How to fuck gf into an orgasm? She has never had one before

This, make sure your girl has spent time masturbating. (I know plenty of girls in the late teens/early 20s that barely know how to make themselves come.)

And, like said, it's pretty much based on the individual. Some girls can come from penetration, some (many) can't.

>women can't even fucking cum properly
Just sad.

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>implying women now what they want especially one who has never even orgasmed

Start by putting in 1 fingee and then make a come here motion about 2/3 inches deep, look for the spot that feels like rice crispies. Then start rubbing her clit and put in 2 fingers, slowly go faster. Do this for like 2 mins until she cums, after then stick your little pee pee in and just focus on rhythm. Sex is unironically not hard I dont know what virgins problem are

Mine hasnt either.
Fucking SSRIs. Fucking everything up.

>Rice Krispies

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Put her on top. If she is feeling it she will let you know and do the work herself.

Buy this cheap piece of plastic for ~$7
Make her use it on the cliddy while u bang
10/10 works

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>look for the spot that feels like rice crispies.
lmao. but yes this guy is right

Here you go OP

>she tells OP she’s never had an orgasm
>OP actually believes this

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