Not that user, but are you trying to tell us that you want a system that works against you, constantly undermining whatever you want to do with it by design?
Bad gm
Ha! I remember when I thought this simple truth needed to be pointed out to morons.
Welcome, newfag.
"good" here is defined as "fits well with your goals for the game (whatever they may be)"
Isn't the standard definition of good "thing I like for mostly emotional reasons?"
Every system is a framework that ultimately helps you by laying the groundwork for some portion.
Most people can appreciate it if the work's all done for them leading to minimal effort taken to finish the damn job.
Systems that need a lot of personalisation to get the most out of it are in generally more labour-intensive than systems that are ready to go off the bat, and therefore are considered to be worse off since you need to do more work.
No, my friend. Ones that people don't like because they imagine they need to do more work are considered to be worse off.
The work is -always- mostly all done for them. The problem is in their wants, in them.
There's a significant difference between making a few tweaks based on personal preference and having to overhaul a system just to make it function.
Not every framework is helpful, though, at least for the game you want to play.
I wouldn't break out Vampire to run a game of realistic medieval warfare.
A system can be bad, and if you think otherwise, you've either never seen one, or have and don't know any better.