/exg/ - Exalted General

So? A Dawn with no Presence won't get any use out of the Intimidation anima effect, and a non-combat Zenith won't use the anti-CoD effect. I think non-stealthy Night Castes are rarer than that, because being a sneaky ninja is a core part of being a Night.

>A Dawn with no Presence won't get any use out of the Intimidation anima effect, and a non-combat Zenith won't use the anti-CoD effect.
The difference is, Presence and the combat abilities aren't on the table for those castes ANYWAY.

There's no pressure to spend a Caste Ability slot on Presence as a Dawn, because you can't. There's a bit of pressure to spend one of your Favored Ability slots on it, but not as much, because Favored Abilities are competing against 19 other choices, not just 7.

>I think non-stealthy Night Castes are rarer than that, because being a sneaky ninja is a core part of being a Night.
No, being underhanded is the core part of being a Night, and you can absolutely do that without being a ninja in any respect. Larceny, Socialize, Investigation, Awareness, Dodge. A Night that's a right bastard of a criminal mastermind, the likes of which to make any real life Don feel like a shmuck.

Anyone got a mirror or have a clue about finding this tutorial now that the link's down?

Sometimes, you just have to split the party. Our Night has been very handy at delivering messages secretly in the middle of a warzone. Mind, our Night has had to miss a few sessions, but just saying "Alright, I guess Tiana goes and does the thing" solves a lot of problems.

I've got a stealth supernal, and I'd really like to not detract from the rest of the party's screen time, and do stuff with them more.
Any suggestions?

There's a stealth charm that lets you hide someone in addition to yourself. That's where I would start. Passing secret messages is another good niche, you basically become essential to everyone else's intrigue. Become the intel guy; when you're gearing up to go smash someone's face in, scout ahead and see how many buddies he has, and when you're engaged in tense negotiations, sneak into the other guys' tents and read their diaries and spy on their meetings.

Most of the stealth charms are actually combat-related anyway, so being supernal stealth isn't any worse than just being 5-dotted stealth in terms of wasting resources on non-party-friendly things.

Stealth by itself tends not to be that great anyway. I mean, not being seen is pretty passive. It's what you can do *while* you're not being seen that determines what use you'll be.

If you've got decent athletics, stealth, and larceny, you can generally be the Circle's entry point. You can climb/sneak/fake your way in anywhere, move around undetected, and facilitate a way for the rest of the party to get in. As long as your ST doesn't want to make you play out a massive long sequence in order to do so, you should be able to be useful without pulling massive spotlight time onto yourself.

With awareness, you can be the party's advance scout. Uncover ambushes and traps, and give your party enough notice to avoid them, or set their own.

What plasces in Creation would have designated shitting streets?

I nominate Nexus, for starters.

Nexus wouldn't have *designated* shitting streets. People would shit wherever they want to, unless someone with more money has people being killed for shitting in their front lawn.

I plan on being the spy master for our city.
I've got linguistics to read and copy intel documents, and pass notes on for people.
I've got awareness, athletics, and larceny to be a solid scout, but I'd like if it were less reliant on going solo and I'd want those sections swept over like you said.
I'm getting sort of fast travel options to be able to visit nearby cities in a more useful timeframe than boat or horse, I'm hoping that can help keep tabs on our ally and enemy neighbours.
I'm just looking for a way to make sure this will all tie in with the team, be useful for their goals, and not take up screentime.