Is there any reason to deny myself water when lifting weights? Like, not drink until I'm completely done...
If you're thirsty your muscles are in need of water. You'd have to drink 1-2 literally in order to get your muscles and joints properly lubricated again. If you feel the need to sip water, you failed to hydrate properly and you're damaging your joints and not getting full potential out of your muscles.
Also you're redirecting blood from your muscles to your digestive tract. This isn't bad depending on your type of training. What I mean by that is there are literally guys who train to get a "pump" where basically all their blood is in their muscles during and shortly after their training session. That deprives their brain of oxygen during that time, literally making them dumber. I do some specific exercises to redirect blood to different parts of the body so my body becomes more efficient at managing and sending blood to different parts quickly.
>That deprives their brain of oxygen during that time, literally making them dumber.
i have no problem believing this
>I do some specific exercises to redirect blood to different parts of the body so my body becomes more efficient at managing and sending blood to different parts quickly.
like what?
anyway, what im sortof getting from your post is: be very hydrated BEFORE hitting the gym? so maybe like, try to drink a litre of water (like 0.25 gallons i think) BEFORE hitting the gym? or am i misunderstanding
If they got hit after drinking too much they'll puke
I think his trainer got bad experiences with people puking
I drink like 5 big gulps of water like 15 mins before the gym. The difference I feel between when I do vs when I don't is very noticeable. I get less pain in my knees and back joints mostly. You'll probably have to pee early on in your session, just do that and drink some more.
Even with 5 or so gulps I'm still not properly hydrated and will have to sip every other set. If you want to straight up water dope you can drink 1-2 gallons a day. You're going to piss a lot though so it's annoying, but your performance will increase. It's really more for runners. Moderate hydration is enough for casual lifters.
yea that makes sense too
i kindof have a "plug-in" mentality about my workouts, meaning, when im not at the gym (or preparing for it with meals & sleep & such), i dont really think about it. not trying to become Schwarzenegger-fit. but what im sorta getting is, ill start chugging 0.5 liters of water some time before hitting the gym, and then continuing to drink while im there (which i already do). and that having my stomach full of water before starting to lift will improve my efficiency, because my body needs to be hydrated to give sufficient blood to my muscles. or something.
brrap brrrfffllll braplap
How do you people even come up with these stupid fucking questions?
>Should I deny myself water when exercising
Are you fucking kidding me with this shit?
thanks for that contribution