guys i'm being hit pretty hard right now with depression. the hope of turning my 50k in crypto into 5Mil in 5 years is the only thing keeping me sane.
im just so alone, few friends. i make a lot at work but i dont see it lasting too much longer, the politics at work have become nasty, devious malicious and machiavilian and the cards fell against me.
with this thanksgiving vacation, my loneliness has just hit so hard. full days of just emptiness. sporadically crying. i go and do things just to get out of my apartment. and age is creeping and here. im just so destroyed internally . only one in my family without kids. friends have kids. i'm almost too old to save myself. my heart is a rock in my chest
yet ETH moves up, and the alts get some breath of life.
cheer up, 50k or 50m you can't actually cash it out anyway
Owen Cruz
i just need someone to help me
Brandon Gomez
What's your age? If you make a decent amount can you get a gf? Can you start looking for a more stable job?
Christopher Walker
I've had friends who turned their depression around for the better when they bought pets to not feel lonely.
Get a dog, so you'd develop a stronger sense of responsibility and feel accompanied all the time.
Easton James
ill be your friend for .0012BTC/ hr
Brandon Rivera
I feel the same way OP. Good luck and hang in there.
Levi Smith
youre just stupid and delusional if you think your alt coins will retain todays value... the height of the bubble
Jeremiah Hernandez
I feel you user, you're not alone in spirit. Try some yoga, find the stress in your body and release it. Reconnect with nature, start planting plants and vegetables. Put up a bird feeder, help insects. You can resist the collapse.
Asher Brown
these humble brag threads are the worst
take this shit to r9k, since its not even related to the board
Jaxson Nelson
50k isn't humble bragging.
Robert Cooper
some people here can't afford 1 BTC bro
Josiah Butler
Then they need to reevaluate their life decisions.
Matthew Davis
>50k into 5 million isnt a humble brag
kys along with the dingus OP
Mason Campbell
Noah Davis
find a hobby dude, don't focus on the money. having 50k liquid isn't a terrible place to be and having more won't make you any happier. in fact you'll probably feel even worse when you have a million in your wallet but still don't feel fulfilled like you thought it would do for you.
Kayden Gutierrez
I'm in the same position but with only 30k in crypto right now, the dream of becoming a crypto millionaire is the only thing that motivates me
William Perez
please tell me this picture is just cosplay and not actually some slut who enlisted so she could whore herself off on instagram
Adam Harris
Looks like female IDF. So its kike propaganda
Austin Thomas
>talking shit behind a keyboard while she's out there literally killing people kys
Carson Stewart
how the fuck are you on Veeky Forums and not know that the IDF literally has a propaganda campaign of shilling their khazar paper pushing sluts on social media as a way to get goys to want to die for them
IDF khazar milkers don't fucking fight you utter retard, they all get basic training and carry their arm with them while they're in service but the women don't fight
Brayden Peterson
Blake Hernandez
Juan Thomas
how is 5 mil going to change your life user?
Liam Lopez
Give him confidence, like you always say Chad
Easton Flores
gf dont cost money. those are prostitutes
Isaac Smith
t. virgin
Daniel Mitchell
I agree, 50k isn't really a humble brag.
Lincoln Perry
tis better to give than receive. voluenteer or something
how the fuck are you on Veeky Forums and not know israelis don't fuck around
Charles Thompson
i'm in the same boat. I have about 40k in crypto and hope to reach my goal of 2 million so i can drop my normie job to part time. Don't give a fuck about fancy cars or house, just wanna live within my means without having to wagecuck with some normies.
Luke Robinson
>i make a lot at work then you don't need anybodys help here. you just need to dollar cost average. there are people here worse off.
Sebastian Hernandez
Its called going outside and enjoying the sights and sounds with your fellow mankind. Stop being a fucking beta faggot OP. Money will only help alphas enjoy more alpha activities. For betas its the exact opposite.
Chase Moore
>nasty, devious malicious and machiavilian birds of a feather flock together get out while you can
Angel Jenkins
trying. ive been interviewing all year - came close to some decent positions. hopefully get something soon
Liam Ortiz
even if you do go a different company you'll just get the same jerb with the same shitheads. spnding time around them makes you like them. thats how they got that way. save up and live cheap/y for a bit get your head straight doing something els