Are all barbarians automatically follower of the devourer wurm?

Are all barbarians automatically follower of the devourer wurm?

Other urls found in this thread: MKII Rules Errata Jan 2016.pdf

first for hope this new edition makes it so half my gaming group doesn't play Denny /asphy every tourney

The changes to minon pacts makes the mistspeaker kind of make sense tbqh.
splatter/gun boards with eyeless sight will be pretty good.

Denny isn't going anywhere.

Any new info today?

No, a lot of "barbaric" races/cultures worship all kinds of dieties, Ranging from Dhunia to Barnabas.

What do you mean be barbarian? If you mean someone living outside of civilization, then no. There are lots of Iridian desert people who follow Menoth, for example.

No more character restriction in Steamroller, and a smaller table format called Rumble.


Hey thats my pair! Except its denny3 not 1 or 2. I find she handles the haleys and a few other problem match ups very well

>can place obstacles near objectives
Oh goody. I can see it now. Clustering a bunch of walls and impassable obstacles near a flag so Warjacks and colossals can't get near it. Genius.

On the other hand, it sounds like they're going to be "patching" any models that stick out, which will be excellent.

>models that stick out

I hope that and the Hydra get massive patches.

The Hydra doesn't stick out though. At least in the way that pisses me off.

I hope the berserker is less than 10 points, or that it gets huge buffs.

Menoth gets a mat 6 pow 18 arm 18. Khador has a mat 5 pow 16 arm 18, with the only real advantage being it charges for free and has a chain attack that basically never happens at mat 5.

Well the jugg is now 10 or 12 points so I'm sure the beserker is going to be lower cost

Some spoilers for Wrong Eye

>Influence - Cost 2, Rng 10, offensive

Take control of target enemy non-warcaster, non-warlock warrior model. The model immediately makes one basic attack, then Influence expires. A model can only be affected by Influence once a turn.

>Star-Crossed - Cost 3, Rng Self, AoE CTRL, Dur RND

Same as now.

Star-Crossed replaces Voodoo Doll

>Lesser Warlock now states, in addition to the previous rules, that this model MUST begin the game with a warbeast in its battlegroup.

>Amphibious is no longer present, could have become an icon or simply replaced by Pathfinder.

I recall reading that there is speculation that Kossk is simply the Devourer Wurm under a different name.

The fuck is this thread addition.

The jugg is 12. Berserker in Mk 2 is the same cost as the Crusader in Mk 2, so it stands to reason they might be the same cost in Mk 3 which is 10 points.

So wait, does Wrong Eye no longer have to have Snapjaw? If so that's amazing.

Someone noted that it may be/is usually noted on Snapjaw's card and other's like him.

>influence nerf
ebin simply ebin

Lessers requiring you to take a beast almost certainly means that the junior casters have the same requirement, so no more taking them solely to hand out buffs.

>no more taking gastonne for 2 boostable hand cannon shots

Oh no I have to take one of the best 4/8 point jacks in the game with the guy who supports them the best

Im fine with this as that's the whole damn point of them. Even more so if they get there own little bonus points to a best or jack.

>merc "battlebox" for Mk3 is Magnus mangler and a rover
>can currently get a new in box rover for $25
>have no idea if it's going to be good


You mean khorne?

So, I will be able to play the pigs next season then?

You know there are other settings than WH40k, right?

Are there any rules for converting the wargame Legion warbeasts for the RPG? As far as I can see the only Legion warbeasts are in a few NQs, but there are a ton missing, and they aren't easy to directly port over what with 'feeding costs' and other oddities.

Its just so-so. Would like to see it be pushed up to "good".

You can make ranged attacks now doofus.

""Toe-ing in" is no longer a thing. Terrain features like forests and clouds only provide their benefit to models completely within that terrain feature. Similarly clouds only provide concealment to a model completely within the cloud.
Hills too.

You still stuffer the movement penalty for rough terrain as soon as you hit it, you just no longer get the benefits unless you are completely within the feature.

You can still toe into a scenario zone for Steamroller. The sizes of those zones hasn't changed from 2015 to 2016 either (12" diameter circles and 6" x 12" rectangular zones)"

Terrain size isn't changing, intention is to make the bonuses harder to gain

Im not super excited about this

Toe'ing on to elevation always annoyed me.

Sure, but I always thought toeing into clouds and forests was fine

I agree, I wish it was like other games where it mattered if your LoS passed through the cloud/forest more then where the base was.

Here's the links for a proppa thread

Warmachine/Hordes Books, No Quarter, & IKRPG
textuploader com / 5wm4h
PP Youtube (gameplay tutorials, tournament coverage, and announcements)
List building at
Latest Errata MKII Rules Errata Jan 2016.pdf
Steamroller Rules
The Giant List of Podcasts and Blogs
Table of contents for all NQ issues
Abridged Lore
Exigence abridged:

Lexicanum Iron Kingdoms Lore wiki:

Models have to be completely within a terrain feature or cloud to gain benefits from it.

Doesn't this just make Pathfinder vastly more powerful?

Even if they are nerfing shepards, PP's lust for dragon cock would never allow them to not give Everblight a pseudobuff to compensate

Jason Soles has an awe-inspiring Bad Dragon collection.

Rolled 3 (1d6)

ty, have a bakery roll:
1: croissant
2: spinach and ricotta
3: meat pie
4: sausage roll
5: danish
6: fancy as fuck almond florentine

of course he doesn't.
Inb4 heresy.

meh, I always thought toe`ing should only work with range attacks if the LOS has to go 'through' the cloud to reach the unit, if the unit is half in half out and the range attack is coming from the direction where it's sticking out, then it should't count. Not really that complicated.


I am.

kind of?

If Pathfinder and penalties for movement inside terrain don't change, yes.

Which is something I doubt.

This has a lot of effect on defensive bonuses though. Like, before you could have an entire unit with concealment off a mid sized forest, now you'll be lucky to get even half of them to benefit from it.

So stuff like the Choir nerf makes more sense. Sure, no more +2 to hit, but enemy models aren't going to be having elevation/concealment nearly as often either.

Also is a big stealth nerf to fog of war casters.

anyone have the forces of distinction book

It's not a nerf to fog of war. Fog of war is a spell effect, not terrain. So unless the wording changes to say "completely within" then the spell is unaffected.

>Also is a big stealth nerf to fog of war casters.

Even if FoW is changed to "completely within", I'd argue this is a *buff* to it, as Concealment is more difficult to get without it.

Shit, I meant to say buff.

It's a big stealth buff to FoW because with concealment that much harder to gain on the table, casters being able to provide it becomes that much better.

So quick question about medium based casters like butcher and thyron. Are they regular sized dudes or are they larger, because I always envisioned Thyron standing a foot and a half over the other casters.

they are big guys

fuck u

They're big dudes. The Butcher is canon seven and a half feet tall.

A lot of them are physically taller than other characters, but that's compounded by their armour, which makes them even more huge.

Thanks for the answer, that's what my local press ganger said but I wanted to make sure because the lore fag at my store said otherwise.

I just realized how huge the new Behemoth is.

Holy fuck.

Will collosalless mercs be worth playing in mk3?

Who knows at this point. We know next to nothing about the game.

I guess, it's important to remember that at it's core, Warmahordes is a D&D fantasy setting that has moved to steampunk. So a lot of those D&D/Fantasy style things, like giant men in huge armor, are still totally a thing.

We'll see. Dorf hammerers will be able to be taken out of highborne but so far we have few concrete merc spoilers

>I wanted to make sure because the lore fag at my store said otherwise.
That's a shitty lorefag if he doesn't even understand that people come in different shapes and sizes. I made it so that most Species in IKRPG can be made to be larger based so long as they have a Higher PHY stat. Thus properly allowing players to represent Cataphracts, Bastions, etc.

Butcher is medium base because he is legit like 7' tall and 300 pounds without his armor

I suddenly find it humorous that one of the candidates that ran for US senator in my state is close to the Butcher in size.

At first I wasn't sure about the Avatar's look, until it clicked that it's basically supposed to be a walking cathedral.

Okay so the aftermath of reckoning. Has that appeared in any e-novels or any other books?

That big meaty fuck in PA?


>Arkadius' needle got some nifty upgrades, and he doesn't just stick enemy models with them anymore. I mean, one of his options is to fill one of his own warbeasts with Raw Adrenaline, which reads: If a living warbeast is damaged by an attack with this weapon, all attack and damage rolls resulting from its next basic attack this turn are boosted.

>tuning up gunboars
they might see some play

>Gets Tune Up
>Can take the Gorax

Arkadius gets all the good shit in pigs, I swear.

Tier lists are changing, Nature of the Beast might not exist anymore.

He has an ability on his card to take goraxes now.


He specifically uses Arkadius and Gorax as an example.

Fucking hell griffon models are half-naked men with wings, bird heads and claws attached, ugly as fuck. Can anybody suggest where i can get a cool proxxy for them? Because literally i cant stand the looks, while i like the idea of Una with 2-3 of them.

Totally missed that when I read it, neat.

Tell me about Electromancers.
Are they possible to run effectively without a unit of Houseguard Halberdiers standing in front of them?

idk, how about you wait like a month and find out

Idrians follow Menoth since Sul-menites kicked their asses.
I wonder who/what Idrians followed before they followed Menoth?

What do you imply by patching?

The latest insider from Will was a bit of a let down for some, because almost all the info has been known for a while to those doing the SR2016 beta testing.

Don't worry your little heads about stuff in zones or near flags, there is a failsafe rule which states something along the lines of "yes you can put things there, but don't be a dick on purpose and make it impossible to reach"
That isn't the exact wording ofc.

Dat avatar is gon be so expensive !!
But by Menoth I'll still buy it !!
PP you terrible terrible entity you !!

checked the rpg book for ya, found

"While settlers erected temples amid brambles and worked to carve homes from the red sandstone from which the Marches take their name, the howling Idrian tribes descended upon them time and again. The Menites had traded the oppression of the Cygnarans for the savagery of tribes in thrall to the Devourer Wurm. "

I'm surprised the menites tried to redeem devourer followers instead of burning them all.
Maybe they did it because they were human and not tharn

bit more for ya

The Missionaries
While they comprise less of a political faction than a theological movement, some in powerful positions within the Protectorate have dissenting opinions concerning the priorities of the Great Crusade. They believe the Protectorate has spent too much time putting enemies to the sword and not enough time encouraging conversion. Further, they are more accepting of variations in doctrinal purity, so long as the worship of Menoth comes first.
The most vocal and ardent advocates of this approach are the members of the Order of the Wall, although they are not alone—many other ordinary priests share this opinion. Some have
risked life and limb to travel abroad and spread the Sul-Menite faith, a dangerous activity when missionaries are invariably suspected of being foreign spies for a hostile government due to the warlike stance of the Protectorate of Menoth. These missionaries’ courage is undisputed, even if detractors consider them too soft on unbelievers. An unpredictable factor in the politics of the Protectorate, the Harbinger of Menoth lends strength and conviction to this movement even if she is not a member. She is emblematic of its central purpose, having made it a priority to seek conversion, although she focuses more on uniting the Menite faithful than persuading those of other faiths.

Hierarch Severius himself is sometimes presented as an Exemplar of this cause. Missionaries draw inspiration from tales of his past, when his travels into Khador resulted in thousands of northerners converting to the orthodoxy of the Sul-Menite Temple. Similarly, Severius willingly endures the proximity of Morrowans in Llael so long as they heed ancient Temple doctrine and attend obligatory Menite services.

why do you say "nerf"?
because it costs 2? because it has to be a "basic" attack? the range? something else?

Yeah if Gastonne keeps his bonus for taking a Vanguard then it isn't much of a downside.

If anything ALL juniors should get a discount on a WJ.

It's actually kind of a buff, thus the increased cost.

The basic attack aspect lets you make ranged attacks with it now.


Yerp behemoth is xboxhueg now.
Which is why he is gon cost upwards of 80dorrar, and all things being great when he gets shipped to yuropoor he'll cost 80yurodrorrars which is actually more than 80 yankee dorrar.

Not too upset though, the aussies get it worse. They might have to sell their car to get the new bahamoth.

some people have fetishes?

I would like to thank you for your wisdom, great scholar.

looks like it's back to riding roos to work aussiebros

there's more in there about how idrians fit into the society and stuff too, here's a link to the book

vk com/doc127837161_268819806?hash=1104e7b3b4a44b4136&dl=2ebd56fc13bbe12c60

>vk com/doc127837161_268819806?hash=1104e7b3b4a44b4136&dl=2ebd56fc13bbe12c60
thx bruh

Gotta admit them are some chunky looking card decks.
I bet they are going to cost a bomb too.
Like the new design, could have been even more ergonomic and used more space for useful stuff, but still it's better than mk2 cards.

Hungerford mentioned it somewhere, that is character restrictions leads to OP characters in every list, the PP has a plan...
In your honest and free speaking opinion what does this imply?

They cost 20 bucks apiece

>I bet they are going to cost a bomb too.

$17 I think?

>In your honest and free speaking opinion what does this imply?

I think update packs every 6 months or something