What mode is this and how do I unlock it?
What mode is this and how do I unlock it?
take a guess
15 year old on gear mode
how to achieve is pretty self evident
mirin forearms
17 year old injecting test 500 mode
you are a pathetic beta genetics trash if you seriously think people need steroids to achieve that physique
Injecting grams of gear mode
all these people saying steroids,even grams of gear. holy shit pathetic faggots. This board is now truly an inbred board with 130lbs retarded underage faggot kids from r9k and /b/. Maybe if you put some effort in your work you would look like somehow you fucking pathetic beta faggots
He even has the high bp red face
this board is fucking shit I swear, full of jealous faggots that think that anyone with a decent body roids, you can literally get that body in 2-3 years, shame that 90% of people here are r9k retards that lift for 2 weeks and quit
start lifting
>rear leg not bent completely
>Front leg bent
>Sole of front foot not turned inward and flat on carpet
This guy is unforgivably stiff. kys.
>being a roidlet and coping this much
this board has always been full of incels
at 15 i t is u fuckn dumbass mother fucker
go f uckn kys
You're all retards if you cant see the photoshop
no its not you you beta trash,I can imagine how you look like if you think this guy roids HAHAHAHAHA
5g creatine dissolved in sips injected into his ass every morning combined with a high onion low soy diet.
In all seriousness, what routine to follow?
Imagine being this stupid
I look like this but slightly higher bf%. Does this mean I'm gonna make it after this cut?
be skinny and only workout your upper body, back, chest and shoulders only.
So skip leg day is what you're saying? Got it
Limp noodle at 20 mode
Twunk mode
Have decent genetics, be young, pretty and do a PPL.
I want 22 year old version of this body please
no core work either!!!
I know you want to look like him by your 16th birthday buddeh, but it ain't happening. and he ain't a natty.