Am i supposed to eat majority meat or majority veggie based foods?

Am i supposed to eat majority meat or majority veggie based foods?
I crave meat so should i just go with that?

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1. You do not crave meat, I've been ate meat all my life (until recently) and never once did I crave it. What I did crave was the chewiness combined with fat and spice. Simple refined calories.
2. Humans did not evolve to eat meat, we evolved to eat starch and vegetables.
3. You can get more than enough protein on a vegan diet and you will also be healthier and free of problems like obesity, heart disease, acne, high blood pressure, inflammation, unfavorable bowel movements, et cetera
Go vegan.

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>humans did not evolve to eat meat
Fuck off. If I have to hear this stupid bullshit one more time I'm going to go off the fucking lid. Yes, we did evolve to eat meat.

>2. Humans did not evolve to eat meat, we evolved to eat starch and vegetables.
>3. You can get more than enough protein on a vegan diet and you will also be healthier and free of problems like obesity, heart disease, acne, high blood pressure, inflammation, unfavorable bowel movements, et cetera
[citation needed]

Op here.
Well im not a sissy, so i stick with eating meat. look at how pathetic vegan gainz is.

Why do people think eating veg makes you a sissy. Fuck me your such a insecure retard. Let me guess you also like to go hunting and drive a pickup to show how man you are.

Hit your macros.

this niggas right you know

no hes a faggot

>Eating something because you crave it
pathetic. you are just trying to justify indulgence. basically the same as someone who eats sugar and fastfood and drinks soda because of cravings. get a grip.

>Not seeing food for what it is, fuel for your body.
>equating the food you eat to your political beliefs and your masculinity
>never gonna make it

>Eating period
pathetic. you are just trying to justify indulgence. basically the same as someone who eats sugar and fastfood and drinks soda because of cravings. get a grip.

Increases testosterone and gains by 500%

Who doesnt? And you must drive a hybrid and go to a wholefoods supermarket.

Do this to become an nth dimensional being with test levels beyond human comprehension

Nope I play rugby at college and eat vegan like 4 days a week and then have steak and fish the other days.

post proof or gtfo
being in gear doesnt count fag

You aint gonna find out what college im at nigga

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weak and gay.

hahaha got you!

Has no argument for not trying to make nutrition near perfect.

so calls me gay. love it man really do.

[reddit space]
>makes food choices based on scientific opinion and jewery
[reddit space]
>I better than you becuz me vegan

quite the opposite, You feel your better than people because you eat meat and subscribe to identity politics rather than just trying to be healthy.

>makes food choices based on scientific opinion and jewery
Yet you base your gym training on science surely? or you just turn up and do random shit and get - no gains

calls me vegan when I clearly say I eat less meat not none. You desperately wanna put me in this little liberal beta vegan box so you can dismiss me, but all you do is make yourself sound stupid.


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>having one of the most functional tools as a daily driver
>going out into the wild and bringing home meat you killed yourself to feed your family
That does in fact make him more manly than you, soyboy.

Bro you look tiny. Nobody gives a fuck about identity politics, if we really believed that eating meat was bad for health & gains we wouldn't do it. However just because you said some bullshit about how we didn't evolve to eat meat doesn't make it true, in fact many people here are health conscious and research that shit and come to the conclusion that the opposite of what you said is true. Inflammation is caused in huge amounts by vegan lifestyle food, such as anything with gluten or any kind of processed carb.

What a real "human" diet is is something like keto, but keto is optimal for alternative human survival- say you're alone in the wild and you survive off berries, nuts, mushrooms. A better way to build your body is by eating meat, when it's available. We are animal tissue and the best way to replace it and add to it is by consuming animal tissue.

twink wing boi thats hardly playing rugby. forward front row master race

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Even if you don't join the vegan master race, I guarantee that you eat too much meat. It's really not that healthy for you in high quantities.

Majority meat, but not cooked because that's what makes it unhealthy. Try to get organ and or fermented meats at least once per week.

Try both and pick the one that makes YOU feel healthier. Despite what the shills say we are not all built the same .

You should go to a butcher, get 200 grams of quality grounded beef, go back home, and eat it with your fingers. Then you will crave meat.

My nigga. Raw liver 4 life

based tiger

As i understand it should be like 70% other and 30% meat but thats for health, for losing weight 60% meat 40% low carb veg and leafy greens, protein has a filling effect as its more energy dense and as such harder to burn and absorb so you stay fuller long. Don't go no carb for more than a month though ruins insulin levels.

Eating too much starch gives you indigestion.

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Majority of calories from meat, majority of volume from vegetables