Saw 3 DYEL white cuck betas at the gym with STICC gooks

Saw 3 DYEL white cuck betas at the gym with STICC gooks

One guy was actually decent probably 6.5/10. His gf was the most laughable gook I've ever seen in my life, and that's saying something. 0.00 tits. Her ass was concave as if a 5 year old auschitz boy. He was trying to teach her how to squat and I fucking keked out loud as fuck looking at them in the mirror

Attached: betagoook.jpg (720x960, 208K)


some people like asian girls so what ?

Attached: soyboy numale.png (377x485, 201K)

That guy is getting asian pussy and you are insecurely posting about him on a twink grooming forum. He didn't even take 5 seconds of his life thinking about you

>you played yourself

Attached: you ok bud.png (301x309, 186K)

Gook fever is the epitome of beta and this is empirical fact. I'm sure you're fine with faggots fucking eachother in the ass in public too

Attached: betasgooks.jpg (480x360, 30K)

Found the soyboy

Attached: download (1).png (312x162, 9K)

Better sticc than fat.

>asian pussy
>larp crusader pic
Found the gook fever soy

And here you are posting about someone posting about a beta gook as if other posting on this site is productive

Gook fever is an epidemic and a public safety issue that needs to be addressed.

Attached: looksjustlikeme.jpg (650x400, 45K)

Attached: regdfgreh.jpg (520x691, 76K)