Buying eggs from the shop

>buying eggs from the shop
>not having your own chickens
Why not user? For a very low cost, you can get a good bunch of chickens, a chicken coop. give them a bit of space and some feed, clean their pen out every once in a while, and you'll have eggs every day, and meat if they stop producing eggs.
I get 11 eggs a day for basically nothing, why not try it out? cost me less than £200

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same here. I also have ducks, just to compare the differences between duck eggs and chicken eggs. And, of course, free fried chicken if you mix in some roosters

ducks are nice but they smell worse and are less sociable than chickens. i have a few as well but don't like duck eggs though.

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My parents raise chickens. It's expensive compared to buying eggs and it's a lot of work. Where I live, you can buy 18 large eggs for $1.28. This is hardly an expense which needs evaluation.

it's not any work at all, I don't know what they're doing wrong. and shop bought eggs are fed with soy and disgusting shit, my chickens eggs are nice and orange and lovely and taste better than shop bought chicken eggs.

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>live in a city
even if I didn't, I'd be concerned about parasites and stuff

11 eggs a day for basically nothing, why not try it out? cost me less than £200

You realize you can buy like 60 eggs in the US for maybe $3, right? You'd have to eat like 4000 eggs to get close. Math doesn't work unless you're fucking Gaston...but even then you only get 11 eggs a day, not enough trying to get large

coward urbanite
modern farmed eggs are shit. see the difference

Why not also raise some cows for you daily gallon of milk / producing your own protein? Also while you are at it you should build a small foundry in your garden right between your chicken coop and the cow shed, so you can build your own equipment.

>little Mexican counts creep over from their section 8 housing half a mile away and steal them

And that's why I no longer have chickens

Cunts not counts ffs

Jokes on you op, I have 39 chickens.
> tfw 3.25 dozen a day masterrace

Neighbors have nasty fucking cats that attack local birds and small dogs, til I catch those fuckers with a shovel i'm not having small animals outdoors

>60 eggs for $3 in USA

Not even at Walmart. Those mega-packs are like $8 and the eggs are shit.

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can you elaborate ? theres a difference in egg quality ? isnt large just large everywhere. In the end they all have about 6g of protein per egg right ?

are you stupid?

why should a 40g egg contain as much protein as a 80g egg?

maybe taste and stuff like that.

Buy some free range eggs, then some Walmart eggs, crack one of each into clear glasses, then compare the color. You'll be surprised. Taste is different too.

Maybe I'm living in a flat and can't afford space for some chickens?

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>Feeding and collecting eggs every day
>Shooting prey birds seen around he property
>Looking over the chickens for medical issues
>Performing surgery on a chicken 1-2 times per month (20+ birds total) for impacted crop or w/e else
>Quarantining sick birds with antibiotics
>Raising new chicks as the old ones stop laying
>Butchering the burds which stop laying or wind up being roosters
>Fixing the coop when foxes try to break in
>Occasionally losing them all to predators or illness

Just not worth it unless you enjoy doing it as a hobby like my parents do. Raising chickens just for eggs to eat is retarded since they're so cheap.

You're retarded and your moms cheap.


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Because I live in a cool American city not some hillbilly English village or whatever.

>i buy from local farmers desu.
2 eggs cost same as 3 store eggs but they taste way different from storeshit, dont get me started on possible health difference.

You don't know about parasites and infections, do you? Do you wash your hands after you shit?
I said I'd be concerned, not that I wouldn't do it, you mook. Just consult with a vet, maybe have one come over for periodic check ups.
Live to the ripe old age of 30 and die of dysentery

gtfo urbanite
except i hardly ever have to do that. you must be pretty stupid then. i kill prey animals once in a while but that's for fur, never ever had a fox in my coop.
stfu urbanite scum
>muh parasites
>muh infections
Urbanite pussy.
I don't wash my hands after I shit, and I have an amazing immune system because of it.
I drink water out of streams and i'm fine, dysentry only happens to civilised urbanites who try to live in nature.

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shes a little too thick for me


Imagine the little change in the shade of black as the pants bend from her giant data

you can change the colour of eggs by adding orange foods like carrots (not oranges). It's not necessarily a sign of health

Because unless you’re a neet, time is money, and when you look at the time invested:money saved, I’m not going to save anything doing it.
I could buy the most premium organic eggs from the most pampered chickens on earth, from someone who does it for a living and it would still be more cost effective than doing it myself.

Last time I ate duck eggs it went terribly. Ended up tossing my cookies on the third fairway. Still finished the 9, though.

I'm currently a student but once I settle down imma get a Silkie and maybe some rescue hens.

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IIRC the only time the egg ISN'T orange is when the chicken is fed a very limited grain only diet. The yolks being orange indicates that it doesn't have a one-dimensional diet, and generally that means better nutrient profiles.

could be talking out my ass though

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Urban chickens is actually getting more popular these days