/bgg/ board game general


Just got Freedom, Dead of Winter, Five Tribes, and Waehammer ACG for my birthday. Plus I'm planning on picking up the rest of my collection that includes games I haven't played or haven't played often, like Shougn and Fief and 1775 and Rex. Just resurrected my local college board gaming group too.

Gonna be a busy month.

>what games are you looking forward to
Last Friday, sorta, I'm waiting for the reviews basically.
Big Trouble in Little China Legendary, again, sorta. Do I really need a nother deckbuilder ? I'm already going to get rid of Marvel... That theme tho...
Honestly I'm not really hyped for anything right now. Pretty content with my games
>what player archetypes compose your regular group
Like many anons here life's at a shitty point. I have two groups I currently see SEMI regularly,
one is : Coop-Gal, surprisingly-sneaky-Gal and sore loser. Although the two girls are fine, Coop-Gal's boyfriend is a gigantic douche who gets mad for no fucking reason.
Other group is just a couple I game with occasionally, they mostly like coops but aren't against the occasional competitive game but they have the tendency to ally themselves to crush me. Lovers.
>how many games is too many
I'm currently just short of 200 games and considering culling a bunch. Mostly a space issue. I'd say as long as you feel like playing the games and you have shelf space, keep on truckin'.

What's the least stupid version of Munchkin?

Probably some unreleased set that was too good to unleash to normal consumers

The rumor is the Munchkin CCG is enjoyable to play and short enough, but then you run into the problem of it's a CCG.

Has anyone played the AvP game? If you put aside the kickstarter disaster and the horrible licensing issues etc. is the game any good? It looks fairly decent and seems like a lot of ideas are crammed into the rule book.

I own it but I'm yet to play it, the rulebook is kind of a mess.

Has anyone played Spector Ops? What were your likes/dislikes and is it worth getting?

>inb4 obligatory "lightning in a bottle or flat on its face, Fury of Dracula is probably better" STEEV answer.

I've lingered here too long...