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First for Ultramarines are cool

Reposting, I put this at the very end of the last thread.

What's more broken or overpowered? Corsairs or Craftworld Eldar? I started my Dark Eldar army, but I want to get some occasional games in as Corsairs, but the guy in our group who easily has over 5000 pts of CWE says Corsairs are worse.


By far best general picture on the 40kgeneral history

Didn't get a reply or rate, so repost I guess:

Tau Empire, 2 CADs + 1 Formation

HQ: Commander + Onager + Iridium + Puretide + Neuroweb Jammer + 2 weapons from (Airburst, cyclic, fusion, missile or plasma) + Drone Controller + Stims = 185
HQ: Shadowsun = 135
HQ: Cadre Fireblade = 60
HQ: Darkstrider = 100

Troops: 3x5 Fire Warrior Strike team + Shas'ui = 165
Troops: 1x9 Fire Warrior Strike team + Shas'ui = 91

Elites: 2x3 Stealthsuits + Shas'vre + Fusion Blaster + Shas'vre Marker/Target lock + 2x Advanced Targeting System (for Burst Cannons) + Positional Relay = 242
Elites: Ghostkeel + Either weapon + TL Fusion Blaster + Stims + Counterfire (if using Cyclic Ion Raker) = 180

Fast Attack: 1x5 Pathfinders + Shas'ui + Bonding Knife = 70
Fast Attack: 1x4 Pathfinders + Shas'ui + 3x Rail Rifles = 99
Fast Attack: Remora Drone Fighter (Taros Campaign 2nd Ed) = 90

Drone Network Formation: 6 Marker Drones = 84

Total = 1501


Fireblade attached to 9-man Strike team. Darkstrider attached to Rail Rifle Pathfinders. Shadowsun, Commander and Marker Drone attached together. Ghostkeel, Markerfinders and Strike teams with Fireblade deploy normally. Everyone else Outflanks, Infiltrates and/or Scouts as rules and opponent permits. Remora in reserve as per flyer rules.

Craftworld eldar by along shot. Corsairs range from higher mid to lower top tier


Do nids need a buff?

(Aside from Flyrant Lists)

Do you think they are worse than chaos/orks?

>mfw reading Space0din's Ork dex and finally seeing Rending on Big Choppas

So what do you guys think about the 100th captain rules?

>worse than chaos
>worse than orks
now thats a funny joke user

The fuck is your face from?
On an entirely different note does anyone write fluff for 1 sergeant of your army or for just a singular model and not for your entire army

Including FW, worse than CSM but better than Orks.

Codex only, final destination, they're better than Orks and about equivalent with CSM.

They definitely need a buff.

How many points?

What are some fun allies for Tau?

I don't really care how good they are.

Whats their main issue?

Whats the main problem with nids?


I play Storm Wardens so I work with their fluff, but I have some stuff written for the Sergeant that has killed a few Carnifexes.

The lack of a point cost or any other indication of how to field him worries me.

His special rule just being ANOTHER usage of the Tactical Doctrine disappoints me. Any Ultramarines player will already be swimming in the damn things. One of each for his Chapter Tactics, one of each from his Gladius, one or two Tacticals from his Demi's, and now one from Centos. That's 8-9 Doctrines. More doctrines than your game has room for.

It's a shame that Ultra's didn't get their own Detachment in Angels of Death.

A lot of their MC's have cost, durability, and/or efficacy issues. Their Psychic discipline is pretty lackluster. The lack of assault grenades kills their ability to effectively engage in CC, and their shooting is near universally poor.

They do have some strengths though. Flyrants are bonkers, Mawlocs are pretty good, Hormagaunts are extremely cheap for what they can do (if they had some way to get Assault Grenades they'd be amazing).

Nah its sad that Neither Blood ANGELS or Dark ANGELS got nothing from Angels of death

>It's a shame that Ultra's didn't get their own Detachment in Angels of Death.

The gladius IS their detachment, the thing is called GLADIUS for fucks sake and it helps their tactics. Whats the next thing UM will bitch about? Lack of characters?.

They arent bad, but the top shooting lists are just so much better. Exocrines are good, Flyrants are good, Venomthropes are made irrelevant through ignores cover and weight of dice.

Nids are fine if the best lists werent so over the top stupid. 2 Flyrants is really strong, but then you look at Eldar, Tau formations, SM formations and you can only shake your head.

I really hope 40k gets some balance soon. I want to enjoy playing pick up games again. And hardly anyone around here plays it anymore.

I don't know, but Exocrines seem to fuck my day up pretty well.

Why don't space marines arm and equip their serfs?

Are they not allowed to?

Would be neat

>it helps their tactics
It duplicates their tactics. The Gladius bonus, other than free shit, is the same as the Ultramarines Chapter Tactic. Between that and the Tactical Doctrines from the Demi, Ultramarine players are fucking swamped with the damn things.

How so? Is it the formations? Or what? Because apparently to him Corsairs takes the best options from Eldar and Dark Eldar and makes them cheaper.

>Why don't space marines arm and equip their serfs?
They do. Board a Space Marine vessel or attack their Monastery, and you bet your ass you're gonna have serfs shooting at you with lasweapons.

>Hormagaunts are extremely cheap for what they can do (if they had some way to get Assault Grenades they'd be amazing)

They should probably just count them as having it or the equivalent of it within x amount of feet of a Tervigon.

Could make it a Tervigon upgrade or biomorph.

So do you still take an initiative penalty for assaulting into difficult terrain if you have move through cover?

I might just be biased as a former 'Nids player, but I'd just go all the way and make it so that all Tyranids ignore difficult terrain for movement and assault purposes. Tyranids striking from tyrannoformed flora is a hallmark of Tyranid invasions.

you could just give hormagaunts back beasts as their unit type, it would make them perfect for what they're made for

so all nids have move through cover and assault grenades?

Any feedback on my list, please?

My meta is casual by choice, but we can agree to mid-tier or full-on cheesefest if we want to for a game.

So what if nids could up their armor save by 1?

How much would you cost to go from 6 to 5, 5 to 4, and 4 to 3?

well a majority of the MCs suddenly have 2+ armor, which only a few of them really need

No, I don't want to infringe on the sacred 2+. Its all terminators really got going for them.

General efficiency of the list aside... Why isn't this just a Hunter Contingent? You'd be gaining Coordinated Firepower (better shooting), Unbreakable Bonds (better overwatch) and Ambushes-and-Feints (faster troops).

You'd lose Darkstrider who's underutilised anyway in the team of four Pathfinders, even if they do have rail rifles. You'd lose Shadowsun which sucks for your Commander, but you're saving points for other toys. You're also losing the Remora but that's fine since AA shouldn't really be a problem anyway for blueberries.

Just make the following tweaks the the list:

Put Stealthsuits and Ghostkeel in the Optimised Stealth Cadre.
You had the components so it'd be a shame to not take one of the best formations in the game. With an Ion Raker and Velocity Traker on the Ghostkeel your anti-air and anti-tank just got a major boost.

Keep Strike Teams as they are.
Hunter Contingents make MSU (multiple small units) a priority to get that +1 BS, but one of your teams will need to be max or at least near max to better hide and make use of the Fireblade.

Take a Broadside
Since you need a "heavy" and are lacking in a bit of Str7, a Missileside is the best pick. Sniper Drones are a budget pick if you'd like.

Take a Riptide
Assuming your Ghostkeel will take the Ion Raker you won't have too much AP2. A Riptide will fix this. You may need to cut some serious fat to fit him in though (like taking those bonding knives off the Pathfinders). Otherwise, a suicide suit (twin flamers/twin fusions) could be a good budget pick.

Anyone have any thoughts on skitarii? Thinking of picking up a skitarii army for the lore, cool unit design, etc. I've heard they're pretty good but lack counters to a lot of things.
If anyone is running skitarii I'd be interested to hear your list.

So I need a little help because I'm kind of an idiot. The kind of idiot who plays armies due to a weird passion for them while bending over backwards to not just copy the meta (which becomes surprisingly effective).

As such I've been wondering if there is a way to make the Black Tide work. I was considering it to be best supported by Helbrecth but I'm up for ideas.

Check this out.
1d4chan.org/wiki/Codex_-_Tyranids:_Veeky Forums_edition

If I were to swap out my furioso's frag cannon for another arm, what should I put on it? fist with a melta?

It's not a Hunter Contigent because I don't have the units. I built this for various reasons and a strict stealth/sneaky/ambush theme. I also don't like using any vehicles and no crisis suits or anything bigger than the Ghostkeel. Only reason I got it is because I only plan to field one as my Army's centerpiece and I adore the model too much.

It's not meant to focus on winning at all costs, it's purely for theme and fun with sneaky shenanigans. The only things I'd consider adding would be sniper drones (best fit for theme) or more pathfinders/stealthsuits. I don't use the OSC because it's too strong, I don't really believe in formations, they gives the army the bad rep and too easy to abuse.

Thank you for the feedback though, I appreciate it, just wanted to answer your question and clarify.

then make it a biomorph like in 4e
actually nid biomorphs in 4e are really fucking good

Sorry, wanted to clarify. Again, I really appreciate the feedback but I've no plans to change my army's composition, I only want feedback on it's fun, power-level and efficiency as its presented.

How would Nids be if they were brought back to 4E levels, and some new stuff here and there.

Corsairs are better dark eldar. But, craft world eldar are better eldar. Formations, point values, more viable units, etc... nothing will top Eldar in pure cheesery.

I still use models from Assault on Black Reach. Should I replace them with normal models?

What you are describing is basically what is.

4e nids with the additions from 6/7e, minor buffs in the form of either points cost or making things actually worth their points, and some other new shit would be far better off than they currently are now

Thanks for the response.

Well, if you're going for that theme then there's not too much I can suggest apart from very minor equipment tweaks and unit sizes.

As I said, Bonding Knives are near-useless on a 5-man team. Shas'ui are also not very points efficient on smaller teams but the leadership sometimes comes in handy so this is more of a personal opinion.

Never found Positional Relays very useful and I can't imagine that they would be if the Stealthsuits are starting in reserve anyway.

Ideally you want that max 12 Strike Team squad for the Fireblade but it's fine. Even without these tiny changes the list seems functional.

What if melee 'Nidzilla lists were viable? How would you buff them to make them viable?

Here you go nid players, Have a distraction for the next OP image.



Sorry, I didn't want to seem as if I'm being ungrateful for your advice and feedback! You did make me think about weapon loadouts, the Commander is very fluid in what I'll give him as out of the 5 choices I picked, all cost 15 points each and I'd never twin-link the ones that can as he's BS5 so it would be redundant. I'm thinking in general, dual missile pods or cyclic ion blasters would be a good all-rounder loadout for him. Dual fusion is facing vehicle heavy, dual plasma if elite infantry like Grey Knights, dual Airbursts for hordes.
I agree with you, that's why I removed it from most but I hit the closest to 1500 and I decided to leave it in cause I had nothing else to get really. ICs give the effect anyway so its either give it to a Strike MSU or the Markerfinders. I'd prefer that last guy run off, losing a single shot instead of losing my last potential markerlight, for all the good it would do me.
This is purely cause there is legit nothing I could take for the Steasth Shas'vre so figuring I'd outflank 2/3rds of the army and it's cheap.. I don't lose anything.
>Full Strike team
I'd love to, but I simply don't have enough to satisfy this stupid 2 troops demand! Maybe eventually I'll find 3 dudes worth of bits from somewhere and fill it right up!

Thank you. It just seems really fun to play is all. No two games the same, always have something up my sleeve, very thematic and fluffy to both the faction and my Sept etc. I'm not playing against cheesemongers anyway so I don't really need something minmaxed.

4e nids are a clusterfuck though

Also I might scratchbuild some turrets and replace the MSU strike team Shas'ui with Missile pod turrets instead for a wee bit extra punch. Same points so I keep my coherency, though it kindasorta goes against my fluff. Might be able to write something up about them acting as bait for the grand ambush.


Almost half the army is unaffected and other half becomes a bit more tougher, overall a shitty attempt at fixing an army since armor saves aren't the problem nids suffer

Hey /40k/ I'm new-ish and I have a question about how Plasma Cannons work with SM

>I fired it at a squad of skitarii and I was told that it hits with a small blast template, but when I killed a few they removed the units closest to the cannon, not under the template.

so I know something is fucked here, but what?

Maybe not, but they are probably the reason no one takes warriors or pyrovores.

Its those close to the center then outward on the template... I think.

nobody takes pyrovores because they're fucking awful all around

>but they are probably the reason no one takes warriors or pyrovores.
People avoid Warriors because S8 just removes whole units and Pyrovores because it basically is a slow as fuck heavy flamer that begs to be blown by S8. A better armor saves would do nothing to fix them

Guess this got missed earlier. Been looking at switching from Sisters to Templars. Is the Black Tide option still doable or should I look at a different build like Sky hammer?

Okay, cause I was thinking why the fuck use the template if they aren't going to affect those under it.

I have nobody to play with.
How do I find people to play with? I'd feel like a retard if I just walked into my gaming store and just starting asking random people if they wanted a game

Barrage weapons hit from the centre, plasma cannons are not barrage so they do take models closest to the firing model.

Got it. Increase T to 5 then.

So you *do* use the template but you take out units closest to the model? The template just dictates how many hits?

>Call your store
>Ask when the best day and time is best to get a game at
>Ask if there are any groups

Some stores have FB pages for you to fire out requests for an opponent.

Imp knights, necrons, ad mech, and Eldar are the fluffy ones. I particularly like the Necron one with a C'tan shard: teaching the whippersnappers about the glories of religion.

Okay, addendum.

>Blast weapons
Models closest to shooter
>barrage blast
Models closest to center of template

besides warriors and pyrovores, what are some other problem units for the tyranids?

Genestealers, Footslogging Tyrants, Carnifexes and Lictors.

If someone were to bring the nerfhammer down hard on the eldar, would you want them to get some minor things in return?

just changing that though would go a long way too helping nids. Lack of grenades isn't a problem if you don't need them.

I get that genestealers are overpriced, but whats wrong with slogging tyrants, fexes and lictors?


rippers too sadly

They're slow, have poor shooting and aren't tough enough to reach combat reliably.

ideally you'd only nerf them enough ro bring them down too a level playing field and not need to gain anything.

Sure. The Avatar needs a new model and better rules. Other than that, fuck 'em to the ground.

>a 2-shot rending gun
>JSJ, except the play can choose to jump before or after they shoot
Eldar players deserve to get the nerf-bat harder than any race has gotten it before. Yes, even more than 3.5 CSM.

Yeah, but wouldn't it be kind of fucked to print a new codex and receive... absolutely nothing?

Correct unles like I said earlier and it has the barrage special rule

Eldar get CSM'd, they also get plastics for all their infantry.

Can Anyone Second this? anybody else think rippers are "meh"?

would giving them deep strike and allowing them to assault after deep striking help?


it's a a deliberate move by the devs to prevent people sniping characters and special weapons with blast weapons.

they already can deep strike, but you're right
all they're good for is popping up on objectives in squads of 9

Swarms being immune to instant death would be a good start.

Okay, I'm going to float one last idea:

How would you feel about giving all Tyranid MC's Regeneration/It Will Not Die?

Iron Hands get it on all their vehicles for free

sorry, i mean free deep strike. as is you have to pay for it.

Some units in the game should have eternal warrior through common sense.
>HWT gets hit by an Autocannon shell
>Both gunner and loader die to a single shot
>inb4 double kill with 1 shot, why would it never only kill one guy?

Honestly, the fucking storage box wins this one: armored crate gets stabbed by a force sword, dies instantly. This is the future you chose.

tyranid MCs can already pay for regen, making it free would be nice

there's no need too. people still ruutinely play with 20 year old minis.

give them assault grenades.
make trygons and haruspex move as beasts.
give scything takons rerolls too hit back and drop points costs about 15%

heavy weapon teams can easily just be the gun their manning gets damaged by the attack even if it only kills one or even none of the guardsmen.

>Oh no, we're getting too much of this awesome bonus, whatever will we do now?!

Hey, not sure if this is the right play to ask, but does anyone know how to make maps like pic related?