
How do I pull this off? Virgin and need this to work.
Also to keep fitness related what is the best workout for rear delts?

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open bob

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pullups are good for rear delts
inb4 plebs who dont know how to do pullups properly

Also op what the fuck kind of pick up line is that. make some joke about getting to know her i guess

brown girls are either sluts or teases

this one sounds like the latter

show vegana

Rear delt flys

Been trying to get my pullups better but I swing so much. I thought it was an alright line, it's not exactly failed

face pulls?

maybe i dont know anything about pickup lines

for pullups try to do even just a few with perfect form, and then do the rest however you can. you should tense your whole body basically, helps to lift your legs back as if you're kneeling and flex your abs, keep your shoulders back

you started off "hot" now you have to keep it going, spending the least amount of time as possible before meeting up

don't act pushy but generally, keep it mildly flirty to degree; you need to get her number or snapchat

if you're somewhat attractive, good for you but don't for one second get boring if you want to pull this off