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Player Did Everything Wrong Edition

Have you ever failed your party, /pfg/?

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What class is Elsbeth anyway?

Wizard/Warder, I think?


What are some comfy quality of life Wizard/Sorcerer spell? I can cast up to 3th level spell.

Unseen Servant
Polypurpose Penecea
Web Shelther
Tiny Hut

Tailful Polymorph

I think she's pure Wizard with Martial Training.

There's a Warder in the party.

How does she use a Scythe?

Playing a Kitsune Sphere Bard specializing in fire-based magic and probably cheering people up.

Any ideas for archetypes or do I just stick with vanilla bard?

Can you deliver a maneuver through, say, a lasso?

It's a staff

Magician. Grab some fire spells from the Sorc/Wiz spell list and have fun

Half-elf alternate racial feature, I think? Lets them trade Skill Focus for a Proficiency.

Sphere bard replaces spells, I'm afraid. Besides, I don't like vancian after trying out SoP

Can I TWF using armor spikes with one arm and then armor spikes again with my other arm?

I joined a new campaign yesterday night and made an extremely optimized character.

We TPKed in the first encounter of the game after I spent no less than five rounds rolling around being grappled by a small-sized dog.

I hate every GM.

Armor spikes only deal damage in a grapple, so probably not.

Unless you can somehow get double armor spikes or two sets of spikes on the same armor I can't see how that would work

I'm retarded.

Ask your GM, but probably not.

>Have you ever failed your party, /pfg/?

No. You can't prove it either. There isn't a body left intact to find.

Armour spikes are like unarmed strikes, you can make them with any part of your body/armour, so I believe so. There's better TWF weapons though, so I can't recommend it.

Logically, yes, you could make two blows with different limbs.

Mechanically, no, armour spikes are one weapon. If you want to TWF with them, you'd have to buy a second set and enchant them separately.

I spent three rounds accidentally healing the BBEG before I realized that the heavily-armored dude with the sycthe is actually undead underneath.

Granted, only the Barbarian died and he always wanted to roll a PoW Warder for next week.

No, and you can't get two weapon defense just for having armour spikes either.

Still Neutral or Chaotic Evil.

I tried to set up an an awesome thing on a dragon in a previous campaign.

>Level 15 Monk
>Sneak into a Huge Dragon's horde as it sleeps.
>Climb a flight of stairs to get a height advantage
>"I activate my quick-runner's shirt to get a speed bonus, and do a lon-"
>"That's not how that works."
>"Get an extra move action, fuck off, and long jump off the ledge, and when I'm in range, flurry of blows the bitch."
>"Hmm, nice idea. You need to roll an acrobatics, got to beat...ten, got to beat forty."
>Acrobatics was at twenty-seven.
>Die bounces as group leans in.
>DM takes a swig of his drink, not looking.
>DM's dog wakes up, bangs head under table.
>Die shifts
>DM looks.
>"You fall twenty feet short, and you wake up the dragon. Make a Reflex, flat footed, to avoid the fire breath."

>dog's head high enough to reach table
>dog's big enough to shift a stationary die that is on the table

Sounds like your GM needs to upgrade to a smaller dog. Or a taller table.

Is there any way to play a Paladin without being LAWFUL good? I just want to smite evil and protect the innocent. Who cares if the rogue breaks into the big bad's house or steals a GP or two from the douchebag shopkeep?

/PFG please help. I am having character creation block. I have to create a 1PP only private eye guy in sci-fi pathfinder. I really don't know what to go with as I am so used to having 3PP available. We are using the class that gets gunsmithing replaces it with firearm training rule and all tech items cost 10% of what they normally do. I want to be able to wield a gun and be a detective, but past that I am having trouble figuring out what else I want to be able to do... Ideas?


Look into the Sleepless Detective PrC. It's good.



Generally with two hands.

Needs holding with both hands.

It's fairly long after all.

Who is this cutie?

looks like anthro-fennec fox pokemon starter from whatever gen that was

What if I told you, it's possible to play LG without being a pretentious douchebag?

Or to start as kinda a douchebag and then calm the hell down.

I lost my Arcanist due to a combo of a poor spell loadout and questionable tactics. I am now playing a monk as a self-imposed penance.

No idea. Reverse google image search yielded nothing. I got this picture off /pfg/ a couple weeks ago, when everyone was still hyped about a Kitsune with Companion to the Lonely.

You emphasized lawful as if it was separate from the goals of good. It is not just the means to godness, but the nature of goodness.

If someone is doing something evil, you're allowed to resist. You're allowed to rebel and fight back. Lawful good is SUPPOSED to shut down tyrannies.

You're supposed to look at a monopoly and say 'hell no'. You're supposed to see a sweatshop and if the government refuses to protect them, you should.

Many lawful good people would see if they could make things work within the system as it exists, but that doesn't mean you're hobbled by it.

You have a code, and that code is the ultimate ends of goodness for you. Petty theft without a goal is enh, even if it happens to jerks, but if it goes towards the right purposes, then many would be all for it.

It's a cropped photo of a male and female anthropomorphic Fennekin/w/e the evolution they are is.

I'll give it a looksie.

Only searching for less than a minute, damn that was some cancer.

Found it, though.

Good evening Gareth, and good evening /pfg/.

I've been working on my homebrew Path of War discipline again.
Please tell me what you think of it.

>Player Did Everything Wrong Edition

On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is starting the setting equivalent of WW1?

Found it as well, but I can't find the source outside of pintrest

My friend, I ain't got time at the moment. I am sorry, but...them's the shakes for awhile.

No, but I do know a player who failed pretty much every five sessions or so.

You're still writing the Mourners book, right? I liked the short stories.

I'm not quite a detective yet, but...

6ish? It's not ideal, unless you're an arms dealer playing both sides for hilarious profit. But hey, could have been worse.

Okay, another time then. Sorry for bothering.

How's the boyo?

Another excellent option, if you the rest of the table is cool with it.

What are the best feats for an aether avant guard kineticist? I have at least two slots open.

Also is taking brutal mutation or intelligent mutation a good idea? If it matters the favored class bonus is reducing burn damage by one every two levels and the race is healing as if I rested for a night every hour.

Man I just want to play a fear-based martial, why does it have to come attached to the one class that forces you into unplayably retarded fluff? I'm pretty sure Adolf Hitler would have been like "dude what is your PROBLEM you're more of an enemy than the enemy" if there was an antipaladin in his party. And then it comes with Smite Good instead of the ability to usefully damage anyone ever - even an evil campaign will, more likely than not, be about fighting other evils. Why can't I just play a Paladin who gets to choose his own fucking alignment for once, and then each alignment feature? Every combination could be EASILY fluff-justified in one devoted character or another, that is EXACTLY the shit that you are supposed to leave up to the PLAYER instead of fucking roleplaying FOR THEM.

So start as a Paladin, then lose all your features at some point when you gradually play it less and less like a Paladin?

>Who cares if the rogue breaks into the big bad's house
Any good person has every right to be concerned if the house has innocents in it (wife, kids, servants, local guards that may respond to the break-in...) and the rogue only did it to steal panties or something. If they actually need to break in to stop demons from murderraping a city or whatever and getting in legally on time isn't viable, a paladin would kick the door down himself. He might consider paying for a new door and apologizing later, but still.

>or steals a GP or two from the douchebag shopkeep?
Did the shopkeep actually do anything bad besides not acting sufficiently nice to the kleptomaniac? If not, he's one of the innocents a paladin is supposed to be protecting.

I mean, you can play a Tyrant Fearmonger Antipaladin for it to be Lawful Evil instead. You can even become a Hellknight for the 'demoralize to frighten' easily.

If you're cool with some psionics casting, Dreads are the most focused fear based class.

Play a dread.

I do agree that paladins should be able to be more than LG, maybe nothing that's morally neutral though.

Why does the left girl have that symbol beside her? Is she looking for males? Is she aware that all kitsune are female?

I really like the 10th level ability, but I also really dislike the entire rest of the class as it seems like an extract-less investigator.

What is the biggest bullshit your GM ever pulled? I'm talking 14 Words, Shrek's-Gonna-Have-Kids King Crimson Time Erasure bullshit. What is the biggest load of nonsensical horsecrap you've dealt with?

I read that in goodraposter's voice. Which I've never heard but I imagine sounds both desperate and nasal.

The writing is done. The book is now in Layout Hell. You can see the cover art here:

We're also doing an anthology of the other short stories!

Havin' fun.

No. Start as an asshole, then become less and less of an asshole as you start to realize that being a Paladin isn't about Smite and Cleave.

Had a GM who would try to railroad us down a 100% prewriten (including what we were supposed to say) plot where if we differed too much or seemed to stall she'd start counting and pretty much threatening to drop rocks on the party. We met twice, maybe three times, before we called it.

Four 4th-level barbarian goblins with battleaxes and a pair of 2nd or 3rd level goblin rangers with longbows versus our party of six 1st-level characters.

When asked why, after we ran from an entirely unwinnable fight, he would do that, he said, "It seemed like a balanced fight when I planned it."

I've since taken to going over his numbers prior to sessions because A) he's new to being the GM, and B) he needs to learn how to ride this horse before he takes it for a run.

I've never really seen crazy amounts of bullshit out of a DM except when they fucked up the CR of something. Which is itself sort of baffling because CR is not fucking rocket science.

Some don't understand the hidden math behind CR, for example how certain things that aren't listed affect it and that two encounters with the same CR but one with multiple monsters and the other only one are actually very different fights.

No, start as Lawful and Good, and slowly forge them into Lawful Good.

My DM's pretty great, he's quick on his feet and rolls with the punches. He also likes to try new things and experiment with new mechanics. The problem is that he seems to get bored easily so he does this all the god damn time. Our last attempt at a 4E campaign started off with the inclusion of a sanity point system. But this was no mere attempt at injecting horror and the loss of your mind, no, this had possible benefits! You could "suffer sanity damage" to do things such as metagame or alter the effects of dice rolls. That Guy very quickly began abusing that second aspect and wasted almost no time at all transforming into a fire elemental. As the campaign went on more bullshit was included, such as super special "Level Powers" and the fairly broken seeming "Campaign Power."

Our villains were all a load of bull, too. The Big Four's power sets were Illusions (including pushing us into alternate worlds, which itself included a Super Powers in High School setting), Mind Manipulation which began with NPCs and willing dolts of PCs being controlled and culminated in a trip through each character's mindscape, Time Fuckery which ended up with armies of time clones, and a cowboy Halfling with Reality Warping powers. He was an alright guy. The BBEG had the best power of all: he could rework the mechanics of the game to suit his needs. His end goal was to kill us; the players. You see, as the sanity damage wore on we began interacting more and more with mysterious "voices" from beyond the veil which I guess turned out to be us, hence the ability to metagame. So this villain in the game we were playing wanted to kill we who were playing.

The whole thing collapsed when two players said they couldn't make the game anymore and my DM had a mini breakdown. I really need to run something for him before it happens again.

What did she do that was so wrong? Rewrite reality so that her friend wouldn't have to labor outside of reality rescuing souls forever? And before that she made preparations to put herself into literally an eternity of torture to spare her friend from being enslaved by aliens. Sounds like a hero to me.
Homura did nothing wrong.

>tfw fighting against ECL 16+ bullshit in 3.5 more than a few times because no DMs other than me in my entire goddamn city actually know how Level Adjustment and RHD work, and sometimes don't even know one of them, but always think they do anyway

she went KABUTOMUSHI on everyone's ass; she unnecessarily rewrote reality against the wishes of her crush just so she could wallow in her own self pity while basically imprisoning her.

We were running Half-Dead City and ran into the adherer near the start of module 2. It grappled our samurai, who reversed the grapple and eventually coup-de-grace'd it. Our DM tried to give us "evil alignment points" on the grounds that we'd killed a helpless creature.

That night ended with a TPK by a homebrew creature of his that had to be at least CR 5 or 6, and we bailed.

She devoted her entire life, through near endless do-overs, to trying to help out and be with a girl she clearly didn't actually know that well. It's the most pathetic kind of hero worship that bleeds into causing actual suffering to the people Madoka was trying to help when she made her ultimate wish.

Basically, she's almost as big a loser as Sayaka.

>imprisoning her.
Madoka would regain divinity eventually, so in the long term, the only permanent change was that now Kyubey took over her shitty job.

>Madoka would regain divinity eventually

I must have missed that part from the end of Rebellion.

Different user, but you know that the Madoka series is still a living project, right?

I guess you did, because it's explicitly stated

Grey Paladin

Too bad it isn't a good non-good paladin.

Nightguard Paladin, any Lawful. Although the archetype is more about smiting monsters than protecting the innocent. There's some homebrew on a CG Paladin of Freedom, but nothing else I recall.

My players seem to be completely offended when enemies choose to run rather than fight to the death. The vast majority of humanoids I field against them will either attempt to flee or surrender rather than die, and for some reason this irks them.

Basically I am trying to realistically look at whether the individual would be willing to die for what ever cause they have in that situation, most aren't.

As well unless an animal is cornered most will try and escape rather than die.

Is it me or is it my players?

Choke to death on your own balls please.

Core needs a fucking rewrite already, everything is starting to feel like a mountain of grody bandaids that don't work right or wind up costing you the whole other leg.


I just reach level 10 for the first time...

You guys really weren't kidding about caster having the power to change the course of the story. And I'm not even a fullcaster... just a guy with Craft Wondrous Item.

Tell them you get XP and loots whether they live of die. Your player are probably on videogame "must kill everything for extra xp and drop" mentality.

This guy has the right idea. You would really want to look at Nightguard Paladin from Lords of the Night.

First few lines from it:
Nightguards are paladins of a sort; instead of dedicating themselves to righteousness, nightguards dedicate their lives to hunting down and destroying those monsters and forces that threaten civilization. The distinction seems subtle, but is all-important. Nightguards kill monsters, and leave defending the weak to others. Thus while nightguards are sometimes considered paladins, they do not use that title for themselves, and usually encourage others not to as well.

Alignment: Any lawful (see code of conduct, below). Aura of Law (Ex): A nightguard’s aura of law (see the detect law spell) is equal to her class level. This replaces aura of good.

Gravekeeper’s Blade (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, weapons and natural attacks wielded by the nightguard gain the ghost touch property in addition to any other properties, even if they are not otherwise magical.

This replaces lay on hands.

They proceed to get their choice of monster killing fuckery in place of Mercies.

Oh, and their code
Code of Conduct: A nightguard must be of lawful alignment and loses access to all class features if she ceases being lawful until such a time as she becomes lawful again. Additionally, the nightguard’s code requires her to destroy those that threaten or harm the innocent unless those beings can prove that they are no longer a threat to the innocent (she may still choose to destroy such beings), destroy or safely contain artifacts harmful to the innocent, and to actively ensure the safety of lawful societies.

DM here.
I allowed my player's Paladin and AntiPaladin to be ANY alignment so long as they obey a core tenet which is a lot easier to enforce than a broad scope like morality.

>tfw no Fighter Unchained, Paladin Unchained and Ranger Unchained book, with special noncore guests Gunslinger Unchained and Swashbuckler Unchained

The problem witha core rewrite is that it requires the majority of the playerbase to grab a new book. That's the only issue I see that and the fact that paizo is creating it.

If enemies escape they don't get what the enemies are carrying, that would be silly. They still get loot and I stick to approximate appropriate wealth for difficulty, so that's fine.

Even worse they freaked out when an enemy group was willing to blow themselves up for revolution, they said that wasn't realistic. I told them suicide bombers are actual things, hell it was two days after the paris attacks.

>Fighter Unchained
>Paladin Unchained
>Ranger Unchained

Yes, if your GM doesn't handle it properly magic item crafting makes WBL meaningless. Items are a large part of a character's strength.

That's dumb, you're dumb.

Sorry to say but your players are idiots.

I already did a fighter and paladin unchained. Honestly paladins do not need much of a bump at all, they're already in a very good place for power. I'll be honest literally the only change I gave them was they get two domains like a cleric

Fighters need more of one and I reconciled it pretty well I think Hell I could put the changes from notes into a google doc is people cared.

Gunslinger I have been doing a draft for but nothing serious.

>That's dumb
Not really. A paladin could represent a cause rather than an ideal.

Things like a crusade to purge orc lands, a mission to smite the undead, etc.

So I've been playing a zealot and I have an issue with it. Everything seems to work far too well as a destruction zealot.

The party bard in my party is behind me on buffing and general utility, which is the bard's whole thing. However even with this I'm still really good in combat and able to mitigate damage better than the cleric (though the cleric has more spell versatility). My defenses are great due to maneuvers and with stances I am generally nice and versatile out of combat. In combat I have a ton of options.

Really I am unsure what I am missing. I out fight the fighter, out buff the bard, and out heal the cleric all at once.