Does gastric bypass surgery actually work? If it does why doesn't everyone on Veeky Forums get one? Seems like an easy way to drop pounds for a summer cut.
Does gastric bypass surgery actually work? If it does why doesn't everyone on Veeky Forums get one...
>Undergo major surgery to drop a few pounds rather than just eating the right foods
your stomach eventually gets stretched out again.
people who dont have the willpower to change their lifestyle will not continue to live after a gastric bypass.
>boogie gets 50lbs lighter
>stomach is back to normal
>he eats more
>gains back everything he lost
>stop posting videos because he knows it'll show
>eventually dies in march 2019
screenshot this
>butchering half your intestines rendering yourself unable to properly digest food
of course it fucking works
cute sausage dog
i love sausage dogs
That's actually true. If you continue shitty eating habits after gastric bypass, you can get even fatter, making the surgery useless.
>cripple your ability to bulk
>remain a skinnyfat fag forever
That's not what they do
I was wondering, would he keep any of his strength after getting to a normal weight?
I get that he would lose muscle but what about the muscle memory of carrying around 600lbs every day? Wouldn't he be able to grow an impressive physique pretty quickly?
>Does gastric bypass surgery actually work?
>If it does why doesn't everyone on Veeky Forums get one?
Everyone keeps any muscle nuclei gained even after a time of muscle atrophy, so yes there is muscle memory for formerly fat people that managed to get large enough to require significant muscle hypertrophy to support their body compared to a spooky skeleton. Any growth benefiting form this would be severely hampered by the nutrient absorption limitations a gastric bypass imposes though.
Or do a FAST
>Does gastric bypass surgery actually work? If it does why doesn't everyone on Veeky Forums get one? Seems like an easy way to drop pounds for a summer cut.
Just eat less!!!
Why have a ring on your stomach when you can get 100% the SAME results by just eating LESS!!!
If Boogie went Keto and started swimming daily he'd end up with wings within a year. No shit guys got good potential, from fat to Veeky Forums in a year. Life time of interviews books and views.
A gastric bypass is basically wrapping your stomach with pig guts so it gets smaller, so you get full easier and you don't eat as much.
It works as long as you change your attitude and eat until your stomach is full. Otherwise the pig guts holding your stomach will burst.
So yeah, it works, but make not mistake, the surgery is incredibly dangerous, and you can die if you ever overeat and burst your "stomach belt".
Just stop eating.
Umm no.... The main practice is the yse of stomach resection to make the stomach smaller.
However this affects how people digest so they end up needing supplements such as b12 shots
Is this shit for life? A friend of mine got it but he kinda dodges the question when I ask him.
He's lost heaps of weight and changed his eating habits, but he sends uncomfortable if he eats too fast and /or wheat stuff, gets flux or some shit
yes nig, they remove half your stomach. That shit aint coming back.
literal stance of a pregnant woman. lul. And he needed surgery to stop drinking fucking soda. Pathetic
Is this the same as "lap band" I thought they just put a band around stomach and it can be removed or some shit
No, lap band is what you described and is reversible. Gastric bypass isn't.
It works for a time. But nearly everyone gains the weight back.
The problem is that your stomach changes size. If you gradually eat more food, your stomach slowly grows back to its original size.
So these fat fucks will have the same bad habits that got them to 600 lbs. These surgeries are just hail mary passes to keep them alive for at most, another 5 years.