>If you can't do it sober you can't do it at all.
>not using modern science and technology to maximize your health and mental acuity
shiggery diggity doo
>If you can't do it sober you can't do it at all.
>not using modern science and technology to maximize your health and mental acuity
shiggery diggity doo
become the alpha
That's because at the biochemical level it's just an opiate agonist. It's just not as strong as pharma opiates or opium. You get low level effects of opiates in general, and some people are genetically negative responders to opiates and instead of euphoria they just get nausea.
I took Ritalin today. It just made me feel tense and horny for a while, then super fucking tired.
kratom, greens and whites stick to low doses
microdosing LSD is good for productivity and creativity but I wouldn't use it for memory
Any options for these kind of things in asia? In terms of where to order online and what happens if customs seize the parcel
how is moda and noopept garbage, they are more effective than Adderall or Ritalin or lsd for cognitive enhancement.
Lsd is trash and people who believe they are getting smarter by taking it are stoner tier delusional.
And dumbo had a feather op, wake up and realize you are a God.
I initially started with noopept and moda, I took the noopept every day for 1month as recommended (as the benefits come after taking it for a while). I received close to zero benefit from both over all.
Then I was able to source Ritalin. It took a little bit of getting used to, but it is 10x more effective then anything i had ever tried. The long release (LR) tabs make you feel wired for 6 hours + with barely any comedown sides.
If you think Moda or noopept is on the same scale as Ritz or addy, you clearly have not tried it.