>lift a weight
>drink a protein
>don't grow a muscle
explain this
Lift a weight
your mother does it for me
>you no confuse muscle
you need more than 1 protein
try get at least 80-120 protein
>not putting the weight down again
>lift 100 weights
>eat 100 protons
user it's like you aren't even trying
How nutritious are grayons?
>pick up an weigth
>eat an prontein
>muscle go big
wwweeeeeee fferpldffllp
Only a singles protons?! Are you really tryings...
Me thinks you should picking up different things
>goquiet place an throw book
>go metal house and borrow heavy
>find N long hair humie
>make penis in
>she make loud
>make loud back at long hair
>wait for penis hurt
>eat white sticky
>go /fit
>tfw no gf
>tfw no gainz
I’m at the gym and there’s a qt on the treadmill infront.
Just got the most disgusting look from her because I was chuckling like a hyena.
Probably didn’t help that my camera would be directly on her yoda pant ass if had it on
Go apologize
>be woman
>drink a protein
>lift dumbbell three times
>suddenly explode into a shredded muscle monster with no tits
I just wanted to tone. TONE!
R8 my brainlet
Nice meme user