Daily reminder to drink more water

Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH

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based waterposter

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I drink more water than you buddeh

based concerned hydration guru poster

That's great man, I know I'm not the best at hydrating so this thread is for me as well.

Concerned for all of us idd, much to gain from sufficiently hydrating

You gotta stay hydrated my friend

What's wrong with drinking water when your body tells you to? What's the point of thirst?

Indeed mate

You've already lost the hydration game if you get thirsty. Thirst is your body tells you it's in trouble hydration wise.

Thanks buddeh
Is tea ok?

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Ït is cool buddy

>Thirst is your body tells you it's in trouble hydration wise
Do you have a source for this or is this just another guru tier piece of advice?
The whole 8 glasses of water a day meme was debunked a while ago. Raw vegetables which you should be eating already contain lots of water.
Not saying water is bad but what you advise seems to be unnecessary.

Cheers pal

haha this loser actually thinks he can reclaim the belt, LOL.

>This is literally the first time 8 glasses of water a day has been mentioned
>It's coming out of your faggot cockhole mouth
>He's advising us to drink more water because most of us tend to forget throughout our daily activites and he's also a /based/ poster

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Sure, bcm.edu/news/sports-medicine/thirsty-you-are-already-dehydrated for instance. There's plenty of stydies and they all report the same.

Yeah fuck off, our waterposter is cool guy.

Are you the same poster? I've seen this for like a year

> y-you too

I've been posting this daily for some months now, don't really remember when I started. I'm not the original one though, before it was just posted every now and then but still called it daily reminder.

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Yeah you should use a better fighter to endorse your message rather than that loudmouthed loser in OP.

but it's a proud tradition here though

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shut up and drink your water, you dehydrated faggot

filling my bottle up before my workout breddeh

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thanks buddeh

comfy stuff that moment preparing for good lifts

you got it buddeh

I have a .5 liter bottle by my desk, forgot to fill it up! thanks man! we're gonna make today a productive day!

based bisping poster :-}

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If your piss is crystal clear, does that mean you drank too much water and that you're basically just pissing it out again?

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hells yes

It's chest day here today, can't fucking wait

It means you've sufficiently hydrated and your body is ready to perform optimally. However, that does not mean you're done hydrating for the day, unless you're going to bed of course. Consistent water sipping throughout the day is the way to go, getting sufficiently hydrated and staying there

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Thank you water poster
Just went upstairs to fill up my bottle

you're very welcome mate

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how many average sized glasses should i be drinking daily

also what are some of the benefits of drinking only water ?

is drinking tap water bad or should i just drink bottled ?

If a glass is 2dl I would say maybe 15-20, maybe even more. But it depends on a lot of factors like how much you sweat, your size and what you eat. Best method of knowing if you're sufficiently hydrating is to watch the color of your piss, it should be clear.

depends on where you are. In my country tap water is the best. Shit they even sell tap water from here in glass bottles at insane prices in several other countries.

What are the benefits of drinking lots of water, as opposed to only a moderate amount of water

you should atleast drink 4l a day. And that's for days where you dont excercise.

>sweat, your size and what you eat
i am obese and sweat profusely sometimes just from nerves or walking for a bit and my diets shit full of takeaways and grease

i am going to start drinking nothing but water to start with then changing my diet before i start hitting the gym

good plan, good luck friend. You're going to need shitloads of water. I only drink water these days (except for a cup of coffee in the morning). Benefits, among many, are that your organs will have an easier time flushing out toxins that it doesn't want, better blood circulation, your muscles recover faster and perform better

See above. When your body is sufficiently hydrated it will perform better in just about every way

most tap is estrogenic. plastic bottles have bpa's. Best route is filtering tap.

what is the best bang for your buck filter out there ?

i have this american styled fridge which has this hole in the middle which dispenses icecubes/water, is this water filtered ?

>good plan, good luck friend. You're going to need shitloads of water. I only drink water these days (except for a cup of coffee in the morning). Benefits, among many, are that your organs will have an easier time flushing out toxins that it doesn't want, better blood circulation, your muscles recover faster and perform better

i did used to drink water but sometimes it was hard to force myself when i was not thirsty, any tips ? i know that during a meal i drink a lot of water

Well your body will stop craving sugary drinks eventually. It's a habit thing, it's hard in the start but it becomes second nature to always go for a glass of water when possible after a while. I make this thread to help remind me to drink more.

>I make this thread to help remind me to drink more.
you are a good man

I drink lots of water to counterbalance all the scotch i drink

That's like drinking alcohol until you vomit to know when you should stop. By the time your body responds it's too far past

Daily reminder to shut the fuck up BUDDEH.

as a guy who sweats a lot, will drinking lots of water help ?

You'll still sweat a lot

i wish i knew how to stop so i don't have to shower twice daily

i have tried gold bond powder but it hasn't had a major effect

This just means your body is efficient at moving around nutrients and cooling yourself. It can be annoying but it's optimal.

good reminder
time to get hydrated

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>This just means your body is efficient at moving around nutrients and cooling yourself. It can be annoying but it's optimal.
even when you're overweight ?

>tfw drinking a frosty Coke right now
>spent 10 minutes mentally fighting not to drink it
I am weak

This damn meme comes up between my gf & I all the time. We periodically remind each other to drink more water BUDDEH.

It's a good life.

i gobble 5 litres of water a day, bros. i feel good!