abiding immigrant in the US.

>$45 per month
Don't know, it has 2 racks a bunch of benches, a bunch of machines, a stair stepper and some other cardio bullshit. I think it has tanning stuff too

Oh yeah and it's 24 hours too which is cool

$20 per month
Relatively cheap. Soooo many people are there. It's always packed.

Actually no it's EoS fitness. I've never been in planet fitness.

40€ for 2 months
It's pretty shitty but has a squat rack and bench and I very rarely have to wait for someone to finish so works for me.
I want to switch gyms just so I can workout with people who actually know what they're doing. One skynny dude asked me to work in in the squat rack and he was done before I finished my warm up

Bruh. I used to be on that Planet Fitness grind for a year. Once my contract ended, switched straight over to Gold's for like $6 a month more.

Los Angeles
30 burgers a month
I'm sure there are better but the ratio of crossfit/class gyms to actual gyms is embarrassing.

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20/mo w/ all classes and tanning included
1 squat rack, no power racks, and no bumper plates but otherwise good

I need to find a second gym for oly lifts or buy a set of bumpers and new bb. Kind of feel like an asshole when I deadlift/row/clean/snatch meaningful weight, even when I put mats on the ground to absorb some of the shock.

Where? Just got in LA, living close to Hollywood boulevard. There're a couple gyms around but still thinking where to go

LA Fitness or 24 hour fitness will probably be your cheapest, but just know they're packed like all the time. Evening workouts take twice as long because there are just so many people there.

I'm more by culver though, I really want to switch. Too many retards making my workout take longer. But it's hard to beat $30 a month.

I pay 230 a year for pic related. Also has a pool
Problem is its way oversubscribed because of the cheap price. Peak hours are a nightmare. Lucky enough its convenient for me to go in the mornings otherwise I would find a new gym. Most other gyms are at least twice the price though

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TFW acquired Rhodie FAL from fag on post for 400

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about 600 a year.

You can find one for 300 if you dont mind lifting with the dregs of society.

I pay more for an older male clientel, and vastly superior cardio bunnies for me to autistically ignore


100$ per month
High end gym, equipment is interesting cuz never seen before in 24 hour fitness or military gym.
Includes sauna, steam room, hot tub, pool, fireplace with couches, a view of the baseball stadium, multiple rooms for yoga/punching bags/ cardio/ bike. Standing tan machine
Has 5 power racks
3 incline, flat, 2 decline bench.
Loads of hot grillz

$15 a month; 24 hours. Maybe like 364 days a year. crowded as fuck if you try to go between 5-7pm and soon as you think it’s finally safe And dead they put up posters in every train and billboard and it gets packed again.
Matrix machine heavy in the front for us musclelet’s, plenty of benches, weights, plates, small dumb bells, ladies area for the sandesses. Treadmills and stairclimbers with screensfor Netflix HULU and YouTube. Tons of bikes. Free Les Mills, Zumba, yoga, cycle classes and circuit courses which make the bulk of the Gym goers/girls.
Lots of Turkish because it’s that part of town.

15 euros*

What town ?

hue hue hue
but seriously good luck

The only other gym in my area is $80/month and is mainly le crossfit

It's 24/7 3 squat racks, 6 benches, 3 full sets of dumbbells, 5 rowing machines and always empty when I'm there at about 2am.
As for the major I live near every damn gym but the YMCA is fucking CrossFit. So I really only had one choice.

>home gym pic related
The only other gyms in my area are 3 Basic Shits and one hardcore-ish bodybuilding gym filled with chavs, basic fit tells you they charge something like €15 a month but somehow it always ended up being between €20 and €25 when I went there. The bb gym is about €440 a year, so that's not too bad I guess.

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>no feldgrau

$700 for a year or for all time?

San Diego, $10/month. Got in when they first opened and were hurting for members. Not too big but it has anything you want and it's clean. Beats the shit out of $40/month for any other gym.

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You can do it bruh. You're the kind of guy we want coming to the US

>$20 a month
A new gym is opening up a few blocks down that will have pools, saunas, indoor track, rock climbing wall, you name it. The price is around $170 a month and everyone around here is either a doctor or teacher, so that place is going to tank pretty fucking fast

>$10 a month
>pretty basic gym, crowded but still get shit done.

Eh, you only need one customer for every 5 in a place like that. 170 is p fucking steep and I can't imagine the upkeep is that much different. As long as they have some hoity toity's around, they'll be fine.

Bozeman, Montana
30 bucks a month for a 24/7 gym that used to be a Gold's, so it has 3 squat racks and 4 power cages.
It's less fancy than the upscale gyms in my area, which I like. The more expensive gyms are filled with DYEL yuppies. My gym is filled with strong ass working class dudes.

Used to have an EOS membership, but liked LVAC a lot better

Where do you even live?
I pay 25 a month for basic-fit, its only closed between 11 in the night and 7 in the morning and closes early on sundays.

10$ a month
everything i need but crowded

>$630 a month, that is like 30 USD
>it has many things, closer to my house and a nice view to the street from the treadmills

> US
> 180/month
> Literally the best in the city.

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Northern Ireland
Free (Royal Air Force)
24 hour gym
Tons of machines and a huge free weights section
Get discounts as well for loads of online shops

Holy fucking shit. $180/month? Does that come with free blowjobs and gold-plated ID cards? Maybe some slaves to do your workout for you?

15 Bi -weekly
Not the cheapest I could go, but it also gives me access to a running track, a few courts, and a pool

Australia, Snap Fitness
>$18 per week (+ the jewish "transaction charge" of $1.50 per payment for direct debit or 1.5% for card)
It is 24 hours though and has decent facilities and plenty of space

$80 month in Argentina
With swimming pool and crossfit

What city would that be haha?

> soviet canuckistan
> $11 biweekly
> half the price of any other gym I can find

Has plenty of cardio and machines plus a well stocked free weight area, has locations nationwide, and massage chairs and tanning.

thanks guise
we're all gonna make it

New Zealand
13 dollarydoos a week but is split the cost with my gym buddy because I can bring someone with me.

Your mother's cunt. There are about 200k of us living here.

Inshallah, the "mighty"w*ite pussy Eurotrash is scared of the mighty Arab and African. Islam will rule Europe soon

>around 27 dollary doos a fortnight
>most other gyms are between 30 - 40

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Not bait,it's gonna happen. Gonna take a long time tho, 30-40 years until western Europe is under Islamic law

43 USD a month
Unlimited access to a good variety of classes, I mainly go there to take their dance classes.

$50 a month to go to all of them in my area, it's nice because there is one near my work and one near my favorite weekend running trail and both are at opposite sides of town. Company pays for half.

It's like any other chain.

>local gym run by a juice head guido so all the free weight you could want
>15$ a month
>only other gym is planet faggot and I would rather build a home gym then go there.



I'm in grad school in a nearly defunct rust belt town. A new gym opened up a year ago, owned by a local weightlifter, and he hooked me up with a serious student discount at $50/year, because we had 30 students sign up. It's four blocks away, down a real shady street, in an abandoned industrial building with no windows. Yet, all the equipment is new, and they have everything, with a focus on serious weight training. I like it there.

My gym costs $60 but almost a year ago I took the free week trial and just kept walking in.

Chad detected

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Michigan, USA

75/month student discount

Crossfit gym, so there's no shortage of barbells. I'm more into calisthetics though so I'm just happy to be somewhere that has a pullup rig and gymnastic rings

$15/month Argentina
Has nearly everything but it gets really crowded sometimes. Pretty much everyone is dyel so I get often times merlind'.
You're getting raped man.

Paying $23 at LVAC :^)

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It's probably a home gym, m80

There's 6 gyms near where I live; 2 chain gyms and 4 independent ones. How can I pit them against each other to get the best possible deal? What should I avoid and what should I prioritize in a gym?

>gym no. 1
>>Your country
>> Vos much does your gym subscription cost ?
7500ft which is roughly 30 bucks. Mind you that is like 5% of your salary here.
>> How does it compare to other gyms in your country/city ?
Its decent.

But classes are far too long this semester to go there so I just do some basic dumbbell full body 3 times a week in the morning.

It's 24/7, and has all the things I require and Is in a rich neighborhood so only (white) people. Comfy af.

i wish there was a fitness 19 or golds near me
i heard they are a good bang for your buck gym

planet fitness prices but have benches and power racks

i did that for a week at my last gym after my membership ran out.

I eventually saw the receptionist stop someone else to scan their barcode while i was working out.

Became beta and stopped going.
Being beta and poor is the greatest gains goblins.

>Czech Republic
>$45 a month
>Cheaper than most

Gym sub costs are fucking ridiculous over here.


Anytime fitness $55.80 monthly for 18 months. They're everywhere and 24/7 but usually pretty small and grimey. My contract is about to expire and I'm thinking of buying sandbags or joining a boxing gym.

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>Just ended a 1 month trial for $30 but it's $80 a month
>It's alright. Squat racks are never used. Lots of Koreans who think they're qualified to give you advice. Gonna switch soon. I have access to most gyms in the city for $35 through an app.


$28 per month

6:00-22:00 mon-fri
9:00-17:00 sat-sun

I like my gym a lot and I'll probably stay there until I move away or something. It's cheap, has a good crowd of people who are serious about lifting and I'm pretty sure the kid who works evenings browses Veeky Forums.

Most other gyms in my town are ~$40 per month. In the larger city next to town we have cheap gyms like Planet Fitness, Anytime Fitness and Fit4Less which they claim charge as little as $10 per month. There's one gym in particular in the smaller town that's a total scam and I tell anyone who cares to listen to my advice on where to go to avoid that gym and go anywhere else.

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39PLN/month (~10$)
Cheap, normally gym membership costs about 69PLN/month (~16,5$)


it's not the Mexican immigrants fault, it's the sons of them being influenced by nigger cultured. plus only the shit ones leave when they can't make it here.

I pay $60 dollars a month at my gym

>>Your country
>> Vos much does your gym subscription cost?

>> How does it compare to other gyms in your country/city ?
much less crowded but also much older

Conquers all others

Total investment, about $2k
>Power rack
>Bar and 500lb plates
>Adjustable bench
>90lb adjustable dumbbells

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Glorious Mother Russia
166$ a year with new year's discount, 250 normaly
Almost top tier, spa and recreational pool included, a bit too weightlifter bro type, but I dont mind

1400$ a year
Roughly twice the average gym membership rate

Wide variety of equipment; lots of bros and cardiofags.

17 bucks a month
It's a small 24 hour gym in a shopping center within walking distance to my apartment. I work at night, so it's usually not crowded when I go it, except weekend morning.
