Because you'd be better off starting from scratch than labouring yourself with trying to fix that complete pile of arse masquerading as a system?
Bad gm
It doesn't make it a good game on it's own, no. It doesn't mean the game with fixes applied can't be BETTER than the competition.
Neither assertion is made.
If a game's bad, it's bad. If a game can be modified to be better, and someone has in fact modified it to be better, and in fact have got these rules put together in a nice PDF file for everyone to use -
That revised game is better and should be judged on its own merits. It may still have many of the same flaws as its own source material, but it may have had those flaws removed.
Most systems are like that. But then some people go and do system rewrites for D&D 3.5 to make it work with giant mechs, so clearly SOME people are willing to put that time into it.
I will never understand the people who try to adapt 3.PF to every fucking setting and genre imaginable, even if it's obviously utterly inappropriate.
And 4e is a way better basis for a giant mech game. It sounds weird, but I looked into it and it works bizarrely well.
>And 4e is a way better basis for a giant mech game. It sounds weird, but I looked into it and it works bizarrely well.
I know, right?
Rogue: high mobility and optical camoflage mech.
Cleric: Engineering mech, supercharging systems and replacing damaged plating.
The only thing I'd really want with 4e is the ability to swap weapons more freely. Maybe give them a few weapon slots.
But then, I like my Battletech mechs with many guns on them.
>the ability to swap weapons more freely
Mechanically or fluff-wise?
Because if it's the latter, you can easily re-fluff different At-Wills as different weapons. And I vaguely recall one 4e designer stating that it's generally no problem to give PCs more than just the 2 At-Wills.
I meant more mechanically.
Still, you make a good point with the at-wills.
My thoughts were mostly stuff like 'Blade in the arm, rocket pod on the shoulder'
Still not too much of a problem.
I imagine it makes sense fluff-wise to tie specific At-Wills to specific weapons.
Make changing weapons a Free Action, only use At-Wills with their associated weapon and maybe give everyone all weapon-specific expertise feats for free to make the difference in weapons feel more significant.
Also, I imagine the Weapons in this case to be modifications to the weapons that represent At-Wills in game.
So it wouldn't be a problem to change At-Wills and their associated weapons while performing maintenance on your Mech.
Thks would work if your definition of "good" wasn't completely personal bullshit, demonstrating your inability to understand the different wants of other people.