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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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We have multiple, multilayered countermeasures in place for things like that, from the scientific (quantum locking sustained by perpetual energy, solidified gravity wielded as an alloy by the built-in furnaces etc) to the magical (magicka reactor used to duplicate a certain Thalmor mage's hat trick, magitech portal system), spiritual (biotech used to store space-time seals at structural points, artificial AT-Field generators) and conceptual (EX phantasm used to forge "worldmail": lots of bounded fields interlocking to spread out incoming damage, Correspondence sigils ordering reality to not let the ship's structural integrity collapse, built-in expanses of Imaginary Numbers moulded with the Sixth Imaginary Factor to catch debris in a limitless space trap) which double to make the ship very, very buff. Trust us, we spent a LOT of time using the Path to Victory for looking into emergency measures. Up to and including getting drunk and going for a joyride, for example-and that's why the captain's seat now has a tsundere Vocaloid-like AI programmed to yell at us for drinking and driving.
...admittedly it would be pretty bad if it happened. Probably something rather like Biomega's Megastructure, actually-a giant worm of metaspatial distortion and crystalised thought spilling out to encompass nearby planets and stars for energy-likely spanning intergalactic distances given just how immense an attack would be needed to breach the defences in the first place.
That's the problem with giving energy weapon absorbtion tech adaptive capabilities and effectively mass and energy generation to implement them; when the ship has the mother of all allergic reactions everything for lightyears get borked.
So question, is it possible to become something of an aspect from marvel? Or even at the very least a being capable of consuming whatever Galactus consumes.
Interesting. I would love to see your face if it actually happened, just the sheer surprise, shock and awe that something broke your pets countermeasures.
I'm about to begin a new run and the theme this time is going to be evil/edgy. Where do you think I should start?
Does the Doormaker power from Worm also give you the Doormaker's clairvoyance that lets him look for specific worlds and open portals for people even when he's not there with them?
Isn't that someone else's power entirely?
Wait, how'd you get the LoT that big? Jump-stuff or your own stuff.
Or is this just the calculation of the size of the explosions.
It is, yeah. Cauldron's other in-house cripple. It's funny when you realise Taylor spent most of the final battle holding hands with both of them to buff her range.
Not sure how he did it but i got mine up to 243 km. Took the base size as 36km or so then jump supreme commander and take experimental, Five Star Stories and import it and take the size boost and then dreadnought engineering in Final fantasy XIV. Goes in order a double boost a 225% boost in FSS and a 150% in FF XIV.
Most decidedly our own stuff. We never bothered with any ship-size imports-although in Uncharted Waters we did import it as an old timey sailing ship.
Anyway, we started out by building a massive productions chain based on Minecraft's Industrialcraft system and the same world's creation ex nihilo system of mundane resource production, incorporated Orgels (to replicate a Tower's mass-energy conversion systems built into the ship's infrastructure with grathmeld "transplants"), Bounded Fields (very, very big ones to give better intuitive control of the vessel/transporting resources around), applied Crystal Rewiring/Architect's Eye to the ship (to make it overall denser, and later on to network Bastion Coretech with the existing mass-energy generators via HYDRA blueprints to "print" stored mass onto damaged parts of the ship) and perpetual energy generators from Invader Zim. At the center of this was our unified alchemy paradigm incorporating everything from FMA to Taoist forms in order to perfect the synthesis of matter and spiritual material.
The key breakthrough was Biomega, though. By researching and recreating (Project W+Hypnos Gene fro Resident Evil) the Reload ability we had trailored a custom form of the RPIP enhanced with Fusion Boomer material as well as our own video Conduit gene to vastly increase the ship's inherent Fleshmetal/necrodermis self-improvement capabilities and optimise further additions. At that point the main issue was the energistic systems would create too much mass; even going beyond Araya's work in Bounded Fields, it was hypothesised the "limitless space traps" would have an eventual limit to perpetual energy-generated mass.
So when Fate/Extra came around and we got access to Imaginary Numbers/Demons in the form of A+++ Mystic Eyes. Cue being able to throw production into overdrive safely.
The other significant subspace/durability/mass energy conversion advancements were in Supreme Commander/Rick and Morty (recursive subspace perpetual energy generator pocket dimensions), Legacy of the Aldenata (use of Sohon to automate the pocket dimensions' energy production), Gravity Rush (harnessing gravity as an alloy), SCP (reverse engineering the TAER and the God-Ship) and Blame (using the gravity furnace and net sphere technologies to improve the built-in pocket dimension subsystems into being a pocket multiverse, which in addition to the Dimensional Breach Controller from Worm enabled near-instantaneous matter/energy transmission between pocket subspace factories).
What exactly does warpfire do? I took Molten Warrior but how hot is the fire and what other effects does it have apart from the madness inducing thing?
he's explaining the explosion. If his LOT is damaged, because it can generate matter and energy from nothing, a runaway exponential matter/energy generation process could theoretically continue until it implodes under its own mass...and even then, it might continue to support its own structure. In that case, the only thing that might stop it from filling the whole universe is the expansion of the universe (pushing distant galaxies away faster than its growth can catch up with them).
The answer is Asa hacks.
Well, it's warpfire, so probably asdkjgsjbhnxcthecolourstheyburnweseethelightithatesithatesforeverWEFEELTHEWARPOVERTAKINGUS degrees, and side effects are likely to include mutation, madness, corruption, soul damage and possibly Daemons.
I'm taking it you're kidding about the daemons, cause that would be rather helpful. Other than that what you've said makes warpfire sound amazing.
Or did you mean I get those side effects, cause that would be poopy.
He's not kidding about the daemons. Just don't be surprised when innocent bystanders turn inside out and go do Warp things to other people.
So would they attack me?
Most likely those who have a massive amount of control of the warp would be a good beacon to enter the materium, delicious soul to eat or barter with other daemons with.
They're Daemons. They attack everyone. Including other Daemons.
The only reason Chaos hasn't completely steamrolled everything due to its status as a universal constant is the constant infighting.
If you support them you might be able to deal with them in the same way unaligned raider groups can deal, but they are never, ever 'safe'.
So they wouldn't attack me and would just go and rampage/ protect me as i'm the easiest way into the materium for them.
Ah ok, I have bels and whistles if that helps deal them.
So, let's say that one of my gimmicks is the summoning, binding, and swearing of entities: demons, angels, what-have-you.
Discounting the Light of Terra Book of Empty Promises the Sisters would NOT have appreciated my research, what other settings are a definite "This-Is-Not-A-Toy" in terms of summoning?
Lovecraft maybe?
Not likely it's 40k so if anything a Chaos Traitor legion/worshippers might capture you and use you to create a permanent link to the materium but I am not well versed in 40k personally.
Even if the Imperium fights this off you would most likely be executed because it's easier to kill the link than drain resources to use it as a weapon against Daemons.
I was planning on using after the LoT jump. I'm not suicidal enough to use it during that jump with no powers. Also chances are i wouldn't every use it in the 40k verse.
SMT, Bartimaeus, Dragon Age, Bayonetta
Bartimaeus because summoning causes agony to the spirits, Dragon Age for the same reasons as 40K. Don't laugh SMT and Bayo either; SMT is only safe for the MCs because they usually either have a blackbox that evens out powerlevels and even then stronger/willful demons make up some of Atlus' most challenging bosses. In DS Lucifer for example is barely affected by the COMP at all even while holding back. As for Bayo, she makes it look easy because she, Jeanne and Balder are pros-but Bayo 2 literally ends with Jeanne dragged to hell because Aesir's interference made a demon summon go out of control. Bayo is basically SMT with a significantly lower potential powerlevel but higher consistent physical feats; her primary summon punches a meteorite dropped directly on her into harmless pieces.
Bayonetta has demons/angels/wraiths
and the generic dungeon crawl has summon and you could fill in the blanks yourself
how quickly you forget the darkest dungeon jump which you made. Also PS 238 can give you a decent summoning option.
Well there's the 'normal' 40k jump. Generic Horror, Forgotten Realms, maybe Skullduggery, Digital Devil Survivor, Naruto summons/bindings & Sword and Sorcery should be worth a look too.
Hmm, didn't realise they had summonable beings. Thought it was all space-alien-monster-ghosts.
I'm mostly on edge about the Dragon Age Fade spirits, because those suckers play mind games. The rest I'm pretty sure can be taught sit and stay with sufficient amounts of stick.
GDC and other D&D like properties have safeguards that I can make use of, I'm thinking of places that are normally too dangerous to summon around. As in 'I'm behind seven pentagrams, good luck breaking out' levels of prepping.
PS238? That's news to me.
Danke schon.
Nvm on the lovecraft, I made the assumption you would be able to summon some kind of night-gaunt or such. Reading the Lovecraft comic showed something similar but I think it was just a shoggoth who escaped from the shoggoth realm.
there is a create your own magic option remember? Everyone focuses on miscellaneous meta but you can certainly choose summoning as your area of magical expertise, it'll start off slow but the more you learn and experiment the better it becomes, like any magic system, I'd say it would top out at around one third Lovecraft.
How hard it would be to survive Darksiders as Maker ? I want just make artifacts and create new magic. I don't care about plot. It would be my 43 jump.
Ah, yes, found the option in-jump. "Do not call up what you cannot put down" indeed. Shame its in the Cultist perk line, I like being a noir gumshoe. I could always get the Necro, but dat 800CP pricetag...
Yep, found the option for kid-wizards. Bit odd how the background gets you power armor.
it's not scientific power armor though, it's magic power armor more magical girl than Iron Man
Magic doesn't tend to give you power armor Bancho. It's regular armor or robes.
PS238 is surprisingly one your better jumps. Although it needs some work, but what jump doesn't?
I think the Necro is everything though. So like from a basic weak shoggoth to the cthulu it's self.
Honestly I don't think LoT needs any work. Seems to be perfect. But then everyone defines perfection differently.
it's more meant as a focus item for a transformation, then power armor proper, plus my Japanese live action transforming fighter shows what with the monsters and the motorcycles tell me it's perfectly normal for magic It's just done using the rules for power armor. And thank you and I agree
The downside is you have to have it on you to function. And flipping through pages in the middle of a gunfight or a chase is not something I like repeating. And I don't think that you can adapt the knowledge in it? Like, I want to mix up all the different summoning systems into one big Book of Calling Forth.
Lyrical Nanoha Barrier Jackets are a thing, but yeah, the squishy wizards don't usually lift enough to wear tin cans.
Isn't there a way to instantly read a book then you have all the knowledge. And I don't think the book is the thing with power, it just merely holds the rituals and such to summon the old ones.
Side question, what happens if i unleash Cthulhu into warhammer?
promptly squished by the many more powerful o elder Gods that are already there.
>Cthulhu into warhammer
He falls to either a Greater Daemon/Chaos warband taking him seriously or Exterminatus. He's merely a planetary psychic, and maybe an interplanetary communicator.
To be fair he's of the materium, and the chaos/elven gods can't touch the physical world at all. It's their minions that will bring him down.
He finds a new boss.
Dude's scary powerful to mortals, but he's just the preacher man. Depending on how you see it, Warhammer Gods are/not Milky Way bound, so try calling up extragalactic threats if you feel like ending the Chain early.
Then what about one of the outer gods?
Would any of them even want to employ the sleepy guy? He's too Materium for Chaos, too xeno for the Imperium and both Eldar, too unorky for the orkz and not really relevant to the Greater Good. At best I see the C'tan (shards) using him as a glorified postman.
Which one? They REALLY vary.
Yog-Sothoth and/or Nyarlathotep.
Akame Ga Kill.
Night Angel.
Medaka Box.
Forgotten Realms.
Black Bullet.
Children's TV.
Absolutely nothing because he's largely unable to interact with space-time. The one thing he did do was get some woman pregnant. Since nobody in 40K knows the Whateley family's ritual, not even that.
Pals up with the Deceiver to play paradox poker with the Emperor, Tzeentch and Cegorach
So i'd just be introducing more evil at the very least and at worst giving the chaos gods a very powerful minion.
The gate and the key is mostly a nice guy for an outer god, I wouldn't pick on him.
Yes. Or the C'tan an ally, since they've more in common.
I presume you are thinking of doing something with a pod. There are less traumatic ways to end your chain.
No, I had no plan. I just wanted to release some monsters.
How would one go about making their base form an Ultramarine? Of course any drawback that removes powers would also remove that before anyone thinks im trying to get around that.
Er, you would've needed the pod for that. Can't release what's not in your jump.
>being a smurf
Have you tried being one of the non-wanked legions instead? At least the Grey Knights have something else as their motif apart from being da bess
I was using the Necronomicon to summon them.
I didn't know what they are called in general, all i could remember was ultramarine. I chose the Black Templars for my chapter.
>making their their base form an Ultramarine
I first read that form as from, and I had so many ideas.
Continue with the ideas, they may be helpful in the rebirth of my chapter in other jumps.
what's a good unusual specialization in MCU?
They were more along the lines of trying to use a single ultramarine as a source of material to build a base from, using such things as sword plant from King Arthur to extend the amount of material.
Leave them with their voices and thoughts somehow and bring some xeno's inside and laugh as the walls insult them.
was meant to be
Posting my Les Mis Jump again for feedback and help with pricing
I'm considering going with Photonic Catenation. Or, in layman's terms, making hard light.
Also posting The Fountain for "hopefully" final mark up comments, Biosphere Supplement has been nixed.
It's a little hard to read the effects of each perk underneath the song lyrics.
Maybe bold 'em or something.
Am I reading the epilogue right in that you built-in a Return option that wipes buys and resets 1000CP for folks who want twice the Les Mis?
It might also help if you put the CP prices out where we could see them.
Good suggestion
So how would people feel about a Mortal Kombat jump?
Ummm... Yes. Yes I did that. I don't have CP prices yet. That's something I need help with. This is only my second jump and pricing is not my strong suit.
I figured a built in return/reset would fit considering that Les Mis is a stage show and on weekends they often do double headers, a matinee and an evening performance. Or you could call your first "The Dress Rehearsal.
Word of warning, you might want to get rid of it or rethink it.
CP prices, what is common or everyday should go cheapest. The biggest, rarest, flashiest stuff should go up in pricing.
So, like baking a cake would be 100CP. Decorating it all fancy and gala-worthy would be 300CP. But a cake that needs to shoot sparklers and be hauled in by forklift and taste like clouds and dreams, 600CP. Bad analogy.
We think that sounds great.
Can I be a generic recolored ninja or ninja robot? If so I'm game.
All I want is a Mileena.
Otherwise I dunno what I'll buy. Probably something to make my attacks all gorey and some ice powers.
I'd be fine with it. I want to suggest a Friendship perk though.
Didn't someone already claim it? Thought OAA was working on it.
A draft was passed around in IRC but he said "until I show back up, it's not claimed. I just fucked around."
Doesn't he have a half dozen other jumps currently in WIP tho?
That's why
>At least the Grey Knights have something else as their motif apart from being da bess
You mean the fact that they're all Psykers or the fact that they're all dicks even by Imperium standards?
Simple. Go into 40k Imperium, choose Space Marine. Finish the jump, go into SAO and choose "This Is Infact My Final Form". Now every form is a baseform.
Actually, if were not talking about the dorm you're stuck in when you take certain drawbacks, what is a base form anyway?
Grey Knights are Ward's favorite chapter. They get away with shit like, killing a bunch of Sisters of Battle to cost themselves in their blood to ward off daemons. Despite the fact they're all Psykers, their armor is inscribed with anti-daemonic runes, their bones are covered in silver etched in anti-daemonic runes. They've been trained to resist Daemonic possession, because to join they make a daemon possess you and your initiation is a successful expelling of the daemon. Lastly they wipe all your memories of your past, so you won't be tempted by anything.
Yet somehow they needed blood of SoBs because their faith of the Big E would help.
A form that which is your "default".
...Have you not heard about the "whole spiritual" liege thing?
Was there ever a Dragonlance jump chain?
>they needed blood of SoBs because their faith of the Big E would help.
Nope. If you want to make it, go ahead no one has even brought it up. We do have an Eberron jump in the works, but no Dragonlance.