/fraud/ - Nigga das gay edition

Read all of:
before even thinking about asking your absolutely retarded questions. Also, include:
>time spent lifting

Even as internet doctors we can't tell you how to dose your AI.

Oral only cycles are awesome and you're awesome for considering them.


Previous genital thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Will injecting steroids into my peepee make it bigger

Also how is everyone doing today

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Only if you inject it in your peepee.
Russians and Poos do it all the time and get huge 'ceps.

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Fuck it I'm going to lean bulk again.
This agony is not worth it right now, fuck being sick.
I'm lean enough anyways.

Classic roid dick gif

I wonder if there are pics of synthol dicks out there

not searching for myself

>I'm lean enough anyways.
no you aren't fatty mcfatface

you literally couldn't cut for 2 days. you're headed down a very dark path

Tell me how I couldn't cut for 2 days?

There's this huge roided escort with an absolutely ugly skin.
I saw a vid of him where he got "dickfucked" by some other guy.
No homo

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>cutting on cycle

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...as opposed to what other kind of man fucking?

well you started a cut and then gave up before two days passed so...

dick into dick not dick into ass my dude

Found it.
78.media.tumblr.com/4f931380d4f1059506a9b9eafca0729d/tumblr_merhwwQQF21qms24no1_500.png (NSFW link)
>that's what roids do to you guise

Fucked in the uretra.

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Retard I've been in ethopian starvation mode for 4 days now. As long as I can't stomach food I can't bulk anyways.

>dick into dick

On the one hand, what the fuck. On the other hand, kinda mirin' not gonna lie.

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You've been cutting for like a week nigga

That was the plan...

>30dl of cooking oil a week
fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/40/1225297.html (NSFW link)

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Why does nobody on /fraud/ use equipoise?

Its relatively expensive compared to other roids here.
That said EQ is great, aside from having to donate/drain.

dick into dick..

is docking making a comeback?

need to know for science

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would love to know what her muscular sphincter feels like around my wrist

How often do you have to donate blood? I'm starting a 600 eq, 800test e blast tomorrow and I'm gonna frontload the first two shots

why do i feel awesome on some days and sometimes not? when i was natty i chalked it up to high estro low estro days but im wondering what could cause it now?

It depends. If you ever leak syrup blood it might be time to donate.

post before/after pictures

(there's no difference and you're still fat lamo)

Why are you so mean user, are you alright? It's okay dude, we're all friends here.

Definitely thought that said waist and not wrist, thought you were gonna go spelunking inside of an asshole.

Tell me honestly, I'm being a massive slave to my own retarted thoughts.

Please note that the after is me being flat, I'm just flexing.

Obligatory >roiding for this

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he's weak and weakness annoys me

>wah wah I haven't eaten in 12 hours this is so hard
>it's been 4 days screw cutting I'm bulking again (even though I'm fat)

Its not the whole sticking to cutting thats the issue, its the whole flu problem.

Shoulders look more shreddy. Maybe a little more ab definition. Could just be lighting though

>he's weak and weakness annoys me

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong door. The powerlifting club is two threads down.

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What you guys think about M1T in combination with a DHT or 19-nor?

you are a noob, why would a guy like you with no discipline jump on steroids? i bet you didnt mind when you were stuffing your face with cheeseburgers retard.You are fat as hell, just stick to it and dont do only protein shakes like a complete moron, drop the carbs and eat normally.

Fair enough, I'll stick to it and reconsider the whole strategy.

Running tren e @ 500 a week. Highest I ran before was 300.

I can barely eat. One protein shake and I'm full for the whole day. If I force feed myself I'm in misery.

I guess I'm cutting while trying to choke down enough protein to hopefully recomp a bit.

Man I know this feel hard, good to know I'm not the only one. Nano recommended taking T3 but I never got my hands on any, and my tren run is coming to an end soon anyway so it doesn't matter. But maybe give that a try? Aside from that though, I've got nothing for ya. I'm kinda ready to be done with tren for now just for this reason.

M1T is probably my favorite oral. imo it could be run with pretty much anything (keeping in mind liver toxicity)

What is up with bodybuilders and fucking dbz? Here is the current mr.O Phil Heath saying he watches dbz on the weekends and wants to look like a character named frieza or something.You would think someone of his age would act a little more professional?

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A replacement dose of 25mcg t3 goes great with Tren since it supresses the thyroid, leading to the loss of hunger.

I use muscletech products, am I supporting niggers by doing this? If so can you guys recommend me some white brands? Thanks and 14/88

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On 300 I noticed zero difference in my appetite. On 500 I'm having prolactin problems (I seem to be pretty sensitive to this based on my 300 run) and the appetite thing is just blowing my mind. I've always been able to put away mind blowing amounts of food.

Went out with the wife, had one beer and was only able to eat like half my fish and chips. Normally I'd get 2 plates and drink 5 tall and heavy beers.

Shit is nuts. Oh well I needed to lose some fat anyways, guess this is one way.

>FU SION HAAA! You were saying?

But fr,only niggas watched this show cuz the story was about monkeys becoming powerful blonde blue eyed gods.BUAHAHAHA NIGGAS BTFO REKT

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How big is your dick

also girth

No dude just go through with the cut you're on a good way now

imagine how easy it wil be to bulk and still look good when you're bulking from shred level

all these gut pins, my god this cant be good

Anons made me realise sticking to it is better.

Hows your bulk going?

Stick to what? Don't listen to those dyels.

Alright, dbol is giving me mad acne tho. But the fullness is great. It's better than anadrol is terms of side effects - gains. I never get acne from test or mast.

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Sticking to the cut.

So far only tren gives me minor cystic backne otherwise I'm very lucky.

Good thinking. You will benefit so much more from that bulk that way. And also cutting after that bulk with be much easier.

You stick with the same compounds? Dbol is the only one that is giving me acne so far. No deca, no test, mast or anadrol.

I've already started the cut, dropping deca would just mean that by the time the cut is done it'll barely have left my body.
I'll keep running what I'm running as long as bloods permit.

You'll just be sticking to test/mast/dbol for the future?

What's your deal with wiener sizes lately, do you have a spreadsheet going or what

Why does it seem like everyone else is having a great time with dbol but the one time I tried it all I got was acid reflux

Nah man dbol is shit for me as well.
Might as well give me estrogen pills.

better than you, you dyel fuck

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holy fuck you look fucking awful

Great, i am curious for the results

Probably yes, those are the only ones i can handle. I must say that dbol is also giving me pretty shitty legarthy and mood swings atm. Felt depressed like an emo kid today. Also kills my appetite somewhat

Are you scared to share it?

It's not that great

shut up you fucking 5'2 manlet, post your 'long limbs' picture again you absolute dwarf - fuck when did /fraud/ turn so fucking gay

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Oh hey user, I've been waiting for you. Can I call you user? I figured we're pretty good friends, since you take the time to post this picture in every thread I'm in.

I'm glad you really enjoy that picture enough to post it over and over, but there's a problem with it. See I started roiding at the very tail end of June, and as you can see based on context clues in the picture (I know you aren't very bright, but it's okay I still love you) this picture was taken on July 4th, meaning I had only been on about a week, maybe even two at the time this picture was taken.

I understand you really need somebody to pick on,a nd I would be more than happy to be your punching bag. But I'd also prefer if you used a more recent picture of me to accurately make fun of me. As you can see to the left I have provided a more recent picture for you to make fun of. Thank you, and I hope you have a great day user!


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That is barely tickling me. You have to come with better baits.

Why do you save my pictures and then Photoshop it next to a nigger dick. I think you are the one that is gay



you talk SO fucking tough but THIS. THIS is what's giving you advice in /fraud/. The gut! The absolute horseshit definition! the non-existant forearms! Why have you not just killed yourself already? Oh my fucking god

no need to bait your dumbo-earred ass - you gonna tell us you're 6 foot tall again? or post roided out photos and claim you were natty? such an overcompensating little faggot you are, all of you

I know user, I know.
Now tell me what you look like.

Don't hate, participate.

not ONE of you looks like you even know how to diet, and 3/4 of you are manlets so you should look huge with literally zero work, let alone tren, dbol and NPP - yet you tiny little fat faggots never stop fellating each other and congratulating each other on your mediocrity

just end it already

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No i was dombo before, not anymore after surgery. I can truly advice plastic surgery to everyone else

Yeah i am 6 feet, and have god-tier genetics compared to you. Just get used it, I am god to you. There is no other way around it

even when i was just doing some pushups at home and just fucking around i was already 10x your size.. i mean DAMN BTFO

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>you talk SO fucking tough
I actually try to talk to people pretty nicely, it's easier to be nice to folks than to be mean you know?
>THIS is what's giving you advice in /fraud/.
I actually don't give much advice, I usually just shitpost but I appreciate you putting so much stock into what I have to say.
>The gut! The absolute horseshit definition!
Perma bulk master race yo
>the non-existant forearms!
If they didn't exist my arms would end at me biceps and my hands would float in the air Rayman style, so checkmate user.
>Why have you not just killed yourself already? Oh my fucking god
You seem to have some anger issues user, are you okay? Is your home life bothering you? I really don't understand where this is coming from, but this is a self help thread and we are here to help.

>gf breaks up with me
>order sdrol 2 min later

Does this count as self harm?

Is it possible to replace trenbolone with a combo of other roids?
I get insomnia off juice and while my test cycles are starting it gets far worse

I was having vivid hallucinations about centipedes and autopsies after 4 days without sleeping and had to down three bottles of wine and pass out after the last time

Yeah dbol does that especially for the first week or so. Like on day three I tend to get bacne bad enough that I can pop it while getting tight enough to bench. Then the bacne's completely gone by day 7 or so.

Whats causing all this hatred towards us?
I'm a trip, easily filtered.
We're already contained to a single thread at a time, so what gives?

I am small, I am fat, I could have been more then this but here I am, show me what a proper physique is then (hint: you).

We're on Veeky Forums, the cespool of shit and subpar. What is your endgame? The make an end to fraud?

>being this buttblasted to respond to everything in order
picking it apart won't make your absolutely garbage physique - even for a natty - any better faggot

Let's do it nano.

>Maybe on a cruise dose, but with your mass that would be unnecessary at this point

MasT in this case what would you recommend? So far I'm into week 11 for the 500mg blast. Once I hit week 12 I was going to drop my doses to 250 and cruise for a good 15 to 20 more weeks.

Was thinking of bulking slowly. But right now I can't be bothered. Really would rather just eat like shit and get bloatmaxed then try to cut. Might just dirty bulk and try to cut during the cruise dose.

a god? i didn't know they made gods undre 5'6 - you are a tiny sad little man, lying on the internet, you look awful and pale and legit can't even look at a camera without making dick sucking lips

because you are everything that's wrong with """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""bodybuilding""""""""""""""""""""""""""" and Veeky Forums, all at once. narcissist because you trip, and you look like utter shit

Yeah let's compare your shitty face to body pictures! Now we know what your body looks like! Not.

Out of curiosity do you do any ab work whatsoever? If not you really should, it'll help you keep at least a 4 pack into the high teens of BF%.

Probably, welcome to fraud.
I've heard of people getting similar results to tren with less sides using a stack of various compounds but I'm honestly not the one to ask about it.
I'm not buttblasted, I'm literally shitposting at work because it's a slow day, Also I thought I'd provide you with a more up to date picture for your PC masturbation folder since it seems like you only have the one. You on the other hand take every opportunity to rage about me for some reason, which is honestly really strange even for Veeky Forums. It's good to know I have such an effect on your life that you have an aneurysm every time you see me.

How she break up with you

Elaborate. So far you seem to hate me most for being a tripfag.

I actually don't, and I'm not sure why I don't either. Nano convinced me to work some in so I've been doing it recently but as of that pic I had not.

You could just leave dude, no one is holding you hostage in these threads. better yet just filter out the trips you don't like. Technology is amazing.

I hope it gets better I am also just using it for 1 week now

Why should i lie on the internet? That's totally against the rules

White is superior and woman love my lips. Sorry that you have been cucked with pencil line lips. That was really it? kek. I am unbeatable, nobody can take me down.

So we have : dombo, manlet, being white and lips. THE HORROR THE PAIN AND SUFFER i must go through, lmao

Just finish your blast for now and then cut on a low dose of test until you're shredded af and then clean bulk again

no dirty bulk always clean bulk

Drop the tren.
You can get similar or better results from something along the lines of a gram of test and a gram of EQ a week along with orals.
No compounds is worth 4 days of insomnia what the fuck you need to sleep to grow/be a functional human being.

Start doing a progression of knee raises to straight leg raises in the captains chair and then move to hanging knee raises and then hanging straight leg raises.

The insomnia was off test

It happens while my levels build up then once it's in effect it goes away

if only you'd think a bit further than that and realize how ironic your behavior is.

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Well that's fucking weird. How high is your estradiol?

I get the same thing, usually its depends on how good my workout was and if i maintained my diet properly

I couldn't handle tren and jumped back on some old anadrol I had. For a few days I stacked dbol on top of the anadrol and got back all my strength I lost from not being able to eat on tren for 3 weeks. Not doing that very often because of the toxicity and I'll probably drop the anadrol once I decide on an injectable to try and see if I can tolerate better. Trying to stay away from orals but they're so effective for me it's hard. I'm also doing a moderate amount of test P and test E every other day and that seems to give me the most stable t levels.

Your sleep could be inconsistent, you could be accumulating shit loads of fatigue on some days, you could be eating like the fat little pork chop that I KNOW you are, you could be dealing with peaks and valleys of hormonal release, or something else or some combination of the above.
I don't fucking know man this shit's multi factorial.



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Jerry, where the fook are you? Need advice about home brew. Share the knowledge you sexy bastard. Have a pic for incentive.

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dbol rapes my appetite but adrol makes me wanna non-stop eat? what's going on here

I actually can do a good 15 straight leg raises on the captain's chair for about 2 sets at the moment, so I'm working on getting more sets. Also never knew that thing was called a captains chair until now, so good to know.

Also I know nothing about EQ other than it makes you need to give blood often. Can you explain it's benefits? Dunno if I'll ever try tren again after this and I'm looking into other compounds.

You're on asteroid thread on a fitness subforum of an anime image posting website, have you considered that everyone here may be retarded?

He's busy driving around in his new car with his waifu.

Muh were to different
Probs my fault for calling her a normie and making fun of her too often
Got tired of her complaining about being "fat" when she does absolutely nothing about it and gets triggered when I suggest she exercise if she wants to lose weight
What has this jamaican weed forum done to me

lmao fuck. There’s this high school girl basically following me around the gym right now with a pink hat on that has “Daddy” embroidered on it.

Muh penis

>What has this jamaican weed forum done to me
Turned you into a man. Now come on faggot, we got hormones to take and dicks to suck, NO homo tho.
You know what you have to do.

Get her started on an appropriate training program for her needs and show her proper form, because having sex with a minor is wrong.

Nice get

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>Running tren for this

I've no idea

I was using arimidex at .5 EOD but because of the shitty nature of my job I can't afford to be taking time off to get bloodwork done

I wasn't experiencing gyno or related sides

Could be low E2 then, you could try working up to the .5 EOD, by spending a week using .5 E3D or something like that.
It'd be a lot easier if you had homebrewed though.

Yeah my results on tren were honestly pretty underwhelming, but I can honestly say it's probably still mostly my fault. Like I mentioned earlier something about tren just suppressed my appetite to hell, so I didn't gain as much mass as I probably could have while on. Despite the lack of appetite though I still seemed to hold on to stubborn body fat. All that with the trensomnia and sweats, if I ever do run tren again it'll probably just be at a low dose with a comfier compound on top of it. We'll see though.

in terms of purely strength which did you notice the largest increase from, anadrol or dbol?