>be me
>used to eat like shit, crap food and sweets almost every day
>decide to change it
>start eating right every single day, just fruits, a few vegetables and eggs and fish every single day
>also do intermittent fasting
>lose weight but
I feel fucking worse and worse every single fucking day, I've got even less energy than before. I feel like fucking shit. What am I doing wrong bros?
Be me
Losing w8 is a sign of dying
I’ve been doing the same for a good six months but I don’t think I’ve lost any weight
>surprised that life is pain
Probably withdrawing from all the sugar.
Probably not getting enough electrolytes senpai. Make sure you're getting sodium and potassium. Also, probably best to take a multivitamin just for the sake of it.
Are you also doing light cardio? It helps you burn off glucose storage so that you enter ketosis quicker.
Adderall fixes all fatigue
>Probably not getting enough electrolytes senpai. Make sure you're getting sodium and potassium
What are electrolytes desu user?
I eat bananas everyday
I think I don't eat any salt at all. I thought it was supposed to be unhealthy for you? Isn't there salt in canned tuna though?
>Adderall fixes all fatigue
Shiiiiit. I only got Ritalin with me and it makes me so fucking anxious and I get tachycardia everytime I fucking take it. How the fuck can I get an Adderall prescription?
No fruits and only steak and eggs and broccoli for now. Intermittent fasting is for cucks
The very first food you mentioned was fruit which leads me to believe you’re overdoing it in that area. Fruit should be the smallest portion of your healthy diet. Increase your complex carb, lean meat and leafy veg consumption.
> be me
> tired
> rail addy or coke
> now tired, paranoid, antsy
Hate it.
Holy shit you know nothing. Bananas are shit for potassium compared to veggies. You need salt to live, just not ridiculous American levels.
cut down on fruit, eat meat or fish with non starchy veggies
>I thought it was supposed to be unhealthy for you?
Retard. Salt
>No fruits and only steak and eggs and broccoli for now. Intermittent fasting is for cucks
>The very first food you mentioned was fruit which leads me to believe you’re overdoing it in that area. Fruit should be the smallest portion of your healthy diet. Increase your complex carb, lean meat and leafy veg consumption.
>cut down on fruit, eat meat or fish with non starchy veggies
>tfw everybody has been telling me to eat more fruit and now you're saying it is no good for you.
What even is real anymore anons? Should I just eat protein and veggies then?
Eat more RAW ONIONS faggot
Salt is bad for you m8. Everybody say that.
eat more fruit, don't eat primarily fruit you faggot.
>my stupidly restrictive diet makes me feel like shit what's wrong with it
it's a stupidly restrictive diet, marie.
I'm perscribed adderal because I'm an antsy asshole when I don't take it. Let me tell you. Don't start.
Your body does this thing where it starts relying on it. I wouldn't call it addiction because I feel fine when I don't take it. Problem is that now if I don't take it for a day everything goes to shit. I either just want to lie in bed all day (Not even in the mood for vidya) or I'm manic and excited. On top of that it's like my natural appetite control is gone. After a year of taking adderal If I don't take it I will literally not stop being hungry no matter how much I eat. I wasn't like this before I started and now I can pretty much only stay fit because I keep taking it.
Holy shit m8, that sounds like it really fucking sucks. How much adderall do you take in a day and have you ever tried out Ritalin?
For example, today I ate 2 apples, 2 bananas, 2 cans of tuna, a multivitamin shake, and just a little bit of lettuce. Am I missing out on the veggies? Is it brocolli I have to eat?
don't eat too much fruit either, find other snacks that are healthy like unsalted nuts, but not too much you fat fuck. also, your intestinal biome is probably changing and adapting to actual food and not processed shit you're so used to ingesting. just try to stick to real food for a bit and you'll thank us fucking DYEL fat fuck
50mg a day. I was perscribed it because I have ADHD. Not "my little johnny is excited so he must have the ADHD as opposed to just being a kid" but my thoughts would rush by so fast I couldn't make them out and it would drive me insane. Try flashing as many random unrelated images in your head as fast as you can. Unplesant? I felt like that all the time. I started trying a bunch of different shit. Ritalin leaves me like a ghost. I'm not hungry, I'm not happy or sad, I just kind of wander through the day. Adderal brings me down to "normal" but I still always feel kind of empty. At least I have the energy to get out of bed and my manual labor job keeps me somewhat in shape. Honestly I've been taking it for so long that I can't even tell if that's just how I am.
Tldr: If you can avoid it don't start taking adderall. But then again I have a sample size of 1 and maybe I'm just a broken person.
Sorry for the sob story. I've never actually told anyone this because obvious reasons.
Oh. Forgot to set that as a reply to
Animals literally lick it off stones.
Salt is great for you, just don't overdo it and drink enough.
I bet you've never heard of macros and think fat is bad too.
Also, fuck off, redditcuck. Why would you tripfag here?
thats probably 1500 kcal you can be tired if you eat this much
>thats probably 1500 kcal you can be tired if you eat this much
I didn't really eat that much because the apples were tiny kid sized ones, and I had just broke a 24 hour fast, and I only eat twice a day.
>don't eat enough
>tripfag and go to Veeky Forums to cry about not having energy
Can we introduce 30 day bans based on retardation?
Not enough fat retard, count your macros, write them down and add them. Hit your macros every day.
>Can we introduce 30 day bans based on retardation?
>inb4. newfag
What's macro?
Fat, Protein, Carbs. Google "Macro calculator" and go off that. The reason you feel like shit is because you aren't eating any dietary fat, and your hormones don't have anything to be made with.
And eat some salt for fuck's sake.
For the future make sure to remember:
Whenever a leftist gives you fitness advice, ignore it
>salt is bad
>fat is bad
>use light weights
>machines are superior to free weights
Lefties need to be genocided
lol that's me except I've never felt more energetic or good about myself and body.. weird huh
At any point in the last 6 months have you considered weighing yourself
exact same, user. I feel like garbage and I've been eating absolutely clean and working out 6 days a week. Maybe try getting more sleep