Okay thanks user
yeah I realised I dived in pretty fast that's why I came here. I'm not chad but I'm more than average.
we'll get to know each other at my place
nope, she won't work out for you
if you were chad she would have given you her number right away
>Implying shit pick up lines don't work
fucking gross, you're literally a jester for some 6/10 bitch. How can you read that and not be ashamed? She added you on snap to increase her orbiter audience
>Come round to mine and lets get to know eachother.
She isnt the type of girl who's going to come round though, She just likes the attention.
In my succesfull, yet breif experience of trolling dating websites for thots you need to;
Set up shop for what you want.
I.e Post a photo of you topless with a dickprint, This filters the chicks who will reply, 30% thots who want to fuck, 70% attention whores.
Shark for pussy at peak hours - Friday/Saturday nights are the best times to pick up random sluts to fuck in moments - The blend of being alone and drunk makes them unjudgeable in the eyes of other women, and horny.
Dont waste time on pen pals.
women who want to talk are not women who want to get fucked.
these tips should optimise your online pussy slaying abilities.
God speed anons.
she's fat with a manface
good job
I'm 19, nobody asks for number just snapchat
Well considering we fucked I think not