What's the weirdest shit you've ever had to fight Veeky Forums?
What's the weirdest shit you've ever had to fight Veeky Forums?
A naked fae
The Devourer of Dreams
Vampire Yuan-ti Abomination
Vampyric Grass
Not much really.
>Vampire Yuan-ti Abomination
Is that you, Belkar?
A coffin-centaur-two-faced-avatar of my shadow's character. Full junguian on that one, the "combat" didn't involve any damage.
Man, I miss my d&D3.5 group.
An elemental monkey that changed elements each time anyone struck him.
Getting electric shit flung at you isn't exactly pleasant.
The King himself, who for some reason insisted on testing our strength personally even though he wasn't trained in any way to be a warrior.
The monkey's big brother.
The angry halfling innkeeper that started throwing anything not nailed down at us after we wrecked her tavern when a group of big bads attacked us in her place of business. At first we tried to just calm her down and explain what happened, but she was having none of it and wanted us to pay for all the damages or get out. Then the fighter had the bright idea to try and grab her to calm her down but promptly let go of her after she bashed him in the head with a cast iron skillet. Explaining the entire ordeal to the town watch after escaping the whirlwind of death that was Old Sally was another interesting affair as well, especially since she was still in hysterics and was demanding the guards arrest us.
We weren't on Endor or even in Star wars game the GM just had those little fuckers ambush us by chance and he had to fight them off.
Something that looks like a tyrannosaurus with the BBEG's head. It was the BBEG's final form.
I once made my players fight a huge gym full of fitness cultists who could prolapse their anuses at will and use them as weapons.
Hordes of halfbreed ratman children belonging to a traitorous PC.
You're a strange man.
I think it was the time our Scion GM went completely off his nut...
We ended up fighting magic Nazi cyborg zombies with laser guns, in a secret underground lair in the Nevada desert. It all fizzled out about the time we tracked them to the Amazon jungle and there was promise of snake-mutants, robots and ancient Mayan/Incan/Aztec golden pyramid death rays and doom mechs.
It was the most fun I've ever had in a tabletop game. I keep begging him to run it again, but he doesn't want to.
Pic related
Any army of Liam Neeson clones in Call of Cthulhu while exploring a haunted mansion. The main inspiration was Manos, The Hands of Fate.
DM here, made my players fight a psychic goblin tree. Since then, they've pretty much adopted a policy of "burn everything down, all of it, you don't know what's going to sprout eyes and start screaming without a mouth". They're paranoid that there could be more of the things, and they're completely right.
Ply your DM with the intoxicant of his choice and meatbread. Those snake-mutants need vanquishin'.
>psychic goblin tree
More details please?
A huge gorilla with a huge, slobbering, stinking mouth across its belly.
A dancing sentient plant that made you dance with it. And then ate you.
I would post the picture of the T-Rex with Jeff Goldblum's face on it, but I can't find it.
A fifty-foot squirrel which nearly killed the party. It shot lightning from its mouth
Your magical realm called and has advised that you seek a therapist.
There was another where they fought giant grotesque babies piloted by intelligent regular-sized babies.
Basically, I would improvise scenarios based on a few idea generators and tables. The players were sent to different dimensions to do the dirty work of a vastly powerful wizard.