/exg/ - Exalted General

>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here: theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial: jyenicolson.net/exalted/. It'll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on Veeky Forums. With the new edition, though, chances are more games will crop up.

Resources for Third Edition

>Final 3E Core Release

>3E Backer Core (Old)

>Often updated/refined Character Sheet with Formulas and Autofill (autofilled with love)
>General Homebrew dumping folder: drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByD2BL6J89NiQzdCWWFaY0c5Mkk&usp=sharing
>Collection of old 3e Materials, including comics and fiction anthologies mediafire.com/folder/t2arqtqtyyt28/Exalted_3Leak
>Charm Trees:
>Solar Charms: imgur.com/a/q6Vbc
>Martial Arts: imgur.com/a/mnQDe
>Evocations: imgur.com/a/TYKE4

Resources for 2.5 Edition:
>All books with embedded errata notes, as well as some extras: mediafire.com/folder/253ulzik1j9s5/Exalted
>Chargen software: anathema.github.io/
>Anathema homebrew charm files: mediafire.com/folder/pka3nz3vqbqda/Anathema_Files
>MA form weapon guide: brilliantdisaster.net/dif/ExaltedMA.html

Resources for 1e:

Which Animabilities Be Shit Edition

Other urls found in this thread:


>Which Animabilities Be Shit Edition
The only ones I don't like are Night, because they just look so dull.

>Which Animabilities Be Shit Edition
Night's other Animabilities, Eclipse.

At least Night's dampening thing is useful. But that's it for Night.

I actually like Eclipse, being able to make actually binding deals with people who don't want to is great mythical stuff. Also being able to call lightning or wreath yourself in fire or whatever else cool stuff that fits.

Guys I've been looking for an image that sometimes appear on these threads. The one with animu dude with yellowish hair and drawn katana, with the japanese flag between his face and the blade, you can only see his upper torso. Anybody recognize what I'm talking about from the description?

>Which Animabilities Be Shit Edition

Two of the Night caste abilities are wonky and narrow, and much as I love the escape pod power, that and the Hardness anima still don't fit Twilights.

I swapped out the Stealth-penalty negator for "Spend 1wp to reflexively make an attempt to hide or disguise yourself, like jumping out a window or putting on a disguise." Only applies outside of combat-time, for obvious reasons, but lets them pull the Batman thing. The disco-ball anima I'm still fine-tuning, but my model is the black/white ninjas episode of Samurai Jack.

As for the Twilight, I swapped out the hardness power with a persistent dice-booster fluffed as providing advice (I figured a combat-applicable power should be swapped for a combat-applicable one), and the escape pod power for free thaumaturgy.

Honestly Eclipses 2 for 3 on pretty damn good animas, and the Charmshare will get exponentially better over time, so naming them as a shitty anima is odd to me.

>At least Night's dampening thing is useful. But that's it for Night.
dude, penalty negation is huge, especially since stealth doesn't get that otherwise. Have you ever tried going to gronud without it? Believe me, it's a giant pain in the ass.

It's not that the penalty-negator itself is bad, it's that anima abilities should be either something all members of the caste can make use of (the Dawn's 2 combat powers) or something that lives completely outside the caste abilities (the intimidation power).

As it stands the Stealth penalty-negator is neither; the anima ability pressures you to have Stealth as an obligate caste choice.

Seconding this, we have a Prince-of-Persia style Night Caste with no Stealth at all and that anima effect has been useless for him.

Which is double annoying, because in actual play it's really hard to make a character centered around stealth as a part of a team effort. Stealth has always been a solo buisness and it's always difficult for the ST to divide attention between the guy stealthing and the rest of the party.

So? A Dawn with no Presence won't get any use out of the Intimidation anima effect, and a non-combat Zenith won't use the anti-CoD effect. I think non-stealthy Night Castes are rarer than that, because being a sneaky ninja is a core part of being a Night.

>A Dawn with no Presence won't get any use out of the Intimidation anima effect, and a non-combat Zenith won't use the anti-CoD effect.
The difference is, Presence and the combat abilities aren't on the table for those castes ANYWAY.

There's no pressure to spend a Caste Ability slot on Presence as a Dawn, because you can't. There's a bit of pressure to spend one of your Favored Ability slots on it, but not as much, because Favored Abilities are competing against 19 other choices, not just 7.

>I think non-stealthy Night Castes are rarer than that, because being a sneaky ninja is a core part of being a Night.
No, being underhanded is the core part of being a Night, and you can absolutely do that without being a ninja in any respect. Larceny, Socialize, Investigation, Awareness, Dodge. A Night that's a right bastard of a criminal mastermind, the likes of which to make any real life Don feel like a shmuck.

Anyone got a mirror or have a clue about finding this tutorial now that the link's down?

Sometimes, you just have to split the party. Our Night has been very handy at delivering messages secretly in the middle of a warzone. Mind, our Night has had to miss a few sessions, but just saying "Alright, I guess Tiana goes and does the thing" solves a lot of problems.

I've got a stealth supernal, and I'd really like to not detract from the rest of the party's screen time, and do stuff with them more.
Any suggestions?

There's a stealth charm that lets you hide someone in addition to yourself. That's where I would start. Passing secret messages is another good niche, you basically become essential to everyone else's intrigue. Become the intel guy; when you're gearing up to go smash someone's face in, scout ahead and see how many buddies he has, and when you're engaged in tense negotiations, sneak into the other guys' tents and read their diaries and spy on their meetings.

Most of the stealth charms are actually combat-related anyway, so being supernal stealth isn't any worse than just being 5-dotted stealth in terms of wasting resources on non-party-friendly things.

Stealth by itself tends not to be that great anyway. I mean, not being seen is pretty passive. It's what you can do *while* you're not being seen that determines what use you'll be.

If you've got decent athletics, stealth, and larceny, you can generally be the Circle's entry point. You can climb/sneak/fake your way in anywhere, move around undetected, and facilitate a way for the rest of the party to get in. As long as your ST doesn't want to make you play out a massive long sequence in order to do so, you should be able to be useful without pulling massive spotlight time onto yourself.

With awareness, you can be the party's advance scout. Uncover ambushes and traps, and give your party enough notice to avoid them, or set their own.

What plasces in Creation would have designated shitting streets?

I nominate Nexus, for starters.

Nexus wouldn't have *designated* shitting streets. People would shit wherever they want to, unless someone with more money has people being killed for shitting in their front lawn.

I plan on being the spy master for our city.
I've got linguistics to read and copy intel documents, and pass notes on for people.
I've got awareness, athletics, and larceny to be a solid scout, but I'd like if it were less reliant on going solo and I'd want those sections swept over like you said.
I'm getting sort of fast travel options to be able to visit nearby cities in a more useful timeframe than boat or horse, I'm hoping that can help keep tabs on our ally and enemy neighbours.
I'm just looking for a way to make sure this will all tie in with the team, be useful for their goals, and not take up screentime.

You can shit where you want in Nexus. It's a capitalist hell-hole.

Hey I have a odd sort of question. I'm planning out a story which has some Exalted influence, most notably in that there's a Malfeas-like demon realm composed of the bodies of these Primordial-like beings, having been stuffed inside themselves.

What kind of twists could I do to the basic premise of Malfeas, as opposed to just ripping off Exalted? I don't want to copy-paste the whole idea.

Sorry if this isn't really suited for this thread, I'm posting here since we would be most familiar with Malfeas. Damn, Exalted got all the cool ideas first.

Read Kill Six Billion Demons.

Also TES' Oblivion realms I guess?

Is there a God of the Loo in Nexus?

I'd say there's the God of Loos and then under her is the God of Loos of Nexus

Additionally: Read Night's Master, and the rest of the series. It's mostly what Exalted's hell is based on. Fair warning though: The books are a bitch to find.

So is this actually some weird attempt at trolling? I don't know why you're posting about shitting but it doesn't appear to actually have anything to do with Exalted.

They were asking about the God of Toilets you pleb, he's the only God On creation who offers a halfway decent travel package if you become his Exigent.

I'm thinking of going with a stealth/larceny focus for my first character, and using Solar XP to pick up martial arts as one person has been saying in these threads. Is Ebon Shadow as brutally effective as the game makes it out to be?

Nobody? Really? It gets posted every time we dump art, come on.

Might be here:
Could you elaborate on what the picture looked like?
Dump anons might come by later to help you.

Hm, I'm at a loss as to how describe it more. It was mostly red, the dude had blond hair and a cheecky grin, as far as I remember, was pointing the blade at the viewer.

Old flag with the rays or modern flag with just the circle?
What was the dude wearing?
Anything in the background or minimalist?

I just heard that the final 3e core is out. Any major changes compared to the previous backer pdf?

Flag with rays, armour, no background.

Nothing major, layout is significantly better, with a proper index, few wording tweaks.


What's your issue with the OPP forums?

Too mainstream

What sort of Charm investment should I look into if I want to make a Brawler who punch shit gud in 3e?

Like, at least three charms? Five is pretty good.

What kind of traditional, cheap, and simple foods might you get in the scavenger lands?
Something kinda like porkbuns.

Much like with Melee, depends on your playstyle. If you want to hurl people across Creation and punch them into Malfeas- Heaven Thunder Hammer and it's kin. If you want to impersonate Jotaro you go towards Rampage Berserker Attack and ORA ORA ORA all day long.

Not that guy, but what should i take if i want to become Hulk Hogan on magical god steroids?

Increasing Strength Exercise and Thunderbolt Attack Prana from Athletics. Leap from the tabernacle and flex more strength into yourself.

Speaking of steroids, can I brew a potion to buff my strength for a scene so my nerdy Twilgiht ass doesn't get kicked?

You'll be fine, pansy.

If you're that paranoid about it invest in combat sorcery.

Are there any homebrewed charmsets for non-Solar splats around?

There's an athletics charm that does that, Increasing Strength Exercise. Stunt it as eating spinach.

Just flash away with your amazing anima power.

Or take the hit and get out scot free with your other amazing anima power.

Or summon a demon bodyguard and boost it with Occult.

Shaping Ritual that lets you brew potions to activate cheat codes


Singular, because the devs hate twilights almost as much as they hate sorcerers

Yes, they hate them so much they made Sorcery the single most cost-efficient investment in the game.

So, I just got a shiny new (pdf) copy of 3e, and I'm trying to digest the rules.

Is grappling going to be any good in this edition? I like the idea of spamming clash attack grapple attempts and being a supernatural jiu-jitsu master, but I'm not sure that it'll work out in play.

I mean, being grappled seems to just be a slight inconvenience for the person being grappled (-1/-2 on attacks, -2 defense). They can't move, but they can do pretty much anything else. The opportunity to attack them at Defense 0 is pretty cool, but it requires a successful Decisive attempt to get.

TL;DR- will I be screwing the party if I spend my turns throwing bitches?

Sorcerers get more than their share of love in thisĀ“edition, and there's also nothing preventing the Twilight from summoning multiple demon bodyguards.

>Is grappling going to be any good in this edition? I like the idea of spamming clash attack grapple attempts and being a supernatural jiu-jitsu master, but I'm not sure that it'll work out in play.
Yes. Grappling is fucking terrifying once you land it, but kind of risky to get off.

>I mean, being grappled seems to just be a slight inconvenience for the person being grappled (-1/-2 on attacks, -2 defense). They can't move, but they can do pretty much anything else. The opportunity to attack them at Defense 0 is pretty cool, but it requires a successful Decisive attempt to get.
You are really underestimating getting a free 5+ damage, and that's just savages. Throws/slams hit even harder than that, especially if you can throw them off something.

Like a cliff.

One per day.

Threw a grappling Dragon-Blooded at a reasonably fighty Solar. The Solar got crashed, would've most likely died if he hadn't had a Circlemate with him. Attacking someone at Defense 0 isn't just cool, it's amazing. Yes, it requires a successful Decisive attack, but so does hurting people with a regular Decisive attack, and grapple Gambit can be pulled off at a significantly lower Initiative than a meaningful regular Decisive attack, and without resetting to base Initiative.

Can only keep one in your anima though

With the rest being just regular bound demon bodyguards.

At essence 1 yeah, but that's hardly required for a demon bodyguard.

They last a year and a day. I honestly have no idea how you handle that. That's 426 first circle demons at a time with Creation's calendar, and with as much variety as you want.


If you start summoning that many demons, you'll start attracting all kinds of unwanted attention.

Yeah, Gods have spirit sight and they tend to frown on you bringing an army of demons into their crib

Which is why the Twilight power in the leak was so great. You could bring them along, but it didn't start a riot everywhere you went.

Instead I have to drag around an army of 426 demons, another army of 426 elementals and finally a handful of lieutenants in my anima / Ephemerally Inducted familiars.

My Twilight looks like Ash Ketchum and Emperor Palpatine's love child.

Is it? You summon one a night and you keep them all dematerialized. Now, if you start summoning 2CDs or 3CDs then you can bet your ass that someone is going to have a problem with that.

Gods and other exalts and sorcerers can see dematerialised spirits.

That's such a generic response.

I'm not being judgemental saying that; I use the same logic to discourage my Shadowrun players from summoning high-Force spirits. (For the uninitiated, "never cut a deal with a Dragon" Shadowrun Dragons, the biggest magical movers and shakers in the setting, will be one-shot by high-Force spirits, and a standard magic user can summon one at any time at minor expense.)

So, sure, there are answers to that and every other powerful option in every game setting that the NPCs in that setting have the ability to know about in-character. Doesn't change the fact that it is a powerful option that takes effort from GM and NPCs to counter.





The new Volcano Cutter looks badass, but for personal preference I like a thinner sword with a longer handle.

I pay attention to handles and grips on weapons. A big magical weapon is a thing that a person picks up that makes them stronger. The grip, and the way that the person would hold the weapon, seems important to me. Have a surfboard daiklave if you want, but give a human sized person something to hold onto while they swing it.

I need your strongest potions if I'm to be successful in the battle.

Which book(s) have details on Autobot's mega AIDS?

There aren't any.

Alchemicals and Autochthonia discusses its symptoms, Gremlin Syndrome and the Void Zones, but not the sickness itself.

What're the differences in using a Iron Soul Stone vs using Integrity-Protecting Prana?

Is Archery shit or what? It seems like all everyone ever talks about is Melee and Brawl.

Archery + Ride = crying Melee fags

>What is Blazing Solar Bolt, what is Invinsible Fury of the Dawn.

Archery + Awareness + Decent hill = I can probably shoot you.

If you stand on the Imperial Mountain you can hit 95% of Creation. The other 5% is for the parts behind other, smaller mountains.

It's ironic because the single most broken Combat Ability is actually Thrown. It's just that nobody wants to admit that.

We've had long discussions about how Thrown+Stealth is completely stupid in how good it is. It just isn't interesting to talk about anymore.

The stone only protects against the Wyld's passive effects specifically, and it pisses off Raksha, while IPP protects against all body/mind-warping magic regardless of source, so long as it's not specific and intentional.

Iron Soul Stone: Makes it safe for lots of people to walk around in the Wyld without turning into ducks, but won't protect them against any other source of flesh/mind-warping.

IPP: Only protects you, but shuts down anything passive or environmental that would try to turn you into a duck, regardless of source.

Neither one protects against a Raksha running up and saying "you're a duck now, faggot!"

How so? Thrown seems so schizophrenic its honestly difficult to tell what the fuck its supposed to be doing.

It's pretty straight-forward: it kills everything before you roll your first attack.

I'm actually not sure. Which one would be the best for just general fucking people and things up with punches and such?

it is not though. stealth + any ability can have similar fight ending effect - archery especially.

Seven Omens Shot as your ambush attack does as much or more than anything Thrown can do


I'm not even talking about stealth here, thrown is the best on it's own, in a complete vaccum.

Seven Omens Shot as your ambush attack does as much or more than anything Thrown can do

Maybe. But not to an entire town-square.

I think one of the points against Seven Omens Shot is that 3 round Aim action though. One of the strengths of thrown, if not the primary strength, is that it can typically go first.

3e seems to have gone really fucking weird in its attitude to experience. It still has some xp sinks, and it also preserves 2e's chargen traps and bp/xp disparity, but it removes a couple of xp sinks in Survival ("you get back xp invested in familiar") and introduces some charms that CREATE xp out of nowhere.

Craft: Exegesis of the Distilled Form converts craft points to experience points, max 20 per story.

Lore: Flowing Mind Prana + Tireless Learner Method lets you earn experience points based on how many experience points you committed for a story.

I can sympathize with wanting to play down xp in favor of FATElike milestones and ST discretion, but this... uh... what?

I'm not sure then what your argument is for Thrown being the best combat ability.

As for cutting down a town-square, yeah, Cascade of Cutting Terror IS really good at killing insignificant opponents

I assumed he meant Thrown was amazing because it ends fights at round 1, so I was comparing their assassination capabilities.

If your target is unaware of you it doesn't matter that you spend 3 rounds aiming. With There Is No Wind and Keen Sight technique you can even do it from extreme range where the other guy has almost 0 chance of seeing you

And Swarm-Culling Instinct is really good at killing significant oponents.

Do the image dumping-fags have any pictures of a redheaded loli?

Swarm-Culling lets you attack (Dexterity) opponents if you win JB. So lets say 5 attacks.

You cannot make consecutive attacks against a single target, and since those attacks are rolled separately you reset init if you launch a decisive, but is still a great charm for 2m.

Thrown's strengths:
-Disarm Gambits, decisive tricks (joint wounding)
-VERY powerful round 1
-good at close and short range

-Like archery, it has few ways to generate initiative - you're trading the power of close combat for the safety of ranged attacks.
- if you don't win JB you lose a lot of effectiveness
-its big damage enhancers can only be used on ambushes or winning JB
-no option to make multiple consecutive attacks on a single target in one round


That's an accurate summation.

In the end all the styles of fightning greatly benefit from a large pool of starting Initative, with Thrown simply benefitiing the most and on top of it it has a natural synergy with stealth, which also happens to have one of the best openings in the form of Blinding Battle Feint.

All of them also have their own weaknesses- Brawl is costly and reckless, Melee takes a long warm-up and Thrown as well as Archery bank everything on an opening round which if it doesn't go your way, you're gonna be far behind.

They trully start to shine when you start stacking them on top of each other. They are surprisngly synergistic, Opening up with Swarm Culling Instict just to Thunderclap Rush Attack and Crash something, Triggering One Weapon, Two Blows... And on and on it gows.

They actually finally achieved the perfect solution to the Dawn Problem.