>mfw humans call half humans, half-"elves"
Mfw humans call half humans, half-"elves"
that's because we put the human in the elf, not the elf in the human
user why are you ARGUING against half elves being included as elves? Everyone knows half elves are incredible rare and universally awesome
Elrond's got a point, even people who dislike elves like half-elfs (well, the ones that are human and elf).
Why have half perfection when you can have full perfection?
>Getting this buttblasted because someone else calls the same thing by a different name than you
Elves confirmed for being fantasy Britbongs
>mfw elves
elrond's a half elf
Because full perfection for women is only for elves so human men tap dat.
Because full perfection for men includes human dick so elf women tap dat.
Which make his lines about Men in the Jackson movie a bit strange.
I agree, why pollute Human blood with elven filth?
Because with elven blood in you your pitiful life spans become just a bit less pathetic.
Your long lives make you soft, inhuman vermin. Too afraid to die. Humanity's fighting spirit and ambition, fueled by our limited time in this world, drive us to achieve more in our brief lives than you ever will cowering in your forest palaces for fear of losing a few precious centuries.
shhhhhhh, no one suppose to know that.
Technically a half-elf is a half-human, but so is a half-orc, half-giant or half-dragon. It's easier to identify them this way.
>easier to identify
Maybe for (You)!
A half-human is a cripple.
>mfw when humans call toilet paper, leaves.
Because half man is litterally hobbits in my language.
I made them the gypsy/romani parody in my game. Nobody selected them as pcs. I got two dwarves and a half-demon before I got any elf wander in game.
Underrated post
>elves being buttmad about the dominant culture of humans
Deal with it knife ears
If you're the last elf on faerun, and you breed with humans and then breed again with your half-elven offspring, will there ever be a point when your offspring will be considered fully elven?
I prefer to call them "abominations".
Apparently elves can tinker their offspring so they don't get autism or other defects so there would be no downside to inbreeding. Makes me think they could just turn a half-elf into a full elf in utero or something.
Well let's say you introduce fresh human blood into the breeding scheme every three generations or something. You'd still slowly increase the amount of elven blood in every generation, so you should eventually hit a point when it's 99% elven.
And people exaggerate the problems with inbreeding. I mean Finland is the only place in Europe with a steady population of whitetail deer, and that whole population is descended of 11 individuals. They bag tens of thoudands of those every year, and the population is genetically as diverese as their counterparts in north america.
>implying half-breeds can have kids
Depends on the setting, and # of chromosomes per parent. Some hybrids IRL can breed some can't. Mule style half elves are better for story telling purposes.
Maybe I'm getting them mixed up with some other fantasy race, but don't they breed like rabbits?
Elves being in a decline but having a glorious past is just as common in settings as dwarves having beards.
well according to Veeky Forums they fuck like rabbits, but no, generally speaking elves don't breed quickly, though there may be settings that disregard that norm.
The way I see it, elves fuck hard and like crazy but not like rabbits. Imagine how depraved you'd be if you hadn't gotten laid in over a century?
>don't they breed like rabbits?
No, that'd be humans.
I'll rub whatever I'll want! And I'll feed you whatever I want...
In fact...
...*unzips dick*...
>unzips dick
Sounds painful
You always refer to someone as half-"inferior race". It makes it simple so you can keep track of all the impure bastards. Just like with half-blacks.
But then you'd call them half-humans.
Because pic related, OP.
Yeah, and he chose the path of the elf. Half-elves in Tolkien can choose to be elf or human. Elrond is an example of a half-elf who chose to be an elf. Aragorn is an example of a half-elf who chose to be a man.
In MY setting, a half-elf typically comes out looking and being almost entirely like a human, and are typically called human, unless they are raised in an elven community. This depends on how much elf the human has in them to begin with. There hasn't been a known pure human for thousands of years, since they were incapable of breeding with each other. All known humans have varying amounts of elf, eladrin, halfling, and especially orc and dwarf ancestry. Some other things too, probably.
For the playable half-elf race, that would be the child of an elf and a human with enough elf ancestry to make a difference.
>since they were incapable of breeding with each other
Wait, wait, wait. Explain
They were created by a god and lived and bred happily on their little island, until one of them killed and ate their benevolent god-avatar-king and assumed leadership, and brought them even more happiness with magical powers and immortality. Their god was butthurt though, so he cursed them all with a second sun which baked their farms to shit and cursed them to be unable to breed with each other. Yadda yadda yadda, they escaped the island and banged a bunch of dwaves and orcs and sometimes other things.
>the ultimate incentive to go out and screw other races
I like your setting.
Humans have bred out the curse and now mostly bang each other, but it left the dwarves and orcs with ancient and exagerated myths of their sluttiness.
One drop rule, same idea as to why mixed-heritage people only claim whatever the "dark" part of their heritage is.
Yes, one drop rule. One drop of human blood in one's veins and it's human, not elf.
Well, we don't want to lump them in with the Half Orcs and Muls, right?
Elfkin works as well.
From the Knife Ear perspective, I'd expect the word for them is human-spawn or half-man or something along those lines.
Yeah, as much as we humans get around, the term "half-human" would cover a very, VERY wide variety of types. It's just easier to assume that the other half of half-anything is human, since we're the whores (and proud of it).
You just gave me an awesome idea for my current setting: The long-lost origin of humans is that they are an amalgamation of the all the other races interbreeding with each other.
Once, there were no humans, and the land was at war between the various other races; the hobbits, gnomes, dwarves, elves, and the orcs (and w/e else, can't remember every single one atm).
Over time, forbidden romances between varying races began to form, leading to the exile of them and their half breed children. orc/elves, dwarf/elves, gnome/hobbits, etc..., on and on, until over many generations of their numbers being added to, by the exiling of others who loved regardless of race, and their own children furthering the mixing, until the genes of each had been homogenized into one highly adaptable race with that could sport a large variety of traits- the humans.
And so the humans forged their own way, creating their own society, while the war of the other races continued to rage, eventually drawing them into it as well.
Over time, the knowledge was lost of their origins. The day came when every human alive only knew that they were human, a separate race from the others, as the truth was lost to the sands of time.
What remains, however, is a primal instinct, a seemingly odd trait of having no problems being attracted to, and having children with, members of the other 'races'...
Thoughts, anyone?
>he doesn't now how to use the seashells
>mfw you can't spell "kill yourself" without an "elf"
>why be half-imaginary (i.e. complex), when you can be fully imaginary?
This one is actually true. Complacency is the mind-killer.
Not if you give him a hand.
To be fair, an aggressively chaotic culture will always dominate over the stagnant conservative culture, if only by virtue of having a constant clash of values and creeds.
That's what I like to call your mom in bed.
The Fourth Age called, they want you somewhere else.
It's okay. Explains the genetic compatibility of humans with other races, if nothing else.
The thing is that to get a large sum of hybrids you need two populations living among each other for long periods of time. With exiled hybrids you'd need them all exiled to a certain place to even begin with mixing them together and given that the other races are hostile it seems unlikely they'd all use the same piece of land to exile their unwanted.
I was thinking of the type of exile where they aren't sent to a specific place, they are just sent out of the country's territory and told not to come back under threat of death.
It still leaves you the issue of bringing together these people. You kind of need an area or event to bring a lot of these hybrids together.
Well, since all of them would be exiled from their home nations, and already unable to enter the others (being ran by other races that hate them anyways), it would only make sense that they would come together in the places no one else wants. The geography of my current setting already had a couple of these places that would be perfect for it. If there's already a limited area for exiles to go, then they are bound to find each other and start sticking together for survival
>quoted post was deleted. It was sfw
>implying knife-ears aren't trash
Said no elf ever.
>Aragorn is an example of a half-elf who chose to be a man.
No. No. No. NO!
Elros, brother of Elrond chose to be counted among Men and, as a result, all of his descendants are mortal. Extremely long-lived, but still mortal. Aragorn, as a direct descendent of Elros, shares this fate.
Yeah, isn't Aragorn 30-something odd generations after Elros?
Pathetic+pathetic=double pathetic
Roll for initiative, paleskin weakling
I've never seen human girls praising elven dicks
Maybe on /d/ in the SPH threads.
Because most people here are guys and those write self-insert fanfiction about how all those elfen waifus sure do love their human dicks for whatever reason.
You're going about it wrong, if you want to say male elves are undesirable then you do the manlet meme thing since D&D elves are shorter for some reason.
you mean tfw your ears grow out from the bottom of your head.
Don't bully the elves. Rub their ears instead.
If you don't want to bully the elves, you would let threads like this die.
But then you can't rub their ears.
>mfw humans call fling-far man-expiration expediters "bows"
>mfw humans call hairy fuzzlebums 'dwarves'
We call them Half-elves because Half-Orcs also exist. If we were speaking generally one could refer to them as Half-Human, though usually denoting exactly what the exotic half is is helpful.
Elves being a dying people is dumb. They're not dying, they're leaving. Elves usually aren't from around here, they're going back home.
Elves being a stagnant people is dumb. A long lived people wouldn't do the same thing over and over. If anything ennui would set in quite fast. Elves should be hybrids in their skill sets. They're neither the master wizard, or the master swordfighter. They're the one who can use spells and swords together and effectively.
It's the human who devotes their short life to a mastery of things. A human tries to determine early on what they're going to do for the rest of their life. It's a human that develops a career, and when that career disappears, their life with totally shaken and great effort is made to find a new purpose, otherwise they become a useless sack of shit leeching off the goodwill of other humans. It's the human whose major part of their life is setting things up for the next generation.
The Elf lives in the now. They work at a skill for a while, get bored and do something else. The relationships of elves should be the same way. Marriage should hardly be a thing. Flings are common and families are full of half-siblings. A couple will be together for a bit, have children, and find their love wane. Instead of making a whole issue out of it like a human would, they simply separate. Life is too long to keep yourself tied down.
Dying is just reflavoring of the overall consequence of the elves leaving. The main point being that their time is over.
Elves actually are built for gish asses in RPGs, especially in earlier editions of D&D.
I think one thing you may be leaving out is that their chaos born of ennui is tempered by wisdom and that's why they're often the voice of reason.
I like to think some elves will stay with a human partner for most or all of the human's life. It's not really out of a romantic desire for monogamy but rather because a human's lifespan isn't that long for them anyway.
I would agree with everything, except the last point. This is just boring and unromantic Having them being devote to one partner and their own children makes for far better stories, in every regard from pure love to the most tragic stories. A race that is just "whatever" about such an important thing appears to be ambivalent and cold, almost inhuman in the worst way. I don't want to hear about this great elfen guy and his thousand ears of history, in which he just fucked some elf girl this century and some other the next century. Then he meets his sons and they all just shrug their shoulders at each other because they don't have any bonds.
>is tempered by wisdom
Why? Age doesn't equate wisdom.
>I like to think some elves will stay with a human partner for most or all of the human's life.
I like to think elves are quick to make human relationships, and quick to forget them. If not that they reflect with fondness of a past human friend as if one were to reflect on a pet that has died. The time with them was great, but they're gone and ultimately they were just a pet.
>Age doesn't equate wisdom.
user, no. This is not how it works.
>Why? Age doesn't equate wisdom.
That's true but they certainly try to act the part more often than not.
>and ultimately they were just a pet.
Maybe I'm an exception, but you have a pet live with you for years and it's pretty close to a person you know dying anyway. RIP Scooter
It does. Guess where the adjective wizened comes from?
Also represented mechanically with D&D's aging.
Not only do I disagree, but you've also got it wrong. They're not "whatever" They're not ambivalent. They love, and they fall out of it. Children born from it are loved like a parent should love a child. Half-siblings abound and there are incestuous connotations like those of aristocrats and gods. The relationships are more mythological than contemporary, with all the drama that entails.
>Maybe I'm an exception, but you have a pet live with you for years and it's pretty close to a person you know dying anyway.
Sure it's sad, but I don't pretend to think the death of my long time pet as the same as the death of my grandparent, or even a close friend.
> Paleskin
God WoW really fucking ruined orcs.
WoW orcs say pinkskin. You're right though. I want orcs to be monsters again, not green barbarians.
Age doesn't equate wisdom. Wisdom is gained by experience. A person of great age can have experience, but they can also be a total idiot. They're just old.
D&Ds aging is shit. You don't get magical wisdom points because you're old.
>They love, and they fall out of it
I think I at least got this point right. When I want them to fall in love, then for the rest of their lives.
One can be a total idiot but have lots of wisdom. Why do you think INT is separate from wisdom?:^)
>Age doesn't equate wisdom
It does. Age means that you have gone through a lot of stuff through your life. Surely some younger guy can lived through a lot and some older guy could have spend some sheltered life. But on average someone with a lot of age has gathered more wisdom, because he has spend more time experiencing life. He could be an idiot and have problems explaining this wisdom to you. But this doesn't mean he doesn't has it.
>When I want them to fall in love, then for the rest of their lives.
It's a quaint notion because of our short lives we romanticize life long bonds.
To elves, our lifespan is a flash in the pan. Lifelong love for an elf is like 700 ears, maybe more. Married human couples have a hard enough time with 40, what makes you think they'll last 700?
Again, no it doesn't.
A person can be raised in a box their whole life, grow really fucking old and learn nothing. No experience, or wisdom. Just biological growth, stagnation, and decay. That is all aging is, a biological process.
>To elves, our lifespan is a flash in the pan
Elves might as well experience time differently.
>Married human couples have a hard enough time with 40
Actually, no. There sure are problems, most couples aren't perfect. But when you look at most not western, not first world nations, marriages are pretty stable. The high amount of divorces is more or less a recent thing.
>what makes you think they'll last 700?
Don't know. Elves are not humans, don't necessarily need to have the same psychology as humans, the same brainstructure and the same bonding in relationships as humans. If you say they do, then your elves are boring and shit.
>A person can be raised in a box their whole life
Oh boy. Go back to my post and read how I handled this argument. I assumed the same for young people and old, while you created an artificial situation that almost never happens in real life. Of course if someone doesn't experience anything he won't be able to gather wisdom. I never claimed that. What I said is that both go through life and this grants some wisdom. Old people have gone through more stages of their life and thus a higher chance of having wisdom.
Now try to bend this someway that it fits your argument.
But "quick" for elves would be long in human time. Hence, why I think they'd stay with a human partner.
>But when you look at most not western, not first world nations, marriages are pretty stable.
>"My wife alahhuakbarisa said she didn't love me anymore, so I whipped her in the middle of town and we all stoned her to death."
Yeah, so stable...
>love for an elf is like 700 ears
>Elves might as well experience time differently.
Sounds contrived and dumb.
>Don't know. Elves are not humans, don't necessarily need to have the same psychology as humans, the same brainstructure and the same bonding in relationships as humans. If you say they do, then your elves are boring and shit.
No, thats how you get dumb and contrived shit, like you posted above. Different brainstructure? Fucking dumb. Trying to write something outside of the human experience is impossible, as we are human beings. These things are defined by how the compare and contrast to us. We human are self-centered dicks who define things by anthropomorphizing things to be more like us, so that we understand them better.
To be fair all animals do that. Dogs and cats raised around humans see us as an imposing yet potato tier hairless dog/cat.