nigger here, been lifting 6 months what mode am I? stats are 5'11 (actually) and 160lb
Nigger here, been lifting 6 months what mode am I? stats are 5'11 (actually) and 160lb
Average hood nigga mode
Getting close to ottermode.
Got a before pic with before weight?
dhalsim mode
Noob gains mode? Idk
potential mode
you look like you got a good frame but start training abs now because if you dont have abs already at that body fat that means the muscle underneath is pretty small
its a blessing and a curse, you got gains coming in easy mode, but there are a ton of tall niggas in my gym and being a manlet is not good
>not hanging from a rope mode
you have that Super Majin Buu build
Level 4 chimp
nah, I used to be a lot smaller; like 20 pounds smaller
Fucking die you worthless nigger ape
swimmers build
Ok, well that's good progress then; keep it up
This is why /pol/ isnt invited to the thailand meet
Nice upper chest, I'd recommend getting an ab roller and doing it 3x a week
Jokes on you nigger lover I already signed up and am going to Thailand to bash the gooks in person
Intramural basketball player mode
>ab roller
I thought this was a worthless yoga meme thing?
don;t call yourself a nigger, ignore /pol/ retards
>actually calling yourself a nigger.
no self-confidence mode
This Op is a fag
>Calling yourself a nigger
Get off the internet. Take a shower. Hit the weights. Fuck my wife. Give her children. Rinse and repeat.
It works, but personally, it hurts my lower back. I'm sure that I am doing something wrong, but other people probably go through it too.
I recommend doing leg raises and bicycle crunches; the latter of which are super effective in gaining muscle mass in all areas of your abdominal
why you using that word?
You're a beautiful human being man. don't go calling yourself a "nigger". You're more than that
Im a Canada boi, we throw that shit around here for jokes
pavement ape level VII
Almost otter mode. You have a good frame but i agree with the other user about working abs. Give it 6 more months youll look good
My home is soon to be a mud hut mode.
I'm hoping that's someone that swims in a baby league because damn he has no lats or shoulders. What does he swim, fucking breaststroke for 200m?
Ah lie, dis nigga gets it
You're like regular black dude mode. Low enough bf to show off musculature and pick up easy white women, but not enough to where you're not dyel.
Good progress for 6 months I'm hoping I can gain 20lbs over that time to0, only about a month and half in myself. Good to see other black people on Veeky Forums tho, maybe one day I'll post myself
>apologetically calling yourself a nigger to preempt the jokes you know you'll get
No self confidence mode confirmed.
it's pathetic
fug my covers blown
Pls fuck my wife
If he didn't do it this thread would have devolved into the shitfest that was "What is Michael B. Jordan's Bodyfat %". That thread lasted like 3 days and no one answered the question
Bruh we disown you. Nothing worse than a self hating coon
yeah there is no winning. it's absolute autism honestly
You're still not kalimuscle/papagorilla mode right now you're like 30 mile jogger Zimbabwe hunting for food nigga, muh nugga.
What mode is this?
lol sad he has to resort to degrading himself in hopes to get positive reactions from anonymous white men on a Cambodian weaving board. Get some fucking self-respect op and stop being a niggerfaggot
do you understand what website you are on?
Oh you're right, nigger. I completely nigger forgot that on niggerchan we have to call everything nigger. Now those normieniggers won't find us! KEK!
There are real humans with feelings and self worth behind that screen user. You wouldn't go to a random person in real life and hurt their feeling, so why do it online? Maybe it doesn't affect OP, but there are other black people on this site that I'm sure would get hurt seeing these type of posts. They come here to build muscle and get healthy, and they have to see this shit. Imagine posting a progress picture of yourself that you've worked hard on for months and everyone starts making jokes about your skin colour or some other physical feature they have no control over.
When people aren't sensitive to hateful shit, the hateful people lose their power. Kudos to you, OP.
You're going to wind up being a beast if you keep it up.
They know all of this, and the reason they do it is exactly to hurt the person
amorphous fatty afterbirth mode
this lmao that shit was retarded
>black male in OP
>thread is INSTANTLY derailed
He could've just posted in the CBT and all of that would've been avoided. Instead this thread happened.
Train your forearm more and the whole leg
I hope of pack of HIV Infected niggers rape you and your whole family,god dam nigger lover. We Inslave niggers my homeland of Saudi Arabia
Well he can't just go and call himself human
Lol you're not white, tyrone
See black guy post body.
>>insecurity insecurity NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
Oh niggerchan, you never let me down, not even once.
t.fatass ""ubermench""
Where is that video of the black girl with the white guy where she's doing everything she can to grab the dick? It's not explicit. God damn I loved that video.
So you admit to being a literal gayboi?
Fuck my gf
Just because niggers are generally obnoxious, crime prone, property value destroying social service parasites, doesn't mean we can't be civil.
I say niggers should be encouraged to lift. More time lifting means less time shoplifting. I mean they should lift in their own gyms so we don't have to smell their nigger sweat, but this is the internet.
Niggers already know deep down that they're all worthy of the rope. Reminding them that they're nothing but obsolete farm equipment in every thread where they appear just doesn't accomplish anything.
Is this photo shopped?
Lemmie guess, Toronto or GTA?
You look pretty good man another 20lbs and you will look amazing
Even though all niggers must hang, this user speaks truth.